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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 18 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    From what I understand, Pete and Steve are extremely pissed at Mark "Gus" Scott.


    In an argument that’s gone uncomfortably public, Trixter drummer Mark “Gus” Scott has fired back at his disgruntled bandmates, claiming he only wants what’s best for the group.

    The feud began when Steve Brown and P.J. Farley told interviewers Scott was on “the sh*t list beyond belief,” comparing him to disobedient dog.

    Now, in a new interview, Scott says the band’s problems go well beyond just one dissenting member. “I don’t know if the ‘bad dog’ is the best analogy and the best manner in which to visualize what’s happened with Trixter,” he says. “I think there’s been different ideologies within the band for a very, very long time. We’ve been together over 30 years. So I think there’s always been — I don’t wanna say a ‘rift,’ but more recently, if there was a rift, it was certainly becoming more and more exponentially grown.”

    While not naming names, Scott says his issues are with the band’s “leadership,” adding he refuses to be “led by ignorance.” Ouch.

    How long will it be before Trixter either calls it quits or parts ways with Scott? Have the members of Trixter been together too long?

    Yeah, I had a conversation with Steve Brown about it during the last Monster Of Rock Cruise.

    He said himself and PJ are more than willing to keep things together and wanting to play shows, make music, etc.

    He said that Pete is sort of just kind of kicking back and not really wanting to do much at the moment.  It didn't sound like there was any ill-will there.  Just that Pete was a bit burned out and wanting to do other things.

    As for Gus, Steve didn't say much about him...Just that he's sort of gone off the deep end.  I'm not sure why they don't just look for a new drummer and try to get things back together.  But at the same time, Steve sounded very happy doing the Tokyo Motor Fist thing and said that's where his focus was at the moment.  However, I'm not sure what the future hold there as I've seen Ted Poley comment that he's contemplating retirement and may be done recording and performing.  Not sure if that was an over-reaction to the whole COVID thing or if he's serious.  I hope not as he still sounds great and still performs like a madman.  And sure hope there is more Tokyo Motor Fist music in the future.

    Who knows what'll happen.  Trixter had a long hiatus once before and bounced back.  Maybe they'll do it again.  

    Here was an interview with Steve that came out in July that basically says much of the same stuff.


  2. Nice to have this on spotify now as it was missing.  

    I did this album.  Was a great return to form after the long hiatus.

    I believe I did see Steve say that physical copies would be coming in early 2021.

    It's too bad these guys can't seem to work out their differences and still touring/making music, etc.

  3. I dig that tune.

    I like these guys when they're rocking.  There's a few songs on their last CD that are borderline country and don't like those tunes much at all.  So for me, they need to be careful not turning into modern Bon Jovi.

    But this is good.  And I dig tunes like Mr Big Shot, Promiseland, Merry Go Round, Lullaby, etc.

    Potential here for sure.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd have no problem taking them.

    This disease can be nasty.  Just because people survive it doesn't mean they aren't having issues.  I know a couple people personally that had it and are having issues weeks after being cleared.  One guy is in his 20's ,in great shape with no prior problems and says he just has much shorter breath and it hurts a bit to take deep breaths.

    Yeah, 99% of people recover.  But those statistics say nothing about after effects of this like the person I mentioned.

    I'd take my chances with the vaccine that people way smarter than me have developed.  I've read a lot about them and guess I don't feel they'd be all that risky with the way they're operating.  I'm so tired of this crap that I want my life feeling normal again so sign me up so I can stop worrying about it.

    Basically, your choice is eventually get the virus or just take the vaccine....Take your pick.

    I won't e surprised if it gets to the point where you're going to have to prove you've been vaccinated to do some things like travel, enter entertainment events, go to concerts, etc.  I enjoy doing those things so hit me with whatever they've got.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Nor me if i'm honest...then a quick check and seen that I own the Collateral cd,they released it  :)

    Still... looking forward to new release from these guys  :)

    Me either.  Wonder if they are a new label that's trying to make some headway in this genre or if they've been around awhile.

    Either way, this should get 2021 off to a good start.

  6. 3 hours ago, Glen said:

    Far far better than anything on the last Eclipse album 

    Not sure about everything on the last album but definitely better than a lot of it.

    This tune just has more going on to make it more interesting.  This is more like the kind of stuff Eclipse needs to do instead of rewriting the same 3 minute melodic rock song over and over again.

  7. Spinning the album today.  Basically what you'd expect which isn't a bad thing.

    One thing that stands out a little is some of the backing vocals....Think they did a pretty good job to add some melodies in spots.  And Through The Mists of Time is sort of a different vibe.

    Overall pleasantly surprised.  I'm just a casual fan of these guys and haven't paid much attention to anything they've done since about Razors Edge....But I've spun this one a few times now and think it's pretty good.

    I give these guys credit for still cranking out music though and for sticking to their classic sound and formula.  Def Leppard should take a few pointers.

