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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. Well it all started as one site, but then I spun off Brutal Metal. At the time there were quite a few local folks that expressed interest in working on brutalmetal, but that evaporated, hence the comparatively poor activity and maintenance on that site. Given that in the interim, brutalmetal has been expanded to include death metal, thrash, etc., recombining them will not happen. -Dan
  2. So few people get the true genius of this movie. "My bubbles." -Dan
  3. For having inflicted that video upon the community here. Bad dog. No biscuit. Yeek....
  4. I hope TNT picks up the series. That finale last night was meh. -Dan
  5. Hrmmm.... well it would work if the idiot that programmed it had changed all the hard limits like he was supposed to. I need to fire that guy... Try now. -Dan
  6. I think this post from Dan deserves to be visited again, since some of the recent Spanish comments on the main site have been for bands that did their albums in Spanish (Sangre Azul) and/or bands that are actually from Spain (91 Suite). It's perfectly suitable for those discs to be commented on in Spanish. Well I think the exception should be for discs sung in a different language rather than the bands being from that country. Otherwise, we'll be having Treat comments in Swedish, Skagarack comments in Danish, etc. The logic is that discs sung in languages other than English presumably have greater appeal to speakers of that language and there's less of a likelihood of English speakers being inconvenienced, etc., etc. There is no perfect solution... -Dan
  7. David DeFeis = Eric Adams (Manowar). The similarity is uncanny on some of the later works...
  8. I've been doing my part... haven't missed an episode yet! -Dan
  9. Welc***! b***! I'm glad you *** your computer ******** resolved!
  10. Excuse me, but I believe the proper term for Summer Glau's hottie character is "The Terminatrix"... -Dan
  11. Long overdue, but there are some neat items available. http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/musicdvds.cgi They have a new storefront, but the code HEAVYHARMONIES should still get you 15% off. Of note: $17.95 - 15% off $17.95 - 15% off CD + DVD. $16.95 - 15% off This is the ultimate JETBOY DVD/CD package! The DVD includes a 1986 performance at the Whisky A Go-Go, a slide show photo movie through the years, plus interviews with each member from 2007. The audio disc includes 21 tracks (in chronological order) of old demos plus two NEW recordings 'Feel The Shake' 2007 and their rocked up version of 'Folsom Prison Blues'. Lipstick, lace, leather, cheap booze, cheaper dames, low slung guitars, and hair...lots and lots of hair. This was the Sunset Strip music scene in the '80s. DVD: * Car Sex * Rockin' and Reelin' * Quick Draw * Shout It Out * Cut Me Down * Bad Disease * In the Alley * Little Teaser * Don't Mess With My Hair * (If You Don't Want To F*ck Me, Baby) F*CK OFF!! CD: * Little Teaser * In the Alley * Don't Mess With My Hair * Car Sex * On the Lips * Fire In My Heart * Bad Disease * Quick Draw * Losin' Streak * Cut Me Down * Feel the Shake 1987 * White Rock Devil * High Gear * Bullfrog Pond * Moonlight * Groove Tube * Crank It Up * Slowgrind * Folsom Prison Blues * Feel the Shake 2007 * Bonus Track: In the Alley Bonus Materials: * Interviews and Footage from the re-recording of 'Feel the Shake' * Slide Show Photo Movie
  12. I asked Pekka about the availability of the song Josie: "Josie" music video was the last thing Cashmir ever did, the song was one of the last demos we did and it´s not on any album. What you hear on the video is the actual demo which was eventually mastered just for the video. The reason we did the video was because a friend of ours, who´s now the biggest music video director in Finland, was a big fan of the song and wanted to try out what it would be like directing a music video. That was his first work. -Dan
  13. Wow, that's fucked. The next thing you'll tell us is that **** internet service ** randomly ****** words in **** posts. That would ****** suck the *** one. Time to *** a new *******. -***
  14. No clue actually. Looking back through the various forums, I don't see any monumental events or discussions that would have prompted such attendance. Maybe there was a problem on the main site and people came here? -Dan
  15. I saw that thread a long time ago by some newbies. I am pretty sure that the high amount of people online that day was due to the fact that for a while Dan had a subscription service with downloads available. Then the RIAA or suchlike got involved and Dan had to discontinue that and take all of even the low quality short song samples offline. I still have that username and password here somewhere . Yeah, that sounds about right. This board didn't get added to the site until August of 2002. -Dan
  16. A thread over at MR reminded me of this. The year was 2000. The month was March. N-Sync was going strong: I remember getting an email from someone saying "I saw your site in the magazine and..." to which I replied "Magazine? What magazine? Where?" He said "this week's Rolling Stone magazine." I figured he was just yanking my chain, as I knew nothing about it, but nevertheless I rushed out to the nearest grocery store to see if it was on the level. Sure enough... one itty bitty paragraph. But the resulting traffic surge (site traffic more than tripled that week) was enough to get things moving. Prior to that, HH was really only known via a few email lists and Zines (Kurt Torster's SFK and Tim Wadzinski's Detritus). It's about the closest HH will ever get to "mainstream exposure" but that's my little 15 minutes of fame.
  17. Thanks to stuck in lodi, audio samples for 101 more discs have been added to the main site. Up to 341 total. http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/audio.cgi?order=alpha -Dan
  18. Just one exception: I AM going to continue to allow foreign language comments for those discs that are not sung in English. That only seems fair. -Dan
  19. Well... I've talked it over with the mods and while there's pros and cons on both sides of the issue, I've decided to make the main site English-only, and will be making changes and announcements to that effect. The biggest reason is the difficulty in moderating that area when discussion is in a different language. It makes detecting the presence of threats, etc. more difficult. It has also created a subcommunity that interacts almost entirely with itself over there, and doesn't convert into participation here on the board, meaningful donations to the site, or more CD submissions. Given the comments from some of the regulars in this thread about their reluctance to use that functionality of the web site, I have to ask myself the following: By adding the translation tool from Spanish <-> English and encouraging the posting of Spanish comments, am I actually doing a disservice to the intended target audience of Heavy Harmonies: English speakers, predominantly American, by unwittingly making their user experience more hostile? I think the answer is yes. It was a mistake and it's time to fix it. -Dan
  20. Hmmm... that sounds like external stylesheets (CSS) aren't being loaded. I think your computer or browser is a bit more than slightly fucked. -Dan
  21. You know, the poll creation, the fast reply, and the smilie selection all use JavaScript. Do you have JavaScript disabled or are you using some ancient web browser?...
  22. Zzzzz..... waiting for the return of Jericho. In the meantime I'll ogle Summer Glau in the Sarah Connor Chronicles...
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