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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Dead Planet


    Wasting your time responding to a troll or an 8 year...could be either or both....
  2. Dead Planet


    I've always thought it ironic that those who are vehemently anti-abortion because it's all about saving lives are the same people who would never consider any kind of gun restrictions which might save lives...
  3. Dead Planet


    Every law abiding gun owning American should pray that something happens to slow down these mass shootings because eventually the majority of Americans are going to get to a tipping point where they will not only accept restrictions and bans but they will demand them.... And what happens in the US always affects what happens here in Canada....for example our idiot PM using the Texas massacre as an excuse to bring more gun restrictions.....
  4. Dead Planet


    One issue I have with the right wing and GOP about these mass shootings is that they always blame it on mental health problems but they do little to nothing about dealing with mental health issues....Texas is a good example where they have cut back on mental health programs....if we have identified the main issue then deal with that issue ffs....offering thoughts and prayers isn't getting it done....
  5. Dead Planet


    I guess the issue comes down to....are you willing to compromise in order to lower the amount of mass shootings....you'll never get rid of them completely as they happen everywhere but the number of mass shootings in the US is getting ridiculous and doing nothing doesn't seem to be the best policy imo....
  6. Dead Planet


    Different doesn't mean better....it just means that you see the issue differently because you have never really been allowed to own guns and therefore don't miss what you never had....
  7. Dead Planet


    I'm no expert on US law but I thought they were trying to change the law to prevent mentally ill people from getting guns and that the Reps were blocking those efforts....of course the Dems no doubt are trying to throw other shit onto any bill about gun reform but background checks and ensuring people are sane seems like a reasonable idea.....also if you can't get a beer until 21 then why should you be able to buy an AR15.....
  8. Dead Planet


    I believe that in a free country gun ownership should be allowed....however there needs to be some rules, regulations and common sense laws governing how and where they can be used...and those rules should prevent lunatics from getting a gun and going to their local school to kill children!
  9. Dead Planet


    The new regulations will ban the sale or transfer of handguns , not all guns but it is still ridiculous legislation from a fucking moron....also all guns would have to have their magazines altered to have no more than 5 rounds.....they will have to come knock on my door to get me to alter my guns for our fucking asshole PM....
  10. George Carlin's American Dream 2022 - great doc about one of the greatest comedians ever....I miss George, he would have a great time with the political divide today and would have some incredibly funny insights....
  11. Dead Planet


    I hope that day does not come because if the US turns inward and away from the rest of the world then China , Russia and dictatorships in general will be happy to take up the slack and that may be the death knell of democracy....one day China may decide to take over Taiwan, Japan, Australia or New Zealand and I hope the rest of the democratic world stands up for those democracies rather than letting them fall....
  12. Dead Planet


    The problem with just defending your own borders and to hell with everyone else is that eventually you'll find that you are surrounded by people and countries that don't give a shit about you, your country or your values....so helping out other countries that reflect the same values as you is the way to go imo... Afghanistan is not something that can be defended as it was a royal fuckup period... Also I see a big difference between defending Ukraine and getting involved with places like the Middle East where they do not reflect the same values that we have and we should stay away and let them figure their own shit out.... I do agree that the military industry has too much power....but I feel the same way about most lobby groups whether it is guns, drugs, tech or whatever....lobbying should be banned.....
  13. Dead Planet


    What I haven't figured out is why some people think the Reps are going to be able to fix inflation.....toss the Dems out and something magical will happen...not.... As for all the complaining about sending tax payer dollars to Ukraine....that doesn't happen without full Republican support....heck Biden asked for 33 billion and they gave him 40 billion...every time Biden hesitates about how much and what to send to Ukraine the Reps freak out and call him soft forcing him to do more....personally I believe every democratic country should be doing everything they can to help Ukraine and I have no problem with them spending my tax dollars on something honorable for a change....
  14. Dead Planet


    It's called fucking taxes....
  15. Dead Planet


    And the US still has some of the cheapest gasoline prices in the world.....inflation is bad all over the planet and not a single politician or government has figured out a way to stop it.....eventually it will slow down and things will get back to normal but I figure that will take a few years..... As for covid, it is still killing people every day and will probably forever so most people have gotten used to it like influenza....masks are required here at hospitals and doctor's offices but that is it...I still see a few people wearing masks in stores but it is usually the elderly... as far as I'm concerned it is an individual's choice as to whether they wear a mask today and I do not condemn anyone who does wear one as I have no idea what their health status is like and therefore it is none of my business if they wish to take precautions...
  16. Loved the bands first bunch of albums but they lost me after Destiny....I do like that song so maybe it's time to revisit them....
  17. Trudeau is a fucking useless cunt...instead of dealing with the real problem of illegal guns crossing the border, he goes after legal gun owners because it looks like he is doing something about gun violence....the only good thing about stupid shit like this is that it means no legal gun owner will be voting for the useless twat after this.....also the Conservative party will most likely reverse most of his stupid policies assuming they pull their collective heads out of their collective asses and start looking like the common sense party that they used to be....
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