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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 16 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    I'm no expert on the flu but I believe the Spanish Flu was a different variety from what we are dealing with today...

    Oh it was way different, but just the same it was wiping people out by the numbers, and it was influenza, and it was before their was vax, it certainly was wiping out more then 1% of the people it was infecting,

    BTW mr.planet, the spanish flu cause people to turn blue, then their lungs would fill up with liquid and they would suffocate to death, it wiped out something like 50 million people, a third of the planet, now do you think if that was happening from covid anyone would be questioning motives and shit like that?

  2. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    I do not tie every to him. I've already said that on numerous occasions. keep up.

    Plus im sorry if Biden is fucking with your money but im afraid that's what socialists do .

    see you confuse the fuck out of me, you have stated your pro capitalism, so all of the sudden my view of you changes, but Trump was the most pro capitalist president we have had since Reagan, you see I'm always available to listen, and my feelings change with new information, or better yet what I see, I was never a Trump fan politically, all I knew was he enjoyed fucking with democrats, and I enjoyed watching him fuck with democrats, cause their the most thin skinned people on the planet, but I was never an anti trumper or a pro trumper, I was just pretty indifferent about him, as time wore on, he made policy I agreed with, I don't believe he's a conservative or a republican, he just ran as a republican because he's smart, and he would never have a chance as an Independent, that goes back to my moronic American post I made, but the first thing he did that caught my eye was he did the exact opposite of socialism, he told all the country's it was time to pay their own way, the most pro capitalist move any presidents ever done, Ive often said I never voted a republican since i could vote, until Trump, I don't believe hes a true republican, which is why you find so many of them hate him, but I also disagree with many policy's he's made, I don't think he should have cut the funding to the world health organization, I get why he did, doesn't make it cool, but I have a hard time finding anything that Biden has done even comprehendable, nothing, it's almost like a baseball player whose intentionally ruining games so he can get a raise, or be traded, you will never catch me in a maga hat, but the more Biden does the more I like Trump, sad but true, my dads probably rolling in his grave.

  3. 1 minute ago, Dead Planet said:

    People probably should get the flu vaccine every year...but one issue is that the vaccine is usually only about 35% effective so pushing it on people doesn't make a lot of sense....influenza does kill a lot of people every year (except last year because of all the precautions taken against covid) but I have never heard of hospitals filling up with the sick and dying from the flu like we have with covid.... so a close comparison doesn't really work...the majority who get the covid vax stay out of the hospital...

    And I personally have no issue with those who do not get the vax as it is their right to choose....even if I think it is the wrong choice.... so no ostracizing from me... the problems I have with anti-vaxers is that when they get sick, they cause issues for the health care system....also the ones out protesting are not always doing it peacefully and I have a real problem when they abuse doctors and nurses...

    Welll the flu was established and dealt with long before we were born, I'm sure with a little research you'd probably find the flu did take out huge amounts of people in the beginning, I know the Spanish Flu wiped millions out, so I think the discrepancy there is in the timeline.

  4. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    well you haven't explained why 2 jabs is such a big deal / hardship 

    I think my heroin dealer used a similar argument on me once, seemed like an excellent idea, but I havent made the claim thats a hardship, so I asked some questions, I sometimes get a flu vaccine, sometimes I dont, I certainly dont look at it as a hardship, except for that my government wasnt trying to force me to get a flu jab, and trying to punish and demonize me if I didnt, now can I please have a retort to what ive asked? or no?

  5. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    deflection. I'm not talking about the dems or whatever they are called.

    my comments were directed at Dan still calling the election fraudulent.

    It wasn't.

    And no amount of tit for tat (well they lied about trump blah blah blah) will change that fact.


    where did dan say the election was fraudulent? thats where im confused, and arguing facts is hardly tit for tat, so trump said that, so what? last I checked it was still legal to say that, i'd have to say thats far from the worst thing he's ever said, that doesnt even make the top 10, he's said all sorts of moronic shit, for 40 years, remember when he told the NI, that Ted Turner was working with the masons and everyone lost their shit, he was just running his gums, kind of like you do on alot of this Trump shit, you dont like Trump cause he fucked with your money, you said it yourself, plain and simple, and I totally agreed with you on why you would have a disdain for him, well now you got to understand Biden is fucking with my money, Trump actually I was happy with my money while he was in office, whatever he did that somehow how an effect on your money, was tied to the chinese, well the chinese are not our friends, so I could easily say,
    Well he shouldnt be fucking with the chinese, but i didnt say that, everything that comes up you tie to Trump, who hasnt been in office for 9 months now, almost a year, and I gotta say, I think you secretly like him, and it's cool, I like his constantly fucking with people, its entertaining, but dude, you gotta get over your hatred at some point, you realise how retarded it looks constantly tying everything to him, then trying to argue against him, I cant think of anyone whos invaded my brain and stayed there, nobody that wasnt an ex anyways.

