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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 14 hours ago, lettard said:

    ok,so 3rd singer in 3 releases,strange but if it is as good as previous i'll be happy.

    Agree...Pretty strange having 3 different singers.

    Maybe they can pull in Joe Elliott for album #4 as I'd like to hear him singing on some good melodic rock tunes again :lol:


  2. I've been a big resister of Spotify in the past but after just getting my first new car without a CD player, decided I'd give the premium a try.  Basically, decided to dump Sirius that I never listen to anymore and use that money toward spotify instead.

    And man, gotta say I'm loving it and I'm like a kid in a candy store.  It's awesome having so much music right at your fingertips and the ability to easily make any playlist you desire.  And I think one thing I'm really liking is that it's making it easier to discover new music.  I've been just playing H.E.A.T radio which is a playlist generated by spotify and it plays a lot of H.E.A.T and artists similar to them.  I've heard quite a few tunes already from bands I hadn't paid attention to that I dig and had never listened to before.

    Yeah, I know this has been around and I'm probably about 5 years behind the times lol.  Better late than never I guess ;)

    Granted, the quality might not be quite as good as CD's.  But it still sounds good enough to my ears after selecting high quality streams in the settings.

    I do still prefer physical products and might still buy a couple CD's a year for albums I really have to have to support some artists.  But on the flip side, I rarely will sit down at home and pop a CD in to listen to as most of my listening happens on the go in my car, outside at home or at work.  So not sure how much sense it even makes to buy them to just have them sit on my shelf.

    Just had to toss it out there.  If you've made any good spotify playlists you'd like to share, dump them in this thread. 

  3. Listened to this today.  Basically, just follows along with the debut IMO.

    My favorite song on the album is easily the title track which has a cool, heavier edge to it.  Frankly, that's probably my favorite song they've done on both albums.  After that though, it goes back to the more AOR vibe of the debut.

    It's one of those albums that I'd rate highly if I were rating it because it's done well and it's excellent AOR.  Personally though, it's not exciting me much as I like just a little bit more edge.  Can't hold my personal tastes against it though.  I was never a big fan of a band like Survivor either but they put out good music.  That's kinda the same for these guys for me.

  4. Interesting....Not sure if I'll be buying this or not though.  One hesitation I have is that all the banter will probably be in Swedish just like H.E.A.T's Live At Sweden Rock Festival release and that just annoys me a bit since I don't know what's being said.  I know there are subtitles or whatever but still annoys me.  I just know I much prefer listening to H.E.A.T'S  Live In London release and haven't pulled out the Live at Sweden Rock CD's to listen since the first time through them.

    If I pick up anything it will probably just be the Blu Ray as I've never been able to see Eclipse live as of yet so it would be nice to check out a show.

  5. Not too bad but probably would be third if I were ranking the 3 tunes out so far.

    I again like some of the edgier riffage going on in spots.  Not quite as tough of a guitar sound as Time For a Miracle but still pretty good.  Will be interesting to see if they carry that throughout the album.  Personally, I think that's why the debut never really stuck with me....Just wasn't beefy enough or something.

    Will be keeping eyes on this.

  6. 5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Don't know how the hell you guys are hearing HEAT, lol, but I hadn't even seen this thread and this albums just took me by surprise. The first song was pretty weak and I thought it'd just be a plodding album and then it took off. Great stuff. Really pleasant surprise and one of the better albums I've heard this year for sure. 

    Just sounds nothing like HEAT. ;)

    The only comparison to H.E.A.T I can see is sort of in the style of music in that it's kinda 80's inspired melodic rock.   I know that's a pretty general statement lol.  I get some tiny feelings of the early H.E.A.T albums a little from this but agree H.E.A.T isn't a great comparison.  

    I think for me that One Desire is the comparison that mostly keeps jumping in my head.  Parts of W.e.t's debut album is another that this keeps reminding me of for some reason.

    Either way, excellent release :headbanger:

  7. On 6/1/2020 at 2:44 AM, Glen said:

    anyone notice the track listing order is completely different on Amazon 

    They must've done some joggling of the order of this release somewhere late in the process.  I've got a digital download that has a completely different order than my actual CD.

    The running order on my digital download has Breakout, Free My Mind, Friends, Give Me all Your Love, Lift Me Up, Lost, Love Of My Life, The One, Madeline, Night After Night, Take Me To Your Heart.

    And my CD has Love Of My Life, Lost, Friends, Night After Night, Free My Mind, Give Me All Your Love, Lift Me Up, The One, Breakout, Madeline, Take Me To Your Heart.

    I don't know which one I prefer lol.  I like that Lost moved up on the CD version since I feel like that's the best song on the album, but not sure I like that they put Night By Night and Free My Mind right next to each other as they're both kinda similar mid-tempo type songs so I might've split those up a bit.

    At the end of the day, I guess it doesn't matter much.  Either way, digging the CD :guitbannana:

  8. On 8/4/2020 at 5:30 PM, lettard said:

    I'm liking it,really enjoying tracks like "Lift Me Up" & " The One"  :)

    Listened to this....Digging it.  And agree....I'd say my top 3 songs in some order would be Lost, Lift Me Up and The One.

    For me, this is an album that picks up steam as it goes.  It starts out with 2-3 pretty good tunes but then really picks up steam in the middle.

    What stands out here to me is the guitar work, keys and overall musicianship.....Just sounds great and is just excellent guitar driven, melodic rock.

    Not sure who it reminds me of...Maybe some combination of Treat, One Desire, H..E.A.T, Midnite City type stuff.  Also kinda reminds me some of the W.e.t debut album style-wise for some reason.  

    Easily among my favorites this year.  

  9. 59 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

    Cute spin on the song name... I'm guessing a live album.

    Hopefully some sort of Live package with a CD/Blu Ray like Pretty Maids did with their recent Japan release.

    I'd even hazard a guess as to it being the Oct 27, 2019 show in Milan, Italy since it seems like Frontiers often captures those Italian shows....but that's just a blind guess.

    Either way, I'd probably pick this up if it's a decent package.  

  10. 18 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Got  a real nice surprise when I arrived home from work today...this turned up in the post...its brilliant,a couple of spins through and it just sounds so good,production is solid,songs also...well pleased with this...it will get many many spins this weekend for sure...to form a more informative opinion :)

    Nice surprise!  My Amazon order is showing arrival 8/11-8/26 so no telling when it'll show up for me.  I'd change it but I used reward points so getting it for nothing....So guess I'll deal.

    Looking forward to this one though and hopefully will get to listen to it soon online or something.

  11. 25 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Hmmm , I liked their debut cd,it wasn't amazing but this is something different again...dunno if I like it or not...well when I say like I mean I dunno if its as good as their previous...it certainly is...er...different :unsure:

    Pretty much my thoughts....

    I liked some of their debut CD....basically 3-4 songs.

    I don't know about this one.  It's okay but not sure it's something I'd run out and buy.

  12. 3 hours ago, Stefan said:

    New video for 'Time For A Miracle'.

    (in a couple of hours...:))



    For me, think that's my favorite Perfect Plan tune I've heard to date.  Love the riffs and heavier vibe.  

    Their debut album was decent enough but what I wanted was a bit more edge and this tune adds some.


  13. Easy enough to ignore the threads and I generally try to stay out of it as best I can.  What I have seen seems like it's all been respectful but granted I haven't paid very close attention either.      

    I do have to say that the last 3-4 months have probably been the most frustrating time I can remember during my lifetime in terms of what's going on in our world so I surely get the need to vent a bit.   And it hasn't helped that there hasn't been much to discuss in terms of music the past few months with few releases, no shows, etc. 

