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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I know, what is going on? He has not done a release date update since like 2009
  2. Love it! I've actually never seen this. I'll have to check it out this weekend. Just finished this, and now I'm wondering why I hadn't seen this fourteen years ago. Good stuff!
  3. Don't know if there's really much fuss about it, is there? I've only seen the couple of favourable views here but didn't think this'd be setting the world alight. Anyway, I could have saved you 45mins of your life and told you straight out you wouldn't like this. I know if 2012 you lost interest in modern rock. Disliking bands like Diamond Dawn and skipping songs like 'I believe in love' may mean that in 2013 melodic rock might be next on the chopping block for you? Watch out, mate, soon you'll just be stuck with a bunch of prog CDs in a few years and wonder why the hell you stopped liking all the good music! But yeah, seriously, if melodic rock isn't your thing any more fair enough. I certainly don't think this is amazing, but it's a very strong melodic rock release, without any obvious fault. Agree Geoff!
  4. Nice! Good ,fun movie. Yep. It's time to rewatch it. This is on Netflix !
  5. Wow, nice to have money! lol I don't have money, thank God I sold some of my records Gotcha
  6. I got you Glen, I like it myself(It's not fantastic) but a nice listen.
  7. There are 2 Bruce Willis movies on Netflix that I'm going to check out this weekend. FIRE FIRE, and THE SET UP. Both straight to dvd.
  8. I have it DVRed, will watch when the wife and can watch together.
  9. Yes, I like this to. I'm going to go with "To Hell And Back" as my favorite.
  10. Ex-squeeze me? A baking powder? I must listen to this immediately! Remember!, I said not as good!!! But even if it's half as good, that's still twice better than half the albums dropped last year. Well, let me know what you think. I like it, and I tend to lean more towards stuff with a crunch to it.
  11. Ex-squeeze me? A baking powder? I must listen to this immediately! Remember!, I said not as good!!!
  12. It has a "The Magnificent" feel to it, but not as good as that.That was my album of 2011.
  13. It is not bad and growing on me, but GW is much better imo. Side note ,really liking the new PC69!
  14. Love that disc!!! Escape~ Bleed & Scream Do you mean-Eclipse?
  15. If you can still play, why not! Hockey is the only sport for me! Go BRUINS!!!
  16. Crashdiet-Savage Playground Pink Cream 69- Ceremonial both from itunes.
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