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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    thats not really the point imo.

    Its mainly leykis and Alpha with the crystal ball mate. They are convinced Trump would have invaded again 🤣🤣 Dont take it personally guys, just winding you up.

    my main beef is the deal should never have been struck. Was exactly what the Taliban wanted. Yes Mr trump of course we will behave ourselves ;)

    Jesus just a couple weeks after the deal they couldn't even ceasefire 

    Hey I don't have a crystal ball, I just use common sense, and if you read around on this very website, you'll see that I'm generally correct in my assessments of these situations, I was wrong about the last election, and the jury's still out on my prediction the corona virus was made in a lab in china, you guys all called me crazy, told me it was a conspiracy theory, im not a conspiracy guy, I just think a little bit about how shit might unfold, it's really pretty simple, Trump used the military sparingly, not one war happened on his watch, he may not have done anything, we will never know, but I do know cause he was my president, what he said on twitter and what he did were almost never aligned in his actions, the Taliban did not laugh him off I'll assure you that, whatever you may believe, China didn't fuck with him, Putin didn't fuck with him, and my common sense tells me from knowing my president, that he wouldn't hesitate to get the generals together and figure out what had to be done, and he would do it fast, and he would listen to those generals, I know that for a fact because that's the only reason we never went into Syria in 2016, Biden is a tool, if they cant spin something into a narrative that they can use to their advantage, they completely ignore it, they will not answer questions, I.E. the border, and many more minor things here in the US they will not acknowledge,

    How is Biden even remotely relevant to Trump, they aren't even in the same ballpark as far as bashing goes, Trump had entire news channels catching ratings by bashing him, proof is the fact they are all bombing out of the ratings books, there's absolutely no argument to even be had on comparing those 2 and the bashing of them, Biden is a rookie Trump is a pro.

  2. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    Anyway whats done is done - the whole of the West will have to accept it now and just hope there is no further terrorist activity.

    I fear for the Afghan people though. It all sounds like good intentions at the moment from the Taliban but you get that feeling that things will steadily deteriorate. And that the rebels will continue to fight for as long as they can without the support of the West. 

    you must not have looked around the internet have you? dude that shits already started, it went from day one, go to russias RT news, you wont find any videos on American websites, they do not want anyone to see whats going on, bro some of the shit their doing is Al Quada all over again, their beheading, beating and murdering women, stoning women, burning people alive, murdering entire family's and keeping the females between 5 and 10 for the top leaders, these are scumbag pedophile murdering sexist pieces of shit, human garbage, and they literally deserve to be exterminated off the planet, they cannot be civilized, if you cannot fit into society and you are a detriment to others ability to survive, I believe the bigger more able countries or the countries who can militarily accommodate it have the responsibility to help those who are being bullied, especially when one of those country's is the entire reason this is happening.

  3. No heres the truth, the taliban DIDNT DARE TO FUCK WITH DONALD TRUMP! period, if he had a deal with them, they would have no more stopped fucking goats, then double cross him, joe biden is a tool, he's a weak fucking dementia having COWARD!! and every single world leader, including the Taliban knew that, why are all the other country's fucking with him? Putin laughs when you watch interviews with him, he makes back handed insults about the US Government, Chin Chon Ching has gone to great lengths to make sure China looks as good as it can since Biden took office, Hezbolla began firing rockets into Israel, remember that? you think that would have happened under Trump? the most deadly military in the world is only as good as the man running it, if you have a pathetic coward running it, you may as well as have no military at all, which is what I'm now beginning to learn what it feels like,


    Some say Israel is our closest ally, but anyone who truly knows shit about shit knows we have only one ally who we consider our equal acrossed the board, and thats the UK, they are the only country the US sees as brothers, it's because we are basically a huge extension of them, thats who settled the US, pissed off Brits, and we have completely snubbed them, but who would expect we wouldn't do that, I mean we left our own citizens in the hands of terrorists, Trump worked a deal with the Taliban, because Trump can do that kind of shit, nobody would fuck with him, he would use the most deadly military in the world for what it's there for, Biden is a balless spineless coward, and I have to think at 8 months into his presidency, this is only the beginning, we could very well see not only the rise of russia and china, but the fragmentation of the US into 2 different country's. And if Fox is right wing, then I'm right wing, because nothing the fake insane faggots at CNN or Msnbc sounds even remotely sensible in any way shape or form to me, it only sounds like a Trump bash, not news. 

  4. You all know I'm going to end up in Perth, but im curious whats going on there right now? I continuously see all the other citys are nice and peaceful right now, but strangely excluded seems to be my favorite Australian city, is it not nice and peaceful right now too? you know you cant go to Australia right now right? I was looking into how much it would be to buy a house there, and what I had to do to start getting the paperwork and fees and such going, and they arent even letting anyone go there, let alone move there.

  5. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Well it's sitting completely un finished, like they just left mid construction, oh yeah they did, that cocksucker is fucking huge, if shits coming off of it, that could be seriously dangerous, wow, those pannels that sit on the 1st security frame are like 3ft thick, they gotta be like 5000 pounds\

  6. 1 hour ago, auslander said:

    It's not a news show, it's opinion. Like the right wing version of the countless shows on msnbc and cnn. 

    Unlike the UK and especially the BBC, the US don't try to masquerade opinion shows as news. 

    Is there an echo

  7. 1 minute ago, Glen said:

    moreover id given it about 12-18 months before the next major terrorist strike against the West. 

    Blair was correct in his comments yesterday about the deal and the withdrawal. Pointless. 


