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Everything posted by Sick_Of_It_All

  1. I always hated when they started up the campaign to add "parental advisory, explicit lyrics" in a black square on the album art. But at least that way you knew you had the real disc & not some watered down walmart piece of shit lol. I believe you can search the bar code with google & it will tell if it's a censored version. I might be mistaken lol. I'd have to drag the one & only censored CD out I was unfortunate enough to buy out & check it. I've been pretty lucky on this. But that one bothers me none the less. I like the album but I'm not sure I like it enough to buy it again just to get the cuss words lol.
  2. Ok so now it's almost June... Where the hell do you buy this? A google search shows nothing lol
  3. I respect your opinion but I disagree. The vocals are one of the main reasons I like the band. And that's the main reason I hate Dream Theater lol. 3 Doors Down? C'mon really? They're one step from being a teenage boy band lol
  4. I guess what I really meant was format. I read through a few other threads to see how other people start threads. When I'm new to forum I always tread a little lightly & learn the dynamic as I go. I know there are set rules required by the admin to be followed but, I also know that the long standing regulars always have ways they think things should be done. I never like to upset people unnecessarily. But thanks for the post. Btw you say they're not your cup of tea... did you only listen to the video clip? Already have experience with them? I'm curious because if you listen to their albums on the site you'll find they don't just have a specific sound.
  5. Since I'm fairly new I dunno what the criteria is for a thread in here but I absolutely love this band & try to pass the word about them any chance I get lol. I don't do facebook but a buddy of mine a few months back told me he heard of HoF on there & told me I should check them out. I did some googling & found their site. I was mesmerized. I am a fan of bands like Pantera, Texas Hippie Coalition, Hell Yeah etc... This band is similar to all of those but to me oh so much better. For one thing they post their albums as they make them on their site as free downloads which is pretty cool. Then after doing some research on them I find out they're huge video game geeks & play at video game tournaments after which they give everyone a badass concert for free. I dunno I guess to me it just makes them much more approachable & normal seeming. Website: http://www.habitofforce.com/shop.html Here is my favorite song they do & what I think is a badass video
  6. I've never heard of this band until now lol. But I like the video linked on the first page. I agree, there has got to be more to the story. Who would just walk away like that leaving fans holding tickets?
  7. I couldn't disagree more. Like almost all music in the 90's I just quit listening & stuck with what I already had. To me Spreading The Disease & Among The living were the best albums they ever did.
  8. True ... man, they used to be SO good ... I agree. I pretty much quit listening to them after And Justice For All
  9. I know this is an old thread & I wondered if I'd get scolded more for resurrecting it or starting a new one, but I wasn't around for this discussion & my opinion matters damn it ... I just got a cd today I bought on fleabay & it's in a digipak. Personally I friggin hate these things but luckily most of the music I like didn't have the option. What really bothers me more is the thoughtless seller that doesn't disclose in a sale which he's selling. I know caveat & all but really should I have to ask on every purchase now? The particular cd I got was cheap enough it's not worth sending back. And honestly it's bad enough more than likely I'll just resell it but I just felt like venting lol.
  10. Welcome. Pretty awesome place to hang out
  11. Goddamit! I saw the thread & was reading through it to get a feel so I could post... And here I see it was already done I've gotta add to it... The first album sucked balls too. Ground breaking or original? Nope. I remember when they came on the scene & all the wannabe metal heads were cranking take me down to douchebag city on their sparkomatic stereos in their cars, my friends & I would crack up laughing til it hurt
  12. Sounds like a logical step to me. I voted yes. I hate that this download only thing is becoming the future but what can you do?
  13. I really like this band myself. Saw em at Rocklahoma a couple years ago. I also was a fan of Pantera but really only liked a handful of songs & to me much of their albums were filler. To me THC is more consistent. Plus with Big Dad Rich at the front... There's no contest who would win in a fight lol
  14. I love it! Love the concept & content so far. Though I have 2 suggestions... The toolbar or whatever you call that at the top of the main page - I think the print should be a little larger & in a brighter color so as to make clicking a page to where you wanna go easier. Also I like what you're doing with the rare cd pics but in my mind it would make more sense to have the info for each cd above its pic & not below it. It would seem more natural for me. As I scrolled down the page I got confused about which cd I was reading about. Just my .02 Either way I really like it. You should be proud
  15. Thanks guys! Nah I plan to hang around. I'm a long time member on every forum I join because I'm usually pretty passionate about the subject. Plus collecting music is the only hobby I've stuck to over the years. I can't promise I'll have a high post count though because I can't live on the Internet.
  16. Long time lurker, first time poster. I have been using this site for a long time to get info on potential new CDs for my collection. I've tried several times over the last several months to setup an account to no avail. But I didn't pursue it very seriously lol. Your awesome admin got me setup. Nice guy. I am old enough I was around during the glam/hair/metal days the first go around & I'm so glad to see it all making a come back. I love glam/sleaze. The sleazier the better. I also love thrash meta, southern rock, bluesy type rock & recently I've been getting into NWOBHM. Which some of it I had heard when I was a kid but I wasn't aware it had a title lol. I'm not sure I have a favorite band but lately I've been listening to Habit Of Force non-stop. If you've never heard them check them out. They have been drawing a huge following. I'm an avid cd collector. Have been since I bought my first cd back in 1988, though back then I had NO idea some of those discs I was abusing would turn out to be worth a buttload of cash. I've got several very rare CDs in my collection. Lately I'm trying to gather banned cover art. I'm hot after a copy of Pantera's Far Beyond Driven banned cover cd so if anyone has any info...
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