    I haven't been bothered by the discussions though.  Easy enough to just head to the AOR/Hard Rock section of the forum B)

  14. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    what a weird album. 

    The first 4 tracks are all great and exactly what I want to hear from TMF.

    then 2 gigantic fillers absolutely kills it imo. 

    the album in the second half loses momentum - 2 or 3 solid songs at best before a strong end in winner takes all.

    overall I think the Defiants is much better and teds last solo offering was awesome.

    I do like those first 4 tracks tho 


    That's how I felt initially.  No doubt those first 4 track are the meat of the album.  But have to say the second half has grown on me a bit.  I kinda like some of the variety going on in that second half.

    That Lions tune in the middle definitely is a momentum killer though.  That song needed to pick up the tempo or something as it moved along.  I know they tried to make an epic type tune but for me it just goes nowhere and never really gets off the ground. 

    I like the album a lot overall though.  Definitely appreciate the additional effort they put into improving the sound on this over the debut.

    Heck, I wish Def Leppard would make an album these days that sounds like this ;)


  15. This is out in Japan....gave it a listen.

    First 4 songs instant ear candy......great stuff and exactly what I want from these guys.

    For me it takes a dip with the title track Lions....that one just not doing much at all for me and could see myself skipping that one going forward.

    Second half not too bad....Need to give it more of a listen.  Not quite as instant as the first 3-4 songs and the title track kinda swayed my attention but still sounding pretty good.

    Lots of Def Leppard vibes in this with harmonies and riffs....almost feels like the best album Def Leppard never made or something lol.  Really though, I wish Steve Brown would work with the Leppard guys on their new music.....This is the way I want a Def Leppard album to sound.

    Also have to say the production definitely sounds much better than the debut so thumbs up on that.


  16. Bon Jovi - Wild Is The Wind was the first to pop in my head also....One of my favorite Bon Jovi songs....should've been a bigger tune.

    Warrant Mr Rainmaker also high on my list.  Great tune.

    Def Leppard - Scar is another....Probably the best tune on the X album that got totally ignored.

    And for a more current choice, Def Leppard - Wings Of An Angel.  Probably my favorite song on their last album that didn't get any single treatment and hasn't been played live.

  17. Just thought I'd bump this as I've been listening to this EP and really digging it.

    The closest comparison of something recent in my head that this reminds me of is the Black Swan album.  But for me, this is better than that....Just feels more melodic and catchy to my ears.

    My favorite tune is probably Daze Of Delirium...melodic goodness :)  All is excellent though :headbanger:



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  18. On 6/26/2020 at 3:00 PM, Glen said:

    am I listening to the same song?

    Sounds light years ahead of most of the garbage I've had to endure so far this year.

    I agree however that there is definitely more awesomeness on the album. Samples sound amazing 

    Truth on that second sentence!

    I have to say that after repeated listens this tune is really growing on me.  

    In listening to the samples also, it sounds like this tune and maybe Free My Mind are the closest things to ballads on the album....And they're closer to more mid-tempoish songs IMO.  Not that I have anything against ballads but kinda nice sometimes having an album without any.

    Already know I'm going to dig this album after these 2 tunes and the samples.

  19. 9 hours ago, Glen said:

    decent but v generic.

    I do like the message tho - hopefully we will have live music again one day soon 

    Felt the same initially.  But the more I listen, the more I like it.  I dig the over the top production....has kind of a Def Leppard feel to it.  It's kinda different than anything on the recent album  and I can see why it was left off as Rise is a better tune and has the same sort of message.  

    Nice surprise getting some new music from them.  And even a somewhat average tune from them is better than a lot of other bands best IMO.....But I know i'm a fanboy :P


  20. 4 minutes ago, zacharyamelie said:

     Despite the cheesy lyrics it's a solid track...nice guitar work.

    My thought too.  Not a bad tune but after hearing samples, there are definitely many better ones on the album.

    Agree...guitar work is what makes this one.

    Still think ill enjoy this album.

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