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Everything posted by SUICIDE

  1. Ouch. 22 years later and the smell of burnt hair still lingers just watching that vid.
  2. That is crazy that they don't indicate what is a CD-R and what isn't anymore. But the stupid term ' "OFFICIAL" CD-R ' has clouded many minds now, leaving it open for anyone to claim a self-made low budget print job with CD-R is actually considered 'Official', a nice loophole for bootleggers. If a band self-made cassette tapes and handprinted labels, a fan would consider it a 'Demo.' I don't think music being on a CD-R should warrant anything being classed as 'Official'...more like 'Officially Cheap.'
  3. Alice Cooper all the way. Can't stand Ozzy's vocals.
  4. 'Paura Nella Città Dei Morti Viventi'
  5. One full song usually or until it a song hits the chorus but if the vocalist is shit or the song title is lame comedy, the time shrinks.
  6. The highlighted line is just a load of nonsense. None of the huge major record companies in their right mind would totally force fans to go out and buy an mp3 player just to listen to their music artists. They would lose millions and millions of £$€¥ and would cause total backlash. Also, not everyone wants digital songs. Yes it may be the in thing to download music quickly but also many, including myself, want a physical product in their hand to have a spy through and read whenever they want and not have to be on a computer to do it or fuck on with an mp3 player that has a short battery life.
  7. Stronger feelings about Cobain, only because he should have ended it before the 'Nevermind' album and with a bigger gun.
  8. BTW...Televictim.com is a known joke merch type shop. They sell loads of crazy mockery/joke type items. Some of you guys are sure to love their "Farters License."
  9. Just lit a candle for this post.
  10. Yes that could be true also, or Billy Gash is just counting his solo songs as 'Penny Lane' music since he obviously keeps reviving the name.
  11. Eddie definitely won't be getting any huge memorial from the world. His music/talent does not transcend every guitarist around and there are better guitarist who deserve the spotlight, in my opinion. This has nothing to do with racism but about world influence.
  12. You definitely don't need to take the derogatory racist rubbish from anyone or from anywhere.


    Sadly, I have incurable expenses, according to my doctor. And if I give him some of my newly acquired dollas, he can sort me. Other than that, he says I have three moths to live or I will decrease without trickortreatment. All this because of Moses Adams. What a dead wanker he turned out to be.
  14. Doubt they have any more tracks stashed away. That is probably just nonsense. Why would they release the same songs everyone knows already with just three supposedly new tracks with Steve on vocals. They just jumped on the Steve Summers bandwagon to try and boost sales. If they had more songs they would have released these so-called stashed away songs with Steve on all tracks. These new songs just sound like Billy Gash solo music. What they should have done was get the singer from Steel Panther to sing the new songs and get more hype.
  15. "The Customer Is Always Right" business view is a load of piss and very primitive today. There are always customers who are just plain idiots and are looking to get things for free and very difficult to work with. Those are the types you tell to fuck off or in a business sense, I tell them I will not work with them because they will just cause loads of headaches and anger. Then you move on. No point in dragging it out trying to deal with them. As for "Best Offer" options on eBay. Maybe this Emporium guy needs to not choose the option on his future listings, but a seller on eBay or anywhere else is under no obligation to accept anyones offer if he feels like it. It is the sellers discretion.


    I actually have received this Moses Adams email about a day ago. Now I am the KING of Burkina Faso, after responding.
  17. ...and 26950 of those posts were his championing of Steel Panther.
  18. Hot Off The Press...Eonian Records Official Silver-Pressed CDs of: SHAKE CITY "Self-Titled" UZI "Madhouse"
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