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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Really looks fantastic....Saw a review posted that gave it high grades. It isn't much of a review but it's all I've seen so far:




    The album begins with the beautiful keys, rhythmic bass and melodic guitars of "We Belong"!
    After a while, the crystal-clear vocals arrive, and that is when the headbanging begins! What an amazing hair
    metal rhythm, with amazing lyrics followed by fantastic vocals! Coming right up after that is "Ghost Of My Old Friends",
    which has the same "ingredients" as the previous track, but it's more melodic and powerful!
    These two tracks have provided an excellent start to the album!
    Okay, we're talking about yet another excellent Hair Metal piece of work from the music scene
    of UK! All these tracks are high-level quality compositions and the performances are excellent! Rob Wylde
    is a great vocalist with a crystal-clear voice, which is great for melodic hard rock! (And hard to come across...)
    The rest of the band's line-up, such as Pete Newdeck , Miles Meakin, Miles Meakin, Shawn Charvette
    and Josh 'Tabbie' Williams, are excellent artists. These guys have 'bonded' together perfectly,
    and together they have given us an amazing, high quality Hair metal album!
    There's nothing else you could ask for in a band!
    If you like Hair metal music, then go get the album,
    It will be released on the 20th of October 2017 by AOR Heaven!
    In summary, these guys have given us an amazing album, which is also their debut,
    making it all the more important. Excellent, well-written compositions and fantastically
    performed tracks.
    As for the score, I can't give it anything less than excellent, as such, I rate it 10/10!




    As for ''shit kicking '' not sure if I would call it that but Point of no Return and Emergency are definitely GREAT songs that instantly clicked and still rock when listening to them today over 3 years later

    Yep for sure - definitely want those to stay on the live setlist.

    Yes, 2 great songs right there. Emergency being my favorite from TDTW.
    Exactly! No songs of this caliber on the new record

    Matter of opinion.


    Personally I prefer Eye of The Storm to both. Stunning ballad. And Bastards and Blind are excellent too....of the songs I've heard.


    Granted Point of No Return is a fabulous song but let's be honest that was head and shoulders the best track on TDTW and probably better than anything on ATN too so a bit unfair to compare that song.


    What about the lesser songs on TDTW - imo only about half that album was great, the other half was pretty good but not the shit kicking awesome everyone seems to be referring to??


    Just saying.....



    Agree with you....songs like We Will Never Die, All The Nights, Laughing at Tomorrow aren't very spectacular to me....Even though I still like the songs for what they are. As I said earlier, I think they've been pretty varied on their past couple albums and this new one just continues the variety.


    Agree on Eye Of The Storm too,,,,fantastic song.


    I do think these first 3 song choices are fairly odd choices. Yeah, they're all probably the most "commercial" songs on the album so I get it from that respect. But I was really expecting a rock song next like Bastard or Blind.


    Absolutely loving this album. I do think it tails off slightly in the last few songs after the barn burner Blind Leads The Blind but the last 3 are still catchy tunes.


    Here's audio of Eye Of The Storm that might actually stay up now that it's officially released....


  3. Wow. I thought he and the band were amazing live on TDTW tour


    Agree. I saw them and thought it was one of the best live shows I've seen. I'd love to see these guys on a big stage with Def Leppard like video screens and production.


    We've been over this issue many times of Kenny vs Erik....both excellent singers and always people the like Kenny better, or Erik better, or both of them....Or neither of them.


    I much prefer Erik and for me it isn't even close. I really don't even know if Kenny's voice would work for some of the songs they've done on the past couple albums. I mean, IMO Kenny's voice wasn't built for songs like Inferno, Bastard of Society, Blind Leads The Blind, etc. Mostly, I found Kenny pretty bland and really can't even listen to the first two albums anymore...not to mention Erik's stage presence blow's Kenny away IMO.


    All a matter of taste though. Kenny could definitely sing, as can Erik. They just bring different styles to the table.

  4. Back to the album...... I couldn't resist and checked it out, got mixed feelings about it for sure. Aside from ''Time On Our Side'' there's a few other tracks with a ''weird'' vibe to them (or at least certain parts of the songs) like ''Do You Want It'' for example. Also the lack of solos or longer solos doesn't leave a lot of redeeming qualities for me..... was especially curious about the album-closing title track and while it starts off with a nice groove, the whole song (after 1 listen, mind you) falls flat.


    Unlike most people I'm not too crazy about Eye and Blind...so at the moment my favorite song by far is Redefined. This might be the first initial ''shock'' cause a lot of it is unexpected and might grow over time but for now I'm a little underwhelmed. But Redefined proves that this new ''style'' can work, maybe they just haven't perfected the formula yet


    After multiple listens now, I'm not even sure there really is all that much of a new "style". Yeah, Time On Our Side is a bit different and that threw everyone for a loop as the first single....But I just view that song as sort of an up tempo ballad. I agree about Do You Want It.....Didn't need that whole falsetto thing or whatever it is but the song is still pretty catchy. Really though, they're just using production like they did on songs like Mannequin Show, Enemy In Me, Downtown, etc. They've just taken the production up a notch on many of these songs which is kinda the same thing they did on TDTW compared with ATN....TDTW was bolder, more commercial, bigger production.....They've just done those same things again IMO.