  8. 2 minutes ago, Glen said:

    just seemed like a joke to me. Does anyone really take this seriously? 

    We would never have anything like this on BBC news 24. 🤣🤣

    It's all opinion and editorial, CNN and Msnbc have the exact same shows only extremely left wing, the normal news comes on earlier in the evening then after these shows, it's Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Inghram, then the hilarious sarcastic and now the #1 late night comedy shot(beating out Stephen Colbert) it's Greg Gutfelds new show, which if fucking love, and I love Gutfeld and have since his middle of the night show on Fox News called Red Eye, then after their nightly programing the regular news comes on, so Fox News isnt really right wing, they just carry the right wing Op Ed shows, they have normal unbiased news.

  9. Outside of losing people I loved in Afghanistan and that it feels like I lost them for fucking no reason at all, our biggest mistake was not keeping Bagram Air Base, I think that was the absolute stupidest move out of all of this for the long run, if any Americans are killed by the Taliban, we need Biden to disappear, and Bush needs to be reinstated, at some point I fear we will need to storm back in their and eliminate the Taliban, if they took back the air field there would be a 2nd place to evacuate people, some of these moves are just on the edge of sabotage, theres something else at play here, the US military and it's generals cannot be this fucking retarded, something sinister is at hand.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Glen said:

    is that actually a news channel. Wow.

    Never in a million years would we have news reports like that in the UK. Slagging off political leaders like that. It seems a bit cheap to be honest.

    Almost like spin.

    Our newspapers are dreadfully leaning but at least our news channels are professional and in the main part non biased.


    No it's an Op-Ed show on Fox News, these shows are where Fox gets it's right wing rep from, I like them, but they are not promoted as any kind of true news shows,

  11. On 10/9/2017 at 11:05 PM, Darkstone said:

    Not really a versus situation as the title implies, but more an observation. I spend a fair bit of time on the main site and i've noticed that the regular comment posters are nowhere to be seen on the forum. Really passionate posters such as rick kerch vzla, 123 charpenay, hair metal again, Doghouse Reilly, dany 69 and dare i say MetalllianStallion, amongst others,  would be welcome additions to the forum. Maybe some are not confident enough with their English, but their comments show that they are more than competent. Hey, if we can understand the incoherent, dementia ridden ramblings of KarpetRydOFunk then i think you guys will be OK

    It also goes the other way. I've also noticed that regular forum posters don't tend to post comments on the main site. There are exceptions of course,  The Rocker posts from time to time and Geoff's comments pop up all the time. Actually, it's great to have a familiar name pop up in the comments section and it's been a great help on many occasions,  so thanks for that mate. 

    Anyway, as i said, just an observation. BTW. I myself have posted main site comments on three albums.... i think. It was when i first joined and i considered it a sort of "rite of passage".


    Theres a lot of ground to cover on the main site, if you could even make a dent in it i'd be fully impressed, I try to add comments in bands who dont have a comment, like if a member sees it they will get self confidence, nobody likes to see their album page without a single comment, on others I used to see if I could get someone to boot me, i'd just post the most disgusting and vulgar shit just to see if anyone ever checks it, I remember on Bernie Labarge I was making fun of non english trying to type english via online translator, anyways I guess it wasnt as clever as I thought or nobody gave a fuck, but it still cracked me up, and thats all that matters.

    Sorry I forgot, if anyone reads the Bernie Laforge page, you also have to read his GF Lisa Prices album comments, because that's where I clown on the translation, and make sex comments and also who is Reverend Mayhem?? does anyone know him? he completely comes and talks shit on Lisa Prices comments, fucking funny shit, I had to join him, is he any of you guys?

  12. Without a doubt the most phenomenal and cultivating musical performer in the history of all music, his story will go down in history with the likes of only Jesus H Christ, Im petitioning for it be mandated all school music programs must be required to teach at least one semester of Bolton covering all aspects of his legendary pop career, and have at least 1 day a week where kids are allowed to sit back, while the teacher doesnt speak but only plays Boltons classics, then read off his lyrics in a poetic style to encourage kids to explore their most deepest poetry styles, I even believe there needs to be a centralized Bolton museum carrying nothing but Bolton memo and para.

  13. 21 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Enlighten me. Why does Juno keep getting banned?

    Because he's a fucking instigating cunt, he's the def of a flamer, he does exactly the opposite of what he's supposed to, he's sexist, racist, xenophobic, vulgar, he does what I just got restricted for, he makes and says fucking horrible shit, he makes factually absurd comments knowing the censors or bots will detect, he's just a fucking instigator, and Everytime they permanently ban him he simply creates a new account with his same name, he also tells mouthy girls if they wanna talk like a dude they can get shut up like a dude, I admit it's fucking hilariously entertaining.


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  14. 5 hours ago, Doggy said:

    Juno Roxus has been the jail, so many times , they make sure his cell clean

    I know, he is in it so much one time it fucking made the FB bots go haywire, they put him in restricted red, but he could still post, I posted a screen shot of it somewhere on here, it was fucking hilarious.

  15. I did a little more then that, I was trying to figure out the trigger words for their bots, I gotta tell you, I think I stumbled onto the right ones, cause they are probably banning me, their fucking idiots, I got another FB account under the same exact name, they dont even bat an eye at it, but right now I have 7 hits, of course I disputed it but its pretty evident what I was doing, as I just randomly typed about 50 words, it doesnt even say anything, just words, that was pretty unintelligent of me, but I never in a million years thought i'd hit the jackpot.

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