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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. I just do not get why they keep releasing these songs. They were not good enough for the album and are older than Mick Jaggers ball sweat. It's about time to write something new, with Slash and Duff involved in the writing process. Maybe then we might actually get something that sounds like GNR
  2. Another Chinese Democracy cast off. This time with an awful AI generated video. Have to say that I do like some of the Chinese Democracy era songs .. this is not one of them.
  3. I very much doubt that. From what I have seen and heard over the years, Olli made most of the main decisions with the band. Hell it was his band basically (which is why it went on hiatus when he joined Crashdiet). He got an offer he could not refuse. Despite not being known outside Finland, Popeda probably sells more records in Finland than Reckless Love sells world wide, and probably plays bigger venues too. It may be his fan boy dream, for all we know, but you would have to say that he must be making a lot more money joining them. Maybe he will return, maybe he won't. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
  4. Yeah this is defo gonna be an essential purchase for me this year.
  5. Didn't really do much for me, and the vocals are barely audible in that second video. The mix is horrible.
  6. So after re-reading both statements in the correct order, my take is that the band is on hiatus due to them waiting to see if Olli returns, but sounds like Hessu is not willing to wait. Just seems a bit of a mess of a situation where one guys decision has kinda derailed the band. Like many bands, the focus of this band has always been on the vocalist, and when that vocalist leaves the band is pretty much destroyed. If they carry on with a new singer, they will lose a lot of diehard fans who only care about the singer, and will constantly get comments like "It's not XX without XX on vocals". "No XX no XX". The other option is to call it quits, and then those same people who complain about new singer will be the first ones complaining the band has split. It's a no win situation. Replacing a vocalist in a band is the hardest piece of the jigsaw puzzle to replace. Sometimes it works (VH, Sabbath, AC/DC, Maiden) other times it doesn't (VH, Sabbath, Maiden, Warrant). With a band as relatively small as Reckless Love some might think its easier, but I personally think it works against them as their fans are absolute diehards for the most part.
  7. Actually I missed the official announcement and seems it's now just Pepe and Jalle continuing Dear fans and followers, As many of you already know, Olli joined the legendary Finnish rock group called Popeda at the beginning of the year. This will take 100% of Olli’s concentration and efforts for the time being. Consequently, we are announcing a break from touring and recording until further notice. Our work will continue as soon as the time is right. We are also announcing that we have parted ways with our drummer Hessu Maxx. Our decision was mutual and formed over a long period of time. We want to emphasize the fact that this was not a rushed decision. There is no hard feelings or drama involved from either side, as we all feel this was a natural developement within the bands internal relations. We want to thank Hessu for his hard work for the band, all the fun we’ve had on the road and all the great things we have achieved together over the years. We wish Hessu all the best for his future endeavours. We will come back. We always do. Our love for you will never die - because it’s Reckless Love. yours, Olli, Jalle and Pepe
  8. Post from Hessu Maxx FB page sounds like they are done. I want to say THANK YOU to all the fans and followers that Reckless Love have. You are the reason we made it all! For me these past 15 years have been amazing! I have loved every second of it. You all made it possible for us. You all have a place in my heart forever. I tried to meet you all everytime when it was possible. All the countries and all the shows we've had the pleasure to offer you our best, are precious to me. I hope you all could enjoy this life as much as I have enjoeyd it in these past 15 years, even for a moment. Pepe Sedergren , Jalle Pääkkönen and Olli Herman Kosunen are my brothers always. I want to thank them for all this time we spent together making Reckless Love, a pretty good band, right? Also big thanks to all the people we have had the pleasure to work with! Our bus drivers Pex Siltala , Mikko Mitikka , Petri Kaivoluoto our sound engineers Janne Röning, Janne Vuori and our man on a mission Alex Hautamäki and everyone else. We know what it's like on the road, and we make it possible together! I love to make music, I love to play drums, That is my passion and I will never stop. New era, new things. Let's all enjoy it! Ps. I could quote many of the songs we have but one of the best for this feeling is 'Edge Of Our Dreams' -Reckless Love Listen to it and have a moment.
  9. Yeah Tyketto is one of the bands I would not classify as AOR. Heart would be another. As for Valentine, that is a tricky one as Hugo is so Steve Perry in his sound, they always get compared to Journey.
  10. To be fair the few times I have spoken to Erik online he was really friendly, and even the time I met him and HEAT after a gig, but not enough time to talk and sign everyones stuff. Seb I have spoken to online maybe once or twice, and he was pretty decent too. I just think Bach is a motormouth, and some of the stuff he says gets him in trouble. But of course I don't have to work with him. Saying that though, the fact him and Rob Afuso are willing to work together and Rob wont work with the other three tells me that maybe Seb wasnt the biggest Arsehole in SR.
  11. The thing is it all comes down to what you classify as AOR. Some bands on this list I really would not call AOR. Dave Ling though is one of the top AOR journos in the UK, so who am I to argue.
  12. Yeah I don't believe there was a third album released late last year as they released the first single from whatever the upcoming album is back in early December (Insanity). Maybe the single is what Doggy is getting confused by. Even on their Spotify there is only two albums, and the two new singles.
  13. Where was I upset or offended? Calm down dude you are the one coming across as upset and offended. Was just saying the Mick Mars thread is probably the best place to talk about him not an Oranthi thread. And you gonna take a pop at the board for being "half dead"? Then why are you here? Was just trying to be helpful. People get so sensitive over nothing. Jeez.
  14. There is a post for Mick Mars. Not sure an Oranthi topic is the place to discuss Jacob.
  15. Such a great song. Amazing considering how small Giant were compared to a lot of bands of the era, that both Lana Lane and Bulletboys have covered this song. That is how good it is.
  16. As it would have been Bobs birthday today, this one is for him
  17. There was four years between album 1 & 2, so it's about that time for a 3rd album release seeing as the last one was 2020
  18. Well looks like she has left Frontiers going on this social media po orianthi · My single “first time blues” ft Joe Bonamassa will be out in February through Woodwardavenue records can’t wait for you all to hear it , I produced it and it was mixed by awesome Kevin Shirley recorded at robby Krieger’s studio
  19. Wouldn't say it's a miss, but certainly not her best cover and certainly not a patch on the original. It's one of those songs that very few people do justice to. Only version for me that hits it 100% is the Jettblack version. I
  20. As much as I love A7X, I just could not get into this album. Loved the first single but everything else was just a bit too weird for me.
  21. Yeah that Ozzy tweet is what lead me to the video
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