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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. Yup, although his solo album Victory was a damned fine album. I still spin it on a regular basis.
  2. Some I purchase, but many I get as digital promos (virtually no label does physical promo CDs any more).
  3. I gotta say, that was a pretty fucking entertaining game. Patriots down by 10 in the 4th, then that insane catch by Seattle at the 5 yard line, and the improbable interception, and the scrum in the end zone. Wow. P.S. Abolutely HORRIBLE play call by Carroll from the 1-yard line when you have Lynch.
  4. I despise both teams... I don't suppose there's any scenario whereby BOTH teams lose? This game is a pick 'em, IMO. Could go either way.
  5. I don't care for live ALBUMS much either. I can think of only a handful that have any staying power for me. To me, a live performance needs a DVD, or now Blu-Ray treatment. It provides added context to all the background noise, acoustics, etc.
  6. Was listening to the full album today. VERY good stuff! Question though: why did they choose a random '80s thrash metal band logo for the cover art?
  7. Aww, HELL yeah! The last one was absolutely stuperb.
  8. Harnell quits the band in T minus 4... 3... 2... 1... Seriously though, I liked the first two, so am looking forward to this one.
  9. P.S. If you log in over on the main site, you can add your own top 5/10 lists to that page.
  10. I just posted the Best of lists from Mike, Pete, Jez, Terry and myself. Strong year in many different genres... so much so that there was less consensus amongst us than ever before. Almost no overlap at all in our top 5 selections. http://heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/2014best.cgi Feel free to agree, disagree, or rip us to shreds for our takes. -Dan
  11. Well dip me in shit and call me stinky.... this is some pretty damned interesting stuff. Never heard of 'em before. Is this song representative of their previous 5 (?!) albums? If so, I'll need to track down their stuff. It's definitely not cookie cutter.
  12. I think FB has a lot to do with it. A lot of forums on various topics have been replaced by social media.... but... I don't do social media, and really do not like the format for discussions and searchability. I prefer the traditional forum format. I think another contributor is that I really haven't added any new functionality or given a visual overhaul to the main site. I simply don't have the time.
  13. And then people can congratulate you on congratulating people on their posts totals, and then you can congratulate them on congratulating you on congratulating people, and then...
  14. My, how Bill Belicheat's chickens have come home to roost. Who thought this whole Deflategate story would have legs? Now that 11 of 12 New England balls tested as deflated at halftime during the game, there are people speculating that Belicheat might be either suspended for the Superbowl and/or the entire 2015 season. Sports talk radio is all over the shit, and previous NFL quarterbacks are coming out of the woodwork chiming in on it. The dumbest thing is that of all the games the Deflatriots might have needed "an edge", this wasn't it. They would have won easily regardless. $5 says they blame it on some $15/hour ball boy...
  15. Ok, now after hearing samples of all the tracks... still "meh". There are moments, but overall it leaves me cold.
  16. I probably should have said "Earlier"... I posted samples on the main site back in July: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=32528 I guess this tells me how much people pay attention to those posts...
  17. Phibbleglarb the Yabloobloo! Yarpmif skans ptood! (or something like that) P.S. The video above posted yesterday has already been blocked for copyright.
  18. Yep. It was one of my top 5 contenders early on in the year. Makes my honorable mention list.
  19. Song is ok. Like the restrospective video though... bring back memories. I saw them in 1985 on the Theatre of Pain tour at the Richfield Coliseum in Cleveland. We oohed and aahed over the 90-degree tilting drum cage. It was something new at the time.
  20. Yearly? Not that I'm aware of, other than manually noting your total on January 1 and then comparing it the following year. If you're talking about the forum in general, same thing applies. I do know that traffic is down overall.
  21. Well, my top 5 is figured out as far as which 5 albums... now my issue is that I keep flip-flopping #2 and #3. I guess it doesn't matter in the global scheme of things, but dagnabit, it just pisses me off that I keep waffling. Looking back through the threads on the 5 discs I've chosen, I don't think my top 5 will match anyone's, although based on comments, if Stefan has a top 5, we *might* be close on several... he had positive things to say about several of my choices. The top 5s from Mike and Pete are due to me today, so hopefully I'll have everything posted by this weekend. -Dan
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