    I view Time On Our Side, We Rule and Do You Want It as sort of the experiment songs that made me scratch my head at first....but they're growing on me for their variety in the context of the album.


    I'm probably bias....I've really loved the past couple albums and the direction they've went with the "Gronwall version" of H.e.a.t so maybe not the most impartial judge lol. I think Erik shines on this album though and after a few listens it's really feeling more massive to me.


    I really do think they made a poor choice with the first single being Time On Our Side. With that song and the album title, I think it's really gotten people thinking they're going some whole, new direction. After hearing the whole album though, I really don't think it's all that different of a direction...It's still a melodic rock album that doesn't feel all that different than what they've done on the past couple albums with just some new wrinkles tossed in.


    I expect many different opinions though as there is a lot going on in some of these songs.

  5. Have heard this whole album through a friend...Won't say too much about it but have to say a little....


    I like it plenty and definitely a lot going on in these songs which some may like and others may find cheesy or over-produced. Personally, I'm finding it all pretty interesting to listen to due to all the variety and it's catchy as heck.


    I think at the end of the day there will be opinions all over the board on this because it's a bit different. That said, it really reminds me a lot of Def Leppard back in the 80's and what they did with Hysteria in terms of trying to make a more commercialized album and experimenting with production. I clearly remember many fans calling them pop sellouts or whatever and I can see people saying that about this album. I think H.e.a.t's catalog has always been pretty varied though especially over the past couple albums.


    There isn't as much up tempo rock here as TDTW had, but it's still a good ride and is more varied. I do think this is basically a combination of the past couple albums with some unexpected twists that gives it a fresh feel.


    If I had one complaint, I think I would've liked at least one more outright rocker a the end of the album either before or after the title track. However, the Japan version might fix that as FYI Miley sounds like it might be a burner :)


    Overall, pretty awesome though and will unsurprisingly rank high on my 2017 list :guitar:

  6. I only share this review because it's the first one I've seen that talks about the Japan bonus track FYI Miley....


    Review says:


    The Japanese edition has a great bonus track, “FYI Miley”. A smoking rocker of a song, it is by far the best song on the album and a good reason for everybody to track down the Japanese edition.




    Damn it....Now I'll probably have to get the Japan version. Outside of the obvious with bands always putting good tracks as bonus tracks....one little thing that always annoys me with Japan CD's as that they're never encoded in English so the track titles never show up on my radio screens. Just a little OCD thing that most could probably care less about but I'll usually re-burn these things myself.

  7. Just wanted to check back on this thread with more detailed thoughts after having been through this album probably 10 times now. It's a shame the album hasn't seemed to have gotten more press and reviews....If I google search for reviews I find like one or two...Anyways....


    1. Sugar - Like this better than The Scam on the last album...Good opener that's grown on me with more listens (9.0)


    2. Shakedown - Fantastic song...Really like how it starts slow with keys and continually builds. Probably my favorite song this year (10)


    3. Save Me - Had been released already; another great tune (9.5)


    4. Tomorrow - Sort of a mid-tempo ballad, little different for these guys....pretty commercial song that works well (9 - 9.5)


    5. Animal - Melodic rocker that has quickly grown on me....like it a lot (9.5)


    6. If Love Is A Game - Piano ballad; appreciate the effort but doesn't do much for me. Great vocal but needed guitar/drums in the middle IMO (7.5)


    7. Evil Eye - Solid melodic rocker; typical Degreed IMO that gets the album back on track (9)


    8. War! - One of the heavier songs on the album....Rocks pretty good but not really grabbing me like some of the other songs (8.0-8.5)


    9. Lay Me Down - Ballad type song that starts slow again with keys but this time picks up nicely. Great song that is highlight of 2nd half IMO (10)


    10. Nature of The Beast - Another heavy rocker but so far this one isn't doing much for me and has been forgettable (7.5)


    11. Silence - Pretty good ending song....Sort of a commercial, key-filled mid paced rocker...Lots of Degreed elements going on (8.0-8.5)


    That comes to right around a 89 for me using this method. Basically for me, the first half of the album is pretty strong, the ballad is a bit of a snoozer and then the second half is a little bit up and down.


    The album might not be quite as heavy overall as the last album but I do think this album is a bit more varied than the last one which I like. I also like the length of this one better as the last album was just a couple songs too long and it lost my attention by the end.


