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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Hammer Of The Gods - decent viking flick, lots of fighting/blood etc....
  2. I have never been much of a fan and these songs don't change that.....
  3. High On Fire - Blessed Black Wings High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis Shadows Fall - Threads Of Life
  4. I have a feeling that this release will be at least in my top 5 for the year....
  5. I haven't been disappointed with any of their releases and I like the Cheap Trick cover....so far they can do no wrong IMO...
  6. A couple of non-action inspirational flicks with Morgan Freeman that are well worth checking out if you have not already had the pleasure.... Lean On Me(1989) ....MF playing a principal cleaning up an inner-city school An Unfinished Life (2005)....about a grieving father, played by Robert Redford who blames his daughter in law for his sons death, MF plays his friend in a supporting role
  7. 2016, Heavy Metal legends in triumphant return first album in thirty years! WALKING IN THE SHADOWS is a true pedigree Heavy Metal classic. Make no mistake British Metal legends Grim Reaper have returned with a storming slab of metal. This is an adrenaline fuelled release! Metal fans will not be disappointed. True to their roots this is true heavy metal, fist pumping, sing-along, great riffs and great songs Grim Reaper's first album SEE YOU IN HELL was released in 1984, selling over a quarter million copies within the first few days! In 1985 their second album FEAR NO EVIL was released and third album ROCK YOU TO HELL in 1987, both receiving as much attention as the first. All three albums, to date, have never left the shelves and have been re-released countless times. Grim Reaper are back!
  8. Hmmm sounds like their best yet....may have to get it....
  9. 'We Are' is very good, the 2nd song is okay, I'll most likely get this one....
  10. Devil's Gun - Dirty N Damned Royal Bliss - Life In Between
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