  6. You guys all sound like commies, nobody will just answer my simple question, you all duck and dodge and make hilarious remarks, but Im asking a very pointed and simple question which you guys all seem to not be able to answer? how is it hard? you try to spin it and twist it, and answer questions with questions, you seem to all be quick to say just do it, which kind of gives me that lemming feeling, and if thats it cool, im not judging you, but your clearly judging people who dont get vaxed so im trying to be of the mindset of a yes man who just shuts up and does what he's told, maybe if I can get on your page i'll play ball, but I have to be convinced, and nobody's even attempted to seriously answer my question, Mr. Planet kind of has, and I totally get his point, but that's a pretty small segment of it, im talking overall, we dont do this for the flu, you can get vaxed or not, people don't ask, people aren't being ostracized if they aren't vaxed, somebody with a cogent and reasonable answer, tell me???

  7. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    not disputing their attempts to undermine him. Was simply referring to Dan claiming election was fraudulent. It wasn't. He (Trump) made it up. No amount of your deflection will change that.

    You like Reuters yeah? So good source info for you to get your teeth into ;)


    Im not the one deflecting you are, Ive never said one way or another anything about if the election was rigged, you keep bringing up Trump saying that, and Im saying either you hit your head, or your just pulling a MSM move and conveniently forgetting that the whole 4 years he was in office the dems did everything from make phony documents about him, to impeaching him, Hilary wouldnt even conscede cause she knew theres no way she couldve fairly lost to trump, it's the height of hipocracy to keep railing on trump saying that when tthey had been saying that and going to extreme lengths to say that about him,

  8. 19 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Yeah, I understand your point but I can't help but think that it is a good idea for people to be reminded every 4 years that they live in a democracy and that they should be participating in that democracy through voting in elections...here in Canada we are usually lucky to get 50-55% of eligible voters to actually vote and that is not acceptable IMO...it should be considered a duty and honor to vote and too many people are indifferent these days....democracy in only as strong as the people who support it...

    Not me, not in the US you know why? because the intelligence of most of the population is seriously retarded, I dont want those fuckers voting, they dont vote for a reason, because their fucking retards, and they have no concept of democracy or voting or what the candidates stand for, their just brain dead solid matter, I would rather let the illegals vote then make the us population vote.

  9. 3 hours ago, Glen said:

    I've already mentioned earlier in this thread that I think (in the UK) those hardships were worth it when we had no vaccine.

    The mortality rates for over 70s was 8% and for over 80s was 15%. The raw data predicts that 1 million in the UK would have died if there had been no lockdowns at all just in those age groups (when there was no vaccine) based on population numbers. Thats twice the normal annual death for ALL other causes. 

    so you can scoff at that (just like Geoff did) but those are the facts. Period.

    So now we HAVE a vaccine which has been successfully rolled out there are no hardships. Just flash an app once in a while. I can handle that. Can you? If not you are stubborn whinger imo. Cos its no hardship at all.

    In the UK this IS necessary imo cos yesterday we had 40,000 cases - mainly being spread by young people, kids and the unvaccinated. 

    My daughters best friend tested positive yesterday one day after going back to school, its rife in schools so I also think down to 12s should be jabbed too as they are still spreading it to older people. 

    So yeah its a simple injection to finally try to bring this virus under control and stop people dying unnecessarily and get the 7500 people in the UK out of hospital so our health system can get back to normal. Also to stop the inevitable surge as we approach winter and another ridiculous lockdown. 


    no your not getting it, are youi? stop for a second, stop trying to show me numbers and statistics and trying to argue with me, just shut up, and think about it, logically, this virus kills 0.9% of the people it effects, and your right, most of them are in the 70 and older club, so why does that effect everybody?my dads friend was vaxed, super paranoid about getting it, it killed him, like this is literally like the flu, and people are being beaten, marshall law, trying to make it so you cant do anything unless your vaxed, imposing regulations like fines for not being vaxed, riots are erupting in various parts of the world and the militarys or the police are beating their own citizens, people are being divided off into vaxed and not vaxed, and those people are going to war against each other, it's almost the scenario for some kind of disease or virus that was set to take out as many people as the plague did, like 70% of the worlds population, all for a virus that in all reality doesnt even kill 1% of the people it effects, I dont remember this ever going on over the flu, now can you make a logical response to this, from your brain, not the argumentative brain, or the talking points brain, from what I just typed what can you tell me that makes any of this sound even kind of sensible, logical, reasonable, and without ill intent?

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  10. 59 minutes ago, Rob Babcock said:

    Meh.  In the USA you may have a right to be a fucking idiot but you're still obligated to suffer the consequences of it.  You don't seem to get it- in an average year maybe four or five people are killed by sharks but that many unvaccinated assholes die every few minutes. So getting killed by a shark is astonishingly bad luck while blowing off a vaccine and dying just makes you a dumbass.  And while I don't exactly celebrate it I can't really mourn it either.  If someone sticks a pistol in their mouth and pulls the trigger it's a waste but not really a tragedy so much as a choice.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sorry but that's big boy rules.

    I didn't die, and I have sarcoidosis, and kidney failure, I'm still here, so that excludes me? just the people that die matter? I know 1 person in my life, just 1 who died of it, he was 78 and vaxed, and wore a mask everywhere he went, doesnt he count? only the numbