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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Dave-Friday-Actions-That-Have-Consequenc

    Saw on Facebook that the band was to have a new album titled Actions That Have Consequences out July 31st but they've left the label they signed with.  I also saw they're now planning to release it independently.

    Enjoyed the first album and looking forward to the next.  A post on Facebook said it should be out earlier than 7/31 at least in digital form.  Not sure about the plan for physical CD's.

    Just thought I'd start a thread for it.

    Dear all, we're sad to announce that our July release Dave Friday Band - Actions That Have Consequences won't be released and that the band informed us about cancellation of their agreement with us today almost 1 month after it's release date (funny they cancelled it via message here yesterday afternoon although they posted about the release 12hours prior now and cancelation email 3 hours after their announcement of release through us [FIGURE OUT]). Furthermore we won't have any further collaboration with the band nor it's members in the future. 
    Our Best Regards,
    Lions Pride Music.
  2. Only really three releases so far that I'd even rank in my top 10....So I guess it's only a top 3 for me to this point.  And that's pretty sad considering 2 of them are only EP's.


    Shiraz Lane - Vibration EP

    Wicked Smile - Delirium EP

    For me it's been the worst 6 months in a long time for new releases.  I don't know if I'm just grumpy from everything that's gone on the past few months or what but just not much exciting me and hasn't been much coming out.  I've tried a lot of what's mentioned but nothing else has really grabbed me.  I did like bits of Black Swan and almost bought that one but guess I didn't quite like it enough.  I expected to love One Desire but it was a big letdown for me.  I've spent most of the past few months really diving into and rediscovering older releases that I haven't listened to in a long time.

    Expecting things to pick up in the second half of the year though beginning with Tokyo Motor Fist in a couple weeks.  Also looking forward to Arctic Rain, Maverick, maybe Midnite City and Shiraz Lane in the fall.  And hopefully we see some other surprises as a result of bands having a lot more time on their hands during this Covid business.

  3. 57 minutes ago, zacharyamelie said:

    Short, sweet and fun as hell. 

    I want to say I miss Danger Danger but having The Defiants and TMF doubles my listening pleasure. 


    I already know I'm in the minority on this but for me, I enjoy both the Defiants and TMF more than I ever enjoyed Danger Danger.  I just wasn't huge into them back in the day.  I liked a handful of songs off the debut but never bought anything else of theirs for whatever reason.

    Not sure which I like better between the Defiants and TMF.  I'd probably say the Defiants is a bit ahead right now as they've put out two strong albums and they've got some killer tunes.  I think TMF could make up some ground with this new release though.

    Just glad these guys are both putting out this music to listen to ;)


  4. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    I'm not saying anything isn't an issue. You can make an issue out of absolutely anything. There are countless issues in the world. To think we can get everything perfect and how you want it to look in this world is quite frankly just silly. But I am saying that I personally believe there are far greater issues than this perceived mass discrimination. 

    I don't have political views and made my assessment based purely on what you're saying... not on how you may have labelled yourself.

    I still just don't actually understand what exactly it is that you want the government to do that is going to end discrimination. You guys have all these fairy ideas but no logic as to how to actually mend these perceived issues. What do you want the government to do? How are you going to change this minuscule number of people from being racist into not being racist?

    I'm going to hazard a guess that you're all aboard the climate change bus too. Just keep at those governments and we humans will stop the climate changing! It's all up to us. The climate has never changed in four and a half billion years and if we all stand together, it will never change again! 

    Apologies... a tangent... but the death of logic and common sense has been a sad loss.    

    I'm all for ending systematic racism so I'm not doing to discount it....And I'm not black so I have no idea what its like in their shoes.  

    But, I see articles like the following and it's sure easy to feel like there are bigger problems than the issues behind BLM:


    This is just one day in Chicago.

    Fixing the issues that BLM wants fixed aren't helping the people that still die every day to violence and crime in our cities.  Frankly, the main effect will probably just be to increase crime and violence because there will way way less police officers in the future as a result of all this IMO.

    Until we fixed our core values and gain respect for fellow man, we'll still be a mess no matter what changes are instituted by the Government.

  5. On 5/28/2020 at 7:08 PM, Glen said:

    not grabbing me.

    kinda sounds like it should be awesome but misses the mark. Confused and an awkward listen imo. 

    you won't be humming it afterwards ;)


    This for me.

    My biggest struggle with these guys remains the vocals. 

  6. Just thought I'd bump this after starting to see some positive reviews and knowing that the band has started sending out pre-orders early.

    Couple reviews:



    Looking forward to getting this one as I've really dug the first two songs.   Reminds me of 80's era Judas Priest mixed with Skid Row or something.  I'm generally not huge into "heavy metal" and honestly don't even visit that part of the forum frequently lol.  But I always dug Turbo era Judas Priest as they got more melodic then.  And of course loved Skid Row's debut.  And that where I see this fitting in....sorta heavy metal vibe but still melodic with hooks.      

    I don't think I've ever had an EP in my top 10 year end list but I see that changing this year with Shriaz Lane's Vibration and this release. 

    Hopefully a full album isn't too far off :headbanger:

  7. 1 minute ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    Is it just my phone, or is his voice mixed fairly low? Can't quite hear what he's singing. 

    I think it might be mixed kinda low.

    Also, think he starts out trying to sing in a lower register and gets higher as he goes.  I get sort of a Michael Sweet vibe when he gets higher.

    To me the singer sounds like he'd have a voice better suited for metal.

    It's tough to judge off this though and I'll still give them a listen when new material drops.  But one of the things I really liked about their debut was the unique sound the singer seemed to give them.

    It's always tough when singers change.  

    Except for H.E.A.T of course :lol:

  8. 6 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I agree with most of what's been said here. Not as keen on the production as a lot of you guys - a notch down from the debut, imo. Not in love with the sound and would have liked it a bit meatier. The debut was definitely ballsier. 

    But aside from 'Through the fire' and that last ballad, all the songs are either good to great. The length of the songs bothers me quite a bit and almost rendered a few of the tunes as non-keepers because of how they dragged on. But I'll aim to get past it. 

    Favourite songs are 'Godsent Exstasy,' which I feel was their grandest attempt at one of the mega hooks that featured a few times on the debut. 'Rio' and 'Heroes' are next best. But I think as a general comment, the thing that's missing most for me (aside from 'Godsent Exstacy') is them really going for the stupid, massive hooks. For me, there's at least 5 songs from the debut that are comfortably better than the best song on here ('Hurt,' 'Love Injection,' 'Turn back time,' 'Whenever I'm dreaming' and 'This is where the heartache begins'). 

    But it's good. As Glen said with HS, this band even at their not-best is a hell of a lot better than most bands. 

    Agree with the comment that there's probably 5 songs on the debut better than the best song here.  And agree it's nowhere near as balsy as the debut and is missing the big hooks.  There was just so much cool variety on that debut.  It was almost poppy in spots, then it would smack you in the face in others and had everything in between.  

    This release feels almost one paced to me or something.  And I do struggle with the length of the songs.  I'm not opposed to long songs but for me they're kinda like ballads....Can't have more than one or two longer tunes on an album before it starts to drag.  In a weird way it almost wears me out listening to it.  

    I've only had 2 songs here making my "best of" car USB drive.....After You're Gone and Godsent Exstasy.  I think I had 5 or 6 tunes off the debut that made the drive.

    For me it's okay but I was expecting way better.

  9. 2 hours ago, Glen said:

    but nothing is according to you :lol:

    Hey...I put Midnite City's debut ahead of ITGU a few years back so that's something B)

    But yeah, no secret H.E.A.T is my favorite band going right now and they do kinda end up setting the bar by which everything else is measured for me.

    Either way, still not caring much for this new OD album.

  10. I see people on social media starting to post that they have this even though not officially out until tomorrow....So thought I'd bump the discussion.

    I've been trying hard to get into this album but it just hasn't clicked for me for whatever reason.  For me, basically there are four songs I'm liking  but aren't overly blowing me away (After You're Gone, Godsent Exstasy, Heroes and Killer Queen) and a couple others that are okay but I could take or leave (Shadowman, Down And Dirty).  Then the other 4 songs are doing nothing for me and I've mostly been skipping those.  I really dislike the ballads here...just finding them super boring. 

    Reviews I've seen have all been glowing so maybe I'm missing something.  Or maybe I just had too high of expectations after sitting in quarantine all this time.  But to me this isn't nearly as strong as their debut.  I felt like the debut had a lot more variety and here the up tempo stuff is all starting to feel kinda samey. 



  11. 7 hours ago, Glen said:

    happy to say Young Blood is very nice indeed.

    And they sorted out the production 

    Definitely sounding better.  Saw it was mixed by Bruno Ravel and mastered by Maor Applebaum so it seems like they definitely put a bit more effort into that part of it. 

    I don't harp on that stuff and honestly rarely notice production on most releases.  But I noticed it on their debut.  And once you notice it, it's hard to "un-notice" it lol.  Glad they got that buttoned up.  

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