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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 7 hours ago, Glen said:

    happy to say Young Blood is very nice indeed.

    And they sorted out the production 

    Definitely sounding better.  Saw it was mixed by Bruno Ravel and mastered by Maor Applebaum so it seems like they definitely put a bit more effort into that part of it. 

    I don't harp on that stuff and honestly rarely notice production on most releases.  But I noticed it on their debut.  And once you notice it, it's hard to "un-notice" it lol.  Glad they got that buttoned up.  

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  2. Samples of all tunes are up on I Tunes Japan...

    I'm digging what I'm hearing.  Sounds like lots of Def Leppard type vocal harmonies and riffs going on....Much like the debut with Put Me to Shame, Done to Me etc.

    Seems like the tempo slows a little bit in the second half but sounding good to me overall.

  3. 8 hours ago, Glen said:

    good news but......

    1. that album cover is awful

    2. I hope it's better than that track above 

    I have high expectations for this. 

    I got to have a nice conversation with Steve Brown on the Monsters of Rock cruise and basic gist that I got from him was TMF started out as mostly a project that they weren't sure where it would go.  However, it sounded to me like they have put a lot of effort into album #2 and are hoping they can build this up a bit.  Steve said with Trixter basically having nothing going on he's had much more time to devote to this and they're hoping to expand the number of shows they're playing and exposure.  Obviously this corona business isn't going to help them playing shows much though.

    Looking forward to this one and really hoping it's good.  Steve was so cool to talk to and was just super nice guy.  Honestly, it felt like I was talking to a friend from high school I hadn't seen in 25 years or something lol.

    Thought I saw first single is out this week so hopefully we get a taste soon.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

    I'm a homebody anyway, and I'm able to work from home, so personally it doesn't impact me that much. I'm very lucky in that regard.

    One of the reasons for the (not very prudent but understandable) public protests is that these state and local lockdowns have allowed governors, mayors, and other local officials to use the coronavirus as opportunity to implement their visions of social policy without pushback or public vote. The policies vary dramatically from state to state. Shutting down skate parks, gun stores, etc., making determinations as to whether you can buy gardening supplies, implements, shutting down churches, etc. and all without due process since the legal system is shut down.

    In many cases it's overreaching and is antithetical to the American way of life. We don't passively kowtow to authority; we rebel.

    The shakeout of civil lawsuits and adjustments to law and policy due to behavior/enforcement during this pandemic will last for decades.


    I feel the same.  I'm honestly kinda enjoying having my weekends free and just getting to relax for a bit.  

    However, I'm also starting to get irritated because I feel like many businesses could get back in operation as long as they keep being smart and keep doing common sense stuff like keeping social distance, maybe wearing masks if dealing with people in closer than 6 feet distances, etc.  I mean, my father passed away in February and I've been waiting for 2 months for a local judge to sign off on giving me administrator powers for his Estate but it can't happen because the local courts are closed except for "essential" business and apparently this isn't "essential".  In the meantime I also have somebody who wants to buy his house and I'm left having to pay bills personally for it while I wait.  So that part of it is getting frustrating as I feel like this court could be operating in some fashion like many other businesses that are working from home or whatever. 

    I guess I just question the blanket approach most of our government officials are taking.  I mean, I'm in NYS which is basically the worst place to be for this disease.  But I'm in Upstate NY and there are less than 100 cases of this disease in my County of about 60,000 people.   And it's similar for many of the Counties surrounding me.  So many people here are starting to get frustrated and are left struggling financially because we have to continue sitting idle and pay for what's going on in New York City.  And late last week the Governor just extended our lockdown 2 more weeks.  So many people are understandably starting to get frustrated, especially if this virus isn't overwhelming their local area.  

    Now don't get me wrong....I think the approaches taken have probably saved a lot of lives and probably should've been done sooner than they were.  But I also feel like we need to start slowly getting back to life in areas that aren't hard hit and trying to figure out how to do it smartly so that we keep this virus under control.

