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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. I could almost hear Miss Me as modern country track ala Keith Urban?
  2. I just noticed..... you can fit both CDs on one CDR. Why is it 2 discs?
  3. Yes... they aren't for everybody. But (enter band member here) is a great guy and maybe someone on here would like them. Sounds like something I would say. Haha. Indeed!
  4. OMG not even close. That is a standard that will never be match by this band EVER. Agree! This is the album that totally came out of nowhere for me and is in my favorite Top 10 albums of all time. I just about love every single song on this and even the weaker tracks (the ballads) aren't that bad. I high 90's % rating on this one. I think I rated Bang! 78% which was heading the right direction..... until Silver.
  5. I would have to agree that out of the last 3 albums, not a single song on any of them touches Lipservice.
  6. Is that really what he looks like?? OMG..... I thought it was a spoof. What a crap song! That last Zan Clan disc was pretty kickass.
  7. Well, are they all 41? ;} I was going to make that hilarious call too. I think they were all 41. 41 years ago.
  8. It said trailer so I assumed it was snippets of the album. My bad!
  9. Sample of Never Look Back https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01MR2Z9SL/ref=dm_ws_tlw_trk2
  10. Yes... they aren't for everybody. But Paul the singer is a great guy and maybe someone on here would like them. I think they kinda sound like Alice In Chains.
  11. This band just gets better and better. Very consistent band. And yes Jacob, Historikill is awesome!!
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