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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Lol, what an Fin' joke. My brother and I are 13 years apart and have different music likes. Now to each their own, BUT there is a show with Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White. I asked my brother about "Jack White" being in this group and being called "Guitar God" and he said absolutely,I didin't know what to say!
  2. Disagree, nothing new but still a decent fun rocker.
  3. Al Sharpton made them remove it off the album, they are re cutting it, it will be re-released as a b-side under a more politically correct name, outside of that, I recieved this album from someone, and I am highly impressed, I actually didnt even skip through the songs, I listened to the majority of it straight through, with my attention span, that in itself tells you something, that it is fucking killer!! Found it on itunes
  4. I was hoping for them to have a "Crazy Lixx" style on their second album, but went a little more heavy.
  5. If you like Frank Castle, this is essential. I enjoyed it, and will watch it again down the road. But I do prefer "The Punisher" lol
  6. What happened to the song "Black Lady"? Doesn't seem to be on the new album.
  7. Agree with you on the expectations of the last album, and it is a really good album!
  8. Hope so! And a little band called Livesay is coming to!!
  9. Some more NEWER, old school yesterday at work Van Halen - ADKOT Whitesnake - Forevermore Kix - Rock Your Face Off
  10. I will have to listen to it again, I thought it sound really good when I first got it.
  11. Some "newer" old school at work today Motley Crue - Saints Of L.A. Dokken - Lightning strikes Whitesnake - Good To Be Bad Ratt - Infestation Great White - Rising Keel - Streets Of R & R
  12. For me, if this doesn't make my top 5, I can't wait until years end to see all the good stuff that came along and knocked off the list!
  13. Well good! Mate, you're just killing it with this whole parenting thing. ;} ? Can't tell if that is sarcasm or not!
  14. Welcome \m/ ! Great site we have here, and great to have new people using it.
  15. Chas West has been announced as the new singer for Tango Down. Thoughts?
  16. Is this true? They were an awful band in 1994. It'd go a long way to explaining why I don't like those songs. Considering it wasn't until 2005 when they offered their first good album, I hope to the sweet lord above that they don't go back to a time when they sucked to gain inspiration. what geoff said, never really been a hcss fan myself and like this even less... Agree!
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