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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. I would have an orgasm if Harem Scarem reformed and released another disc!!
  2. Bump. If anyone is interested I'll upload more.
  3. AlphaMale


    Post an ad on craigslist and you will be bombarded!!
  4. Wow... I just read this thread. Did anyone ever get a refund from this bozo?
  5. I liked "Feel The Steel" a bit better. I love "Just Like Tiger Woods".
  6. One of my favorite Astral Doors songs "Of The Son And The Father" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeraUlvJDrA
  7. I can't believe there aren't no promos floating of Balls Out around online yet.
  8. See if I counted correctly.... this makes 12 band member changes for Tracii's version since 2006!! Paul Black - vocals 2006 Jeremy Guns - bass 2006 Nickey Alexander - drums 2006 Chad Stewart - drums 2007 Marty Casey - vocals 2007 Alec Bauer - guitars 2007 Jizzy Pearl - vocals 2008 Danny Nordahl - bass 2009 Muddy - bass 2009 Doni Gray - drums 2009 Dilana - vocals 2011 Eric Grossman - bass 2011
  9. Pretty sad when you replace your own son. LOL. What a joke. Tracii's version of the band is a revolving door of musicians. Why must he keep up that charade??
  10. Maybe they should change the name of the band to "The Curse Of Eden".
  11. He sounds like a bigger asshole with his second statement. Sounds to me like he backed the band into a wall demanding hundreds of dollars extra if they wanted him to fly to the shows overseas. What a wanker.
  12. Sounds like this asshole cares more about the money then the music. I love the band so that sucks but with that statement, he comes off like a real jackass.
  13. I didn't like all that mellow solo crap from Butch so I'm sure I won't like this. Why did he turn his back on his rock 'n' roll roots? Southgang and Marvelous 3 were brilliant. All his other shit is just that.... shit.
  14. I really loved the S/T debut but "Seeds" didn't do much for me. How is "Wishpool"? More like the debut or "Seeds"? If they could go back to the excellent sound on the debut like the stellar tunes "Got No Shame", "How Long", "Woman" and "Hard Act To Follow", I would be extremely stoked!!
  15. I also love Fates but don't like Dream Theatre. DT lost me after "Images & Words".
  16. I just heard "Stained Glass Sky". Very good!!
  17. Man I love Fates Warning's early albums. I'm listening to "Prelude To Ruin" from Awaken The Guardian right now.
  18. Bumped..... any news on this new CD?
  19. Funny to release this right after Jizzy got the boot.... again.
  20. BraveWords.com: You took a break from Alice’s band for a few years to do ‘your own thing’. What’s the status of your work outside of Cooper? Johnson: “I’m always going to be juggling two or three things, Mitch. That’s the beauty of working with Alice. He takes up a certain amount of time each year for touring and then there’s a fair amount of time for you to work on other stuff. Alice is five or six months out of the year. As a writer, performer and just a guy who needs to keep working to feed his family I’m really fortunate that I’ve got some other things that I can do. I’m really looking forward to re-launching Brother Cane in 2012. I’ve put it off for a long time and I’ve been so focused on other things, but I can’t out-run the shadow of Brother Cane. People ask about it constantly in such a flattering way. Since the band broke up in 2000, I’ve tried to put together no less than four other projects, but it’s really hard. To have a name that people are familiar with and to have songs that people know... I just thought I could have the band available to do some shows and it’s a creative outlet for me. I haven’t made a rock record in a long time and I need to make another rock.” BraveWords.com: Do you miss playing the Brother Cane songs? Johnson: “I’ve always miss playing those songs. The band has played four shows in the last eleven years and for me as the guy who wrote all those songs and sang all those songs, I have a real attachment to them. I just want to go out there and sing those songs that I’ve had some success with.” BraveWords.com: You mentioned ‘rock record’. When the band gets back together in 2012, will you have a new record to support the tour? Johnson: “That’s what I would like to do. I would like to make a new record, yes. I want to write new music to go along with it (the tour).”
  21. Me too!! Glad there's another Brother Cane fan out there!!
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