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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Im very curious, Donald Trump is responsible for the vax, but you hate him, plus theres no real evidence that it works, it's not a cure, people are still catching it and spreading it and dying from it, so why are you so sure about it? Im just curious from people who are pro vaxers, where does your immense faith in it come from??

  2. The Brits sound like theyve come to their senses, the US doesnt have anything national, even at the height of it, I live in Utah, it's a pretty red state, weve never had to wear even masks, everything here has gone on about business, since the start of Covid, even during lockdown, nobody locked down, the mormons run the show in this state, but the state next to mine nevada, they have mandated masks, their kids arent allowed back in school, our kids went back to school at the first of august, theres not much difference in our covid stats, and we have about the same population, Nevadas is almost all in Las Vegas, with the exception of Reno, so theres not much of a case to be made either way, it just is what it is only my state loves freedom, nevada does not.

  3. I think it's beyond the known touch of arrogance to believe we have anything to do with climate change, the level of ego that goes into that statement is just beyond me, and Glen if theres proof, there wouldnt be an argument would there, like I can prove to you that G-Off is hung like a cannon, I just show you one of his movies, so if theres proof Im all ears, until then, Im going to listen to a Meteorologist who knows a bit more then I do about the earths climate.

  4. You guys know that theres a phone call thats been released between Biden and Ghani, where he's telling him to lie about whats going on In Afgh, I dont figure most of you outside of the US has heard anything about this unless you watch SKY news, because I just learned that no US networks have covered it, at all, but id imagine sooner then later they are going to have to, and eventually they are going to have to hang Biden out, he is one lie after another, Im starting to wonder if this man has a single bone in his body that has any integrity or loyalty.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    So how do they explain that and get people to go along with it? In all seriousness, what is the point of actually getting the vaccine if you still need to walk around with a dildo strapped to your forehead? Or whatever that other equally effective thing they make us do is...

    We have to wear the goggles at work. I'll wear the mask because I don't want to risk the $5000 fine, but no way in the manner of all fucks am I going to add more layers to the stupidity unless I'm faced with another $5000 fine.  

    Anyway, like you say, what is the actual point in anything anymore? If the new face of freedom is still wearing a mask, then how can that possibly be something to look forward to? 

    Well G-Off, Im a bit of a dick, i'll tell you what id do if they tried fining me, id say thanks for the fine, then i wouldnt pay it, then they would put a warrant out for my arrest, I would turn myself in, and sit in jail for 5 days, be out in 2 cause the jails arent letting short timers stay cause of covid, then i'd do it again, they will never get a dollar out of me for this bullshit, im already paying for the illegals that are pouring into our country bringing it with them, fuck that, guess im bullheaded, but I thought if you want to chance the vax thats your prerogative, ive never talked down on someone for taking a vax they really no nothing about, but the other side doesnt practice what they preach, to quote the dead milkmen you know I practice what I preach, I want to die with clorox within reach.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    I liked Reagan, I liked Clinton, I liked Obama , I didn't care for the older Bush but I liked his son although he never had an original thought in his life and Cheney was the real president......

    Climate change is a real thing whether people want to believe it or not ... it can be debated as to whether mankind has made it worse but it is happening...

    My step dad is a meteorologist, I understand climate change, there is no proof it has anything to do with humans, theres tons of proof the earth heats up, then it cools down, and has since it was formed, AOC knows about climate change about as much as she knows about anything else, ive always scratched my head wondering if she is a diversity hire, but she was voted in so iit says levels about the idiots in her state.

  7. Well heres what I think, a great word ive learned from my sweet pregnant girlfriend is Bullocks, When my own government cant keep their storys straight, right or left, it gives me the same feeling I had when my parents were trying to indoctrinate me at 6yrs old, when the voice in your head tells you something isnt right, you should always listen to it, Biden has just been caught lying at a mind blowing level, so you all want me to just take his word for this shit, nah, I had corona, they aint sticking me, theres zero proof that vax works, matter of fact quit the opposite, people are spreading and dying, so whats the point? cloth facemasks, really, you do know that virus enter your eyes as much as your nose, so why arent we wearing goggles, I'll tell you what, i'll believe they really want to stop this "pandemic" when we all wear hazmat suits, then i'll buy it.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    How good would it be to have Reagan back though. Loved that dude. He killed communism, bet he could destroy wokeness like it is nothing.

    I was in 6th grade when he left office, I only know of what ive read, and yes he wasnt a hard line conservative, and he didnt take shit, he was a man, he had a pair of balls hanging between his legs, unliike our current whatever he is who sits down to pee,

  9. 3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Stop talking sense...it's messing with my head...:lol:

    Ive never liked the Republicans they are every bit of douche bags as the Democrats, the fact they hated trump as much as the democrats just made Trump even more appealing, I'm not a conservative, Trump wasnt a conservative, Im a liberal in the true sense of the word, not a progressive liberal, I liked Clinton, I agreed with almost everything he did, I was really young when he was president and ive changed alot, but even looking back, I wish we had someone like him, I am just sick of the progressives in this country, they are not advancing anything in terms of socially, they are just perverting things that dont need perversion, listen to whos saying that, they are fucking nuts, AOC just said that the hurricanes hitting our east coast are from global warming, I dont even have words to say, except for I hope aoc keeps her mouth open long enough for me to put my dick and balls in it.

  10. 19 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    If you voted for them then they are your party and McConnell only leads the Reps in the senate and he still kisses Trump's ass before he makes a decision.....

    Nah he don't like trump, they hate each other, you guys really act like Trump is Jesus H Christ, I don't live in McConnell's state to vote for him, but bet your ass if  did  I'd vote him the fuck out

  11. the only death at the world ending Jan 6th insurrection, a black cop shot an unarmed white woman, and nobodys said shit, well she was murdered, Tatum takes you through this fucking garbage N*^&@r's bullshit interview, and we wonder how or better yet why a womans murder at the hands of a black cop isnt being pounded into our brains by the left and the media??



    • Haha 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I agree, but my point all along has been the US should never have left. I still don't think they should have - do you? 

    I mean I lost a cousin in Kanduhar in 2003, we went to get Osama, and to have a presence in the middle east, now it feels like my cousin Kole died for absolutely nothing, I think it was foolish to give up Bagram Air Base, the only foot we have over there is Israel, I think it was strategically foolish to give up that air field, we have bases in like 80 countries, and theres a reason for many of them, if we gave up our base in South Korea, it would be gone, North Korea and China would probably take about a week to wipe South Korea out and take over, we shouldve kept Bagram and it's mind blowing we didnt, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the way this has all gone down is just way to sloppy and un american, we dont just fuck shit up like this, every aspect of this has been completely opposite of what common sense says it should be, and im truly starting to wonder whats really going on? NO we shouldnt have left, and hell no we shouldnt have left without any presence at all, what sitting US president would trust the Taliban, then leave all that hi tech military gear to them? theres just no logical explanation for any of it, and It makes me sick to my stomach. call me whatever you want but if any of this seems ok to you, then Im checking myself into the nut hut.

  13. So it's easy to talk shit, just read our arguments, but Trump is a master of it, and because he wasn't a politician, world leaders had no clue if it was a bluff or not, and who wants to test someone with a better military? It was an effective strategy that kept our enemies at bay, this is what we need from Biden, only I fully believe Trump would act on it.



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