    The sad thing though is that people probably can't handle it.  I mean, look at what happened in Florida when restrictions were lifted and one of the beaches opened last weekend.  People flocked there like they've never been to a beach before like a bunch of idiots.  I guess it's why we need to just keep blanket lockdowns because we just can't trust people to be socially responsible and this virus would probably just explode again because people will travel all over and just start being stupid. 

    Sorry for the long winded rant :)

  5. On 4/13/2020 at 9:21 AM, Glen said:

    but for $120 everyone in your household gets their own account and you can listen to anything that's released.

    I prob listen to at least 150 new albums each year. 

    Guess it definitely depends on how many people would use it and how many albums you want to listen to.

    I'm the only one in my house that would use it right now.  I usually just sample tunes on You Tube to decide if I want to buy and album or not.  I'll give a listen to all kinds of stuff but it never seems like more than about 8-10 albums a year end up making it though the sifter.

    Maybe I'll change my ways at some point if I'm left with no choice but I still prefer the CD experience.  I think partly I still just enjoy the collectible aspect of it and like feeling like I actually have something that could maintain some value down the road.

    I guess overall the important thing is listening however you want as long as you're listening and supporting the artists.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Geoff said:


    You know that's the opposite of what I'm saying, don't you? It hasn't even started here yet. I just say that away from the media, it's a whole lot more peaceful mindset. But you should note above I've been saying it's still got two years in it yet. 

    My kids are on a school break now but will be back at start of term 2 in a fortnight - haven't stopped going because for better or worse, my wife and I are still working so we have no other option. Personally, not too concerned about schools. Any cases in Australia in schools were quickly found and shut down, well before everyone left schools. 

    Agree...The news can get depressing really fast.  I try to just take quick peaks at two numbers in the USA daily....Total cases and total recovered.  Right now that number is still at like 6% which to my common sense isn't good at all.  I think that number needs to get closer to 75% before things can be considered "good".  And it's tough to get there if 30,000 cases keep getting added each day.

    As to the whole concerts thing in 12-18 months....I'm not sure how anybody can really have any idea.  I mean, how do we know there isn't a great treatment discovered in the next 3-6 months that kicks this things ass?  That could quickly change things.  If we don't find treatment and/or a vaccine, yeah, it's sure looking like a pretty long road.

    Hopefully a silver lining is that it's leaving these artists with a lot of time to create new music ;)

  7. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    what the hell are you on about?

    just pay for Spotify and stream whatever you want.

    you haven't got to tag anything. 

    you either just start an album you want to listen to or if it's a long trip just lob 6 albums in a playlist and play straight through in order or shuffle.

    it's all offline as well so no buffering....just hit the download button before you leave - takes 30 secs for an album or about 5 mins for a 100 song playlist......about the time you'd spend choosing your 10 dust collectors ;)

    also you've got no expensive system in your car worth stealing (I had a £1000 system stolen with I was 21....never again). and no rare cds in the car to lose.

    I hear ya....I guess I just can't wrap my head around paying $120 a year for the right to listen to music.  I'd just rather spend that money on 8-10 CD's which is about all I generally buy in an average year anyways.  I just like having and holding something I guess.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    It definitely sucks...won't be returning to vinyl that is for sure...I believe there will be enough cd buyers around for quite some time to come so once again the death of cds is overstated IMO...

    Digital just annoys me.  I spend way too much time fixing encoding issues, moving files around and trying to make sure everything is backed up for fear of losing it.  And I'm even more annoyed when I'm in a car without a CD player.  My wife's doesn't have one and it's just downright dangerous IMO.  I mean, I spend all kinds of time messing with my phone while driving trying to scroll to stuff I want to listen to.  I seem to have better success using USB drives to listen to.  But again, it just makes more work for me making and keeping it up to date.  I guess i'm old school but just way easier to me to toss a CD in and listen to it like it was meant to be listened to.

    I'm dreading the day I have to get a new car without a CD player.  First thing I do will probably be taking it to the audio shop and getting a nice aftermarket system put in that has a CD player.

    I don't think I'l lever fully get behind the whole digital and streaming thing.   I guess I probably would buy digital if artists stopped making CD's but I wouldn't be happy about it.  To me it just feels like an inferior product.