    Good stuff though. I feel like I had high expectations for this release and am pretty happy with it. Again, think it's too bad that these guys seem to fly so far under the radar. I saw a recent thread over on MR.com when the album launched and there are like 4 replies on it. I know it's not officially out in the USA until September 1st but don't think the US following is that huge anyways. These guys deserve better.

  8. Just listened to it once through so can't say too much yet....Pretty good.


    Starts out strong for me with the first 5 tracks....4 of which we've heard already. The only "new" song is Tomorrow which is sort of a mid tempo ballad....pretty solid song. The album dips a bit with the piano ballad as that song kinda drags a little. I wish they would've added in some guitars and drums at some point in the song to give it a little more life.


    Evil Eye picks it back up pretty well and War seems to rock. I like Lay Me Down a lot...starts slow and builds sorta like Shakedown does....great tune.


    Nature of The Beast is another heavy song and Silence is decent enough to close the album.


    Album maybe feels a tiny bit short as I think it's around 39-40 minutes....But probably a better length than their last album which was a bit too long.


    Again, tough to say too much after one listen but have a feeling I'm going to like this a lot. I'm not sure yet if I'll like it more or less than the last one...Need more listens. These guys are just consistently good though.

  9. Well, sounds good to me. What on earth's wrong with that?? Really cool momentum building vibe leading into an awesome, catchy chorus. Love the solo too, and the guitarwork in general in the latter part of the song.


    I agree...It's a cool build up and the song takes off in the middle. This probably should've been the first single.


    Again, seeing many people on social media lashing out and questioning what has happened to the "rocking" H.e.a.t they loved. Honestly though...Looking back at H.e.a.t's previous 4 albums, there has always been a lot of variety....Everything from light, keyboard AOR songs to ballads to melodic rockers. They've never really been like Eclipse, for example, with most of their songs being "balls to the wall" up tempo rock.


    I'm still really looking forward to this and think it will be an "interesting" album to listen to. I do really like the rocking side of H.e.a.t but also appreciate variety.

  10. Do like this one better quite a bit better than the first....Think it's more in line with classic H.e.a.t while still being new and experimental a bit. That said, I've heard 6 songs on the album and the two they've picked as singles might be my #5 and #6 favorite songs. I'm not sure this song will do much to calm the fans that were up in arms over the first single....


  11. Didn't see that was released...have heard it in the podcast though. I don't mind that one much...picks up decently in the middle. I sorta get a "Downtown" vibe from that one for some reason. I like it better than Time On Our Side...


    They need to release Bastard of Society or Blind Leads The Blind.


    So "Redefined" was released today. That one really sucks too, what's going on?

    I know we all pretty much agreed it was the weakest song leaked in the Spanish podcast, but I honestly didn't realize it was this bad, when I heard it the first time.

  12. Out tomorrow in some parts of the world.....Anybody hearing it yet or seeing reviews?


    Not expecting to have my copy in hand until probably late next week as I ordered from Bengens in Sweden to get a signed copy. I think the US release date is 9/1 anyways.


    Itching for some new stuff to listen to....




    There are 3 preorder bundles including a strictly limited 'Ultimate Fan Pack' for the die hards out there! Just as a special thanks to everyone who preorders the album, your names will be mentioned in the booklet of the album to show our appreciation!


    Your preorders will be shipped the day before the albums official release date! Cheers amigos!

    I only see 2 options? don't really want a patch & guitar pick...just the cd



    There was a third option that was an ultimate bundle that was $75. It came with the signed CD, shirt, patch, pick, lyric/music sheets and a drum skin or something. I think that one sold out which is why there are only two now.


    I think the first option with the signed CD, pick and patch is the cheapest they have at the moment. I'm sure they'll add the ability to just order the CD only at some point.

  14. Pulled this album out today as I'm pumped I should get to see these guys live at MRF5 in Chicago. Pretty awesome.


    Have to say this album has really held up well. Still sounds fantastic to me and is really a well put together album IMO. I really like how most of the songs seem to really have some "substance" to them and aren't all just standard 3 minute songs or whatever.


    Hoping that maybe we'll have heard much more about album #2 by the time next May rolls around.

  15. Some information on a new Maverick album due out early in 2018. Loved the first two albums....Pre-ordering blindly :guitar:





    Amigos! We are thrilled to announce that we will be recording our brand new album 'Cold Star Dancer' in October! It will be released in March 2018 through Metalapolis records! You can help us massively by Pre-ordering the album by clicking on the link below!


    There are 3 preorder bundles including a strictly limited 'Ultimate Fan Pack' for the die hards out there! Just as a special thanks to everyone who preorders the album, your names will be mentioned in the booklet of the album to show our appreciation!

    Your preorders will be shipped the day before the albums official release date! Cheers amigos!

  16. Yes...Tomorrow sounds like a sure winner!


    Still seeing very few reviews which is a little puzzling with it being so close to release.


    What I've heard and seen is positive though. Have loved all 3 songs so far and still think that so far Shakedown is my favorite song this year.

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