  8. Sounds good to me.  I like the sharing of vocals with Jeff and Erik and would like to see more of that on this album in spots.  

    What kills me a little though is this tune would've also made a great Eclipse tune.  This is the kind of song with a little variety I'd like to see Eclipse adding into their albums.

    Either way, good tune and sounds fine as a W.e.t tune also. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, Aordave89 said:

    Great read wasn’t it - I think he came across really well and hopefully answered a few questions to keep us going until we hear music. 

    I hear you regarding the first 2 albums’ sound. When you compare them to the latter efforts they are very thin sounding - completely agree. H.E.A.T are the best band out there for me and I’ve been with them pre-debut so naturally I love all albums, but there is no denying Erik took the band to the next level. I’d love to hear the first 2 albums re-recorded with today’s sound. We may have lost Erik but the band still has killer songwriters and producers in Jona and Dave. Kenny can pen a good tune also. 

    Kenny was and still is one hell of a singer and judging by that interview he is healthy and ready to rock. Songs such as Danger Road with current production could have easily made the cut for II. If Erik was leaving then nobody better to step up in my eyes, almost a bittersweet feeling. I can’t wait for the next chapter and to catch them live in 2021. 

    One of my favourites from the first Kenny era...


    Never heard that one but I dig that!

    More like that would be good!


    • Like 1
  10. Good read on that interview.

    I've spent the last couple days digging into the first 2 albums as I honestly never really gave them much of a chance because they weren't very instant for me.  I first got wind of this band after ATN launched and trying to go back to those first 2, they never grabbed me like the Erik albums.  But I'll admit I also didn't give them much chance either because I figured Kenny was done with the band and not much reason to fret over it.

    Anyways, I do like some of the songs on those albums.  Yeah, they're still nowhere near the last 4 albums for me but still some good stuff.  But I used to think my problem was with Kenny but I think it's more with some of the songs and production.  I mean, many of those songs could've had a "meatier" vibe with different production, thicker backing vocals and other things here and there.  Instead many of them ended up being very 80's AOR-lite sounding.

    I think it'll be interesting to hear how they approach future new music.  I'd expect and hope they keep the general types of songs and production they had on H.E.A.T II and that Kenny sort of sings to those types of songs.  It sounds like with Kenny's comment about Trading Fate that he feels he can sign an edgier style of rock and keep up with the bands evolution.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, lettard said:

    Here too :drink: 

    these guys just continue to improve,on the debut the singer grated me a bit but hes found his range and his voice over the last few years and is sounding as solid as the music that he sings on  :)


    The first album wasn't too bad but definitely had some nails on chalkboard moments.

    Hannes has really matured and learned to control his voice though and these guys are seemingly really on a roll.  Carnival Days, Vibration 1 and this new tune are all excellent.

    Looking forward to the next release and expecting we hear some news fairly soon.

    And I know I've said this, but also some of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet which makes it even easier to root for them.

  12. On 10/31/2020 at 5:21 PM, The Rocker said:

    Great album, and one of the reasons why!

    I'm struggling a bit with the album my first couple times through for whatever reason.....but there's a few good tunes.  This one definitely one of them and probably would be my favorite on the album.

  13. 41 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

    I like other's have tried those first 2 HEAT releases multiple times and I just don't like 'em that much. They aren't bad. His singing isn't bad. The production isn't the greatest.

    I don't know who did the majority of the songwriting on those first two albums but the songs just aren't as catchy/memorable.


    I with you....exactly how I feel.  I feel like there's some good songs.  But the production on some of them makes them sound like 80's demos or something IMO.  

    Of course Kenny isn't a bad signer.  

    But he's definitely different than Erik and I guess that's my point.  And to me they are VERY different. 

    Kenny to me made the band sound more like Survivor or Toto or something while Erik made them more like 80's Def Leppard/Warrant/Bon Jovi, etc IMO.  Almost sounds like two different bands in two different spots on the melodic rock spectrum.

    It'll be interesting to see where everything goes from here and what sound the band tries to go with.  


    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    that is a v valid point about production. Kenny with their updated sound could be pretty awesome.

    There is no doubt that the debut with a 'Point of no Return' sound would be great. It always was a thin production 

    I'll agree on the production....Maybe Kenny with their updated sound will sound better.

    I tried again today to listen to those albums and just really struggling.  Basically, I think it's stuff I might've liked if I had really started getting into them back in 2008 when it first came out, but that's not when I caught wind of them.  I came on board when Address the Nation dropped and was blown away with what I heard.  I tried over the years to keep going back to listen to those Kenny albums and they just didn't compare for me.  To me, those albums sounded like a completely different band.  Now granted, I didn't give them a huge chance either because I figured they were done with that....so I didn't really bother with them much.

