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2023 Donors - Stefan
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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Yeah, you're right. She's smarter than Barack Osama.
  2. Speaking of boy bands, this makes Backstreet Boys sound like Def Leppard...
  3. You just crossed the line mister! That's not true. Oh sorry, I thought I was someone else for a minute...
  4. He'll be hiding in his basement just like he did during his election campaign.
  5. C'mon man! Here's the...you know...the thing...: She will be getting the beating she deserves...hard. Just like the weakest president ever, Joke Biden, gets now. Will he resign before the end of the year?! It will be entertaining...
  6. Candice in action. You gotta love her. She wipes the floor with all these woke Democrats. Yeah, truth hurts you leftist retards. You can take that to the bank nyoilers
  7. We all know it's only a matter of time when the laughing hyena will replace Joke Biden and in a perfect world I'd like to see lovely Candice Owens instead as the first woman (of colour) to take the presidency.
  8. I never saw that one coming
  9. I'm fully vaccinated and I don't get it why you wouldn't be. I also wear a mask when in contact with other folks outside my family circle. Pretty steady and low pandemic here in Finland, about 500-600 cases daily. No panic here. Yet.
  10. Look who's 'back'. I vaguely remember back in the day her being more or less slaughtered by the media (and Demonrats). She sounds and looks great!
  11. Oh fuck. It really is mind-blowing how stupid (or ignorant) one can be. She should go back being a bartender, a stripper or something else. I can't think of anyone more annoying and incompetent 'politician' out there. Well I can but you get my drift For fuck sake woman! Shut up and suck!
  12. From his new EP 'The Roadside'. I like this a lot. Billy's always cool.
  13. Teaser for 'Crank It Up!'.
  14. I've always had a soft spot for these girls. New songs from the new album 'Encore'.
  15. I hadn't heard of him before and I did some searching. He was in a band called Loveblast: https://heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/band.cgi?BandNum=5249
  16. Press release: "Goodbye" is the second release from the Quarantine sessions. Goodbye was first released as a bonus track for the Japan release of A NEW DAWN in October 2019. This version is a re-recorded full acoustic version recorded at studio RainRoom, mixed and mastered by Carl Berglund . ageofreflection.com facebook.com/AGEOFREFLECTION
  17. New video for the 'Edge of the World'.
  18. Oh yes! Always nice when they release something new. From danreed-network.com: Dear all Networkers, friends and family – DRN are delighted to announce that they have now signed a worldwide record deal with Drakkar Entertainment and are extremely excited to be working with them on their upcoming release ‘Let’s Hear It For The King’. We’ve been working so hard behind the scenes on a whole bunch of new things that we know you’re all going to love and we really can’t wait to share all of that with you.This is going to be such an exciting new chapter for the band! Thank you to all those at Roulette Media for your hard work up until this point. Stay tuned for more news coming soon…
  19. Nothing. Please go back home...
  20. The title should read 'Bad news is good news'. Let's FIGHT!
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