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Everything posted by whiplash1972

  1. Christian Ponder is having a pretty good season so far also... Ponder looked really good vs the 49ers this past Sunday; very pleasantly surprised with his performance so far this season.
  2. Well, what a difference a year (and opposing defenses having lots of game film to study) makes. Cam has definitely come back down to earth this season, and looks more "human" if you will. The Superman celebration needs to go; how damn stupid did that look last Thursday night after the Giants had been kicking their asses the rest of the game?
  3. Just an FYI for anyone interested, but none other than Joe Lynn Turner AGREES with Dave 100% https://www.facebook.com/joelynnturnerofficial Check out his post and the responses from August 16th So there's the opening act on the Fruit Loop Tour!
  4. The Change-Up Cute "switcheroo" comedy... and hey, anything that Olivia Wilde takes her top off in is worth seeing.
  5. http://web.archive.org/web/20100111031916/http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/
  6. Eliza Dushku From "True Lies" in '94 to
  7. Rise of the Planet of the Apes Expected basically nothing from this one, and wound up enjoying it a lot. James Franco was barely annoying in this one...
  8. In Time (Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfreid) Decent film; I really liked the idea of a future where time has become the monetary unit, and if you run out of money (go broke) you die!
  9. Back to the former child star theme with Christine Lakin (Step By Step) Then: Now:
  10. To be fair, my personal situation probably colors my dislike of the spring/summer months greatly. I'm allergic to so many trees, grasses, and molds here in North Carolina, that it would be quicker to list what I'm NOT allergic to! Been getting two allergy shots a week (one in each arm) for the last 9 years now. I just feel SOOOO much better during the winter; those with allergies will understand... and to those who are blessed not to have them, you are VERY lucky!
  11. I'll describe my take on winter v summer like this... If I'm going out in the winter, and it's colder than I expected, I can always throw on another layer of clothing, a scarf, etc... to stay warm. In the summer, you could strip naked, and you'd still be scorching hot. Also, some of my best childhood memories are from winter: snowball fights, snow angels, building snowmen and then clotheslining their heads off, building anatomically correct snow people, hot chocolate in front of the fire after going back in from a long day of play, and oh yeah, CHRISTMAS (winter in this hemisphere anyway )
  12. Nope, but definitely a good thought with the song title. ;-) http://www.amazon.com/More-Than-A-Miracle/dp/B0042FGK3K/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1341433781&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=stan+bush+miracle
  13. whiplash1972

    Euro 2012

    Germany 1:2 Italy Wow... did not see that coming. Balotelli was a beast today and really exploited the German back line in the first half. So, it's Spain v Italy in the final; who's everyone got? I guess I'll stick with Spain
  14. Fright Night (2011 version with Collin Ferrell) I like the original better, but as far as re-dos go, it ain't bad...
  15. whiplash1972

    Euro 2012

    Oh no......Both at the SAME time,on BBC 1 and BBC 3........ Greece and the Czeck's both won 1-0 and advance..... I really thought it would be Russia and the Czech Republic advancing from Group A, but the Russians let their guard down for a few seconds in 1st half stoppage time, and paid for it by letting in the goal that sent them home.
  16. Bridesmaids Decent overall, with several VERY funny scenes, but if you took Melissa McCarthy's character out of the movie, it would have been a 2 hour snoozefest...
  17. whiplash1972

    Euro 2012

    Well, so much for Holland being "favorites". Very disappointing performances so far. Looks like they will be a casualty in the "Group of Death"
  18. whiplash1972

    Euro 2012

    From what I've seen in the run up to the Euros, World Cup and Euro 2008 champions Spain (obviously) and Holland are far and away the faves here, with Holland having a much tougher group stage to deal with. Group B is BRUTAL. If Germany can get out of group B along with Holland, never count 'em out in the big tourneys! ;-)
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