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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Wow. "Everytime I Look at You" is one of my favorite KISS tracks (along with "All Hell's Breakin' Loose") and maybe my favorite tune from '92. I agree with GGRNRTY though, that one is awful. I'll never understand why they released that as a single. I love both of those tunes. I like GGRNRTY, but I love EILAY
  2. This is on Netflix, let me know what you think.
  3. Did you get DIRTY enough! oh yes,the soap couldn't handle it Today I have been mostly listening to: Dangerous Toys-Pissed Sons Of Angels-s/t Ten-s/t Kiss-Sonic Boom Van Halen-5150 Nice! Nothing wrong with getting a little dirty!
  4. I agree. I think Knock You Down is the better disc. By quite a bit actually. I'm the opposite here!
  5. Alex Cross! Not sure how I feel and how this will be with this guy taking over for Moran Freeman, but I love Kiss The Girls and Along Came A Spider. So I have to see this, (the trailer looked really good) so here we go!
  6. Seems Sly's Bullet To The Head is in the same boat. bombing at the box office but I want to see both of these I agree! Both will be seen on dvd.
  7. This kind of stuff really pisses me off, especially coming from a musician. I may not play in a band, but I do enjoy live music. If live music sounded like this, however, I wouldn't bother. Sure, sometimes the band plays in a shitty venue and the sound can be poor, but that's no one's idea of a good time. Everyone would prefer a band to sound tight and excellent with a killer sounding set so you get the most out of it and can hear each band member equally. These comments about sounding raw and rough and all that bullshit is fine if you want to appeal to posers who think that by listening to something that sounds like shit that they're really raw, nasty and hardcore and live in the gutter and sleep on a pillow of filth and rawness and edginess. But dudes, it's 2012. We have the facilities to make recorded music sound excellent, heavy and like a band should sound live. There is no room for poor quality recordings. Not when everything you put in the stereo before and after your CD sounds like a million dollars and your product sounds like shit. I love Crashdiet and I'm sure Martin Sweet is a top bloke, but I hate bullshit like this. Their debut and 'Generation Wild' were universally adored for good reason. Taking a step back to appeal to a handful of posers isn't going to take your band anywhere. Though, I gotta say, massive congrats on debuting at number 2 on the Swedish charts. That's awesome. Sounds about right Geoff!
  8. Glen's opinion on the Crazy Lixx production is a pretty lonely one and I personally think both suck (hard to say which one more as they're both very different. Crazy Lixx sounds really weak, this is just pretty bad... and yeah, I guess comparatively "weak" as well. Whimpers when played back to back with most any other current CD.) Quick answer without checking the backs of the CDs is that Crazy Lixx definitely used a different producer, and I'm 99% sure Crashdiet did too. Rare these days the same producer produces 2 albums in a row, unless he's part of the band. And by the way, I was still in stunned silence by this being your first Crashdiet album. Knowing your tastes, they are an absolute must - at least 'Rest In Sleaze' and 'Generation Wild.' Utterly essential. Well I love Crazy Lixx and have all their albums, so if these guys compare to them I didn't really hear it in this album. I will check out the others as everyone says they are better than this release. I love Crazy Lixx a lot more than Crashdiet. I think Rest In Sleaze is the pinnacle of perfection. But Crazy Lixx has certainly kicked Crashdiet's ass since then. Although Generation Wild was a damn good disc. Agree Alphamale.
  9. Glen's opinion on the Crazy Lixx production is a pretty lonely one and I personally think both suck (hard to say which one more as they're both very different. Crazy Lixx sounds really weak, this is just pretty bad... and yeah, I guess comparatively "weak" as well. Whimpers when played back to back with most any other current CD.) Quick answer without checking the backs of the CDs is that Crazy Lixx definitely used a different producer, and I'm 99% sure Crashdiet did too. Rare these days the same producer produces 2 albums in a row, unless he's part of the band. And by the way, I was still in stunned silence by this being your first Crashdiet album. Knowing your tastes, they are an absolute must - at least 'Rest In Sleaze' and 'Generation Wild.' Utterly essential. Well I love Crazy Lixx and have all their albums, so if these guys compare to them I didn't really hear it in this album. I will check out the others as everyone says they are better than this release. I love Crazy Lixx a lot more than Crashdiet.
  10. Yeah, how is it in a desensitized, sick and twisted generation "R" rated films don't do so well? To be honest, I still haven't seen this. All my friends are broke, and I don't care to sit in a theatre alone. I actually love going to the movies solo. I don't do it much anymore due to family responsibilities and the fact that I now live 45 minutes from the nearest theater, but from time to time I still enjoy catching an afternoon matinee by myself. There is rarely anyone else in the theater with me, meaning I typically have the place to myself. Might have to occasionally share with a couple other people, but no biggie. Just grab a big ol' bag of extra-butter popcorn, large Coke, sit back, and have a good time. Pants optional. Yes, Pants are optional!
  11. I loved this movie back in the day. Penelope Ann Miller = mega babe. Good movie!!
  12. Good song, and nice Lynch Mob shirt!
  13. In a "V" mood ! Vamp- The Rich Don't Rock V2-s/t Vice-Second Excess
  14. Oh yes...made me dig these out for a listen also,how good is that survivor disc,my fav by them by a country mile also spinnin' Harem Scarem-S/t Treat-Organized Crime Sounds like a good time! both are stellar albums, Too Hot is more rockin than their prior, maybe couple of okay fillers, but man how good is 'Desperate Dreams' and 'Didn't Know It Was Love' Agreed,great taste Nightrain Im spinnin' House Of Lords-Demons Down Eli-Push It Hard Autograph-Loud & Clear Dokken-The Very Best Of Dokken(japan import) Bulletboys-S/t Blonz-S/t Shake City-S/t Jaded Heart-Mystery Eyes Trixie-Shelter(How good is their cover of Wasted by leppard... belter ) well it is saturady night and One Direction have left the building (my wifes choice of music) my turn now Your wife listens to One Direction?! SORRY dude! Yeah,well she kinda does,its more to do with the kids that band are huge here for some reason...but thats why I have a Bigger stereo than the rest of the house...drown it out although in saying that my sons have grown up on Hard Rock/Metal so they have a varied taste in music I gotcha. My wife listens to very varied music, but mostly stuff that is NOT my kind of stuff,,(even thou she said she LOVES the kind of music that I listen to when we first met)(LIAR! lol) My 2 boys listen to anything really, until I get to mold them lol.
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