    Now I listen to a song like the original version of Danger Road.  It sounds okay....But I can't help but think how much better I liked it when I'd hear Erik doing it live.  Same for many of the songs on those albums.  And I gave Kenny's solo album a try and couldn't make it through more than a couple songs before having to turn it off.  For me at least, just brutal.

    I'll give the next album a chance just to see how it goes so not saying I've written them off completely yet. But for my tastes, Kenny will need to bring more grit and power to his vocals and they'll need to keep the "beefier" style to have a shot with me.  And I question if Kenny can sing that beefier style, if they even keep it.

    I'll give it a fair shot though out of respect for Dave, Jimmy, Jona and Crash who are talented guys.  


  15. 38 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

    I don't think Kenny's vocals are dynamic enough for the H.E.A.T. of today. Maybe he'll prove me wrong.

    Exactly.  I don't think his voice fits songs like Bastard of Society, Inferno, etc.  He's a totally different singer than Erik and I think he'll sound pretty silly trying to do some of those songs.

    I mean, part of it for me was was almost visualizing Erik on stage with his energy while even listening to studio versions of the songs.  You could almost feel his energy oozing through the speakers if that makes any sense.  It just brought something intangible to the music.

    Kenny is a "nice" singer, but he doesn't bring that to the table.

    It won't surprise me either if they fade away and mail things in after one album with Kenny.  I just bet the demand to book them live decreases significantly, ticket sales decrease, album sales take a big hit and they'll wonder why they're still doing it all.  

    Maybe I'll be wrong....time will tell I guess.  

    I just know that I wouldn't go out of my way to see them now.  I drove 10 hours each way twice to Chicago to go see them in 2014 & 2017 and no way in heck I'd do that again with Kenny fronting them. 

    It's sad to say but Erik was the kind of guy that people could connect with and he could own an audience.  Kenny is nowhere near that. 

    Just sucks.  These guys just made a kick ass album and probably had more buzz going than they ever had after the Monsters of Rock cruise.  Then this COVID crap came along and killed all momentum.   

  16. 52 minutes ago, DorrianWolf said:

    I love first two albums. Great melodic rock/AOR with Kennys soulful Mark Free meet Steve Overland type of voice. 

    I guess I prefer more melodic sound.

    And I love albums with Erik too.

    Especially Adress the nation is great.

    Erik has more rocking voice,like Mats Leven.

    I agree that Erik definitely has more energy on stage and presence,but I'm glad to see Kenny back,and especially cause he's not fat anymore! Haha. Looking good. 

    We will see how it turns out,but I have good vibes about this.

    It's good that Kenny is replacing Erik and not some other dude.


    For me, not good Kenny is replacing Erik.  I'd rather see a fresh voice since I already know I don't care for Kenny...

    They've already been there and done that.  They had moved forward and increased their popularity without Kenny.

    I'd have preferred a fresh, new start.

    Feels more like 3 steps backwards to me.

    • Like 2
  17. Probably not the best day to be listening to new music as I feel like I just got run over by a semi after the H.E.A.T news, but gave this album a spin and just not doing much for me.  I like the vibe of the music itself but not really getting into the singer for whatever reason.  There's a couple okay tunes but nothing I got the urge to add into my playlist.  

    Maybe I'll try it again when I'm in a better mood.

  18. Mother F$$$$$%%%%k!!!!

    I feel like my best friend just died.  Just when I thought 2020 couldn't get any worse....Can't freaking wait for this year to be over.

    Just gutted today.  These guys had become my favorite band and just like that can now stick a fork in them.  I know the Kenny/Erik debate has been done many times but for me Kenny can't hold a candle to Erik and they aren't even in the same league.  Erik is what made H.E.A.T interesting with his power, energy and stage presence and he's the reason I became a fan.  I never really cared for what they were doing with Kenny and still can't even listen to those first 2 albums even though I've tried many times. 

    I guess I'm thankful for 4 albums of greatness, a couple live albums and that I got to see them live a handful of times.  End of an era though.  I guess on the bright side I'll be saving myself some money as I had spent a fair amount traveling to see them.  And really glad I got to witness them on the last Monsters of Rock cruise which apparently turned out to be their grand finale.  It's just a shame as the buzz they generated on that cruise is now all for nothing.  Damn COVID!

    2020 just sucks :angryfire:


  19. 19 hours ago, Nightrain said:

    I don't know if you notice but i have been building a massive playlist and you can check out my Spotify playlist thread and perhaps you can follow and check out what I've been missing.

    One playlist can accommodate up to 10k songs and so far from 4 playlists, I managed to add around 4-5K songs I guess and will keep adding one by one

    I still keep around 1500+ CDs at home and there are still hundreds great albums that's not available so will slowly sell and downsize to maybe around 500 CDs. Intend to do that just for the sake of portability

    Do you have a link to thread with your playlists?  I've also been building some playlists.

    Also been unloading some CDs as it seems pointless to keep many i havent listened to in years.

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