    • Like 1
  9. Got a chance to hear the new album.  I hate to say it and maybe I've got the quarantine blues or something....But feeling a bit disappointed initially.  I'll probably be in the minority here but just not finding it all that interesting for whatever reason.  I do dig a few tunes but also a handful I'm just feeling skipping urges with.

    Granted, their debut took me quite a few listens to warm up to so we'll see what happens.    

  10. Finally got this album and have spent some time with it and I was yearning for something new to listen to.  And damn, really digging it!  I'm not sure how I missed these guys but this album would've definitely been in my top 10 in 2019 if I had bought it then.  I might just toss it into my 2020 top 10.

    After listening, I've settled that it really mostly reminds me of Kissin' Dynamite combined with H.e.a.t.  The album was produced by Jona Tee and liner notes also say Dave Dalone and Jona both lended a hand with keys, songwriting, backing vocals, etc.   

    I know these guys have also signed with Frontiers and are shooting for their next release in 2021 so I'm sure we'll hear a bit more about them in the future.

    I'd just say it's well worth checking out if you liked the Ecstasy album from Kissin' Dynamite as this reminds me quite a bit of that.  It's not quite as strong as that album but similar vibe/style IMO.  

  11. 2 hours ago, PeterS said:

    Yep. I've had one or two days where I realised the only way forward was to avoid the news. 

    My girlfriend's also learned not to read the news just before trying to go to sleep.

    For a lot of us the really hard times not hit yet. Hospitals here in south Bavaria reaching limits so hard days coming up for those in the caring professions. 

    I really hope at the end of this the value of medical staff is finally respected. 


    Doing the same.  You can drive your self nuts watching the news.  

    Here in the USA I'm absolutely in disbelief at how unprepared for this we were given the notice we had that this was out there and very likely coming our way.  I'm in New York State and it blows my mind that this state alone is well on it's way to passing China in cases when it's 19 million people versus 1.4 billion. 

    I'm not a political person at all and not gonna point fingers....But there is no doubt this was handled very poorly from the start and that even as laws finally got put into place people still ignored them thinking it wasn't a big deal.  We're clearly having a tough time with the whole social distancing concept.  

    Still a long road ahead as we only have about 3% of our cases recovered and new cases daily keep far outweighing recoveries.

  12. 28 minutes ago, zacharyamelie said:

    Cool song with a more metal feel...but 6 1/2 minutes is too long. It reminds me of something that would have been on Dream Theatre’s  Awake album. 🤷‍♂️

    I’m worried like many other bands such as Dynasty and Art Nation that One Desire might drop the AOR vibe and go full melodic metal. 

    I'm not worried about them dropping the AOR vibe.  They had good variety on the last album and think they'll keep that variety at least based upon some early reviews I've read.  I actually like the heavier vibe of this so no complaint from me there.

    Agree though that this is too long and I think that's definitely impacting my enjoyment level as it sorta just loses me along the way.  They could've easily trimmed 30-40 seconds at the beginning and end of this without changing the song at all.

    This is one that when I get to the album, I'll probably find myself listening for the first few minutes then tapping that next track button.


  13. 1 hour ago, PetraGirl86 said:

    Yeah, it's so much more boring!  Crush is alright and I like some newer songs, but I really wouldn't call their newer stuff amazing or even that good. They're 80s into early 90s is the best, but it definitely went downhill from there. 

    For sure. 

    I actually hung on though the Have a Nice Day album so I lasted longer than most probably did lol.  I just kept hoping that they'd get back to more melodic rock instead of modern country/adult contemporary.  I completely threw in the towel when Lost highway dropped and the Circle totally wiped out any remaining hope I had.

  14. On 3/21/2020 at 8:56 PM, PetraGirl86 said:

    Bon Jovi from glam rock to country (rock?) 

    This was first one I thought of.  They're a completely different band the last 10-15 years or so than they were in their prime.  And I can think of a band that I've shifted my tastes for more....I loved these guys and would've called them one of my top 3 favorite bands back in the day.  Now, I can't stand their new music.  I actually won a free copy of What About Now a few years ago and kept the jewel case to use for something else and tossed the inserts and CD in the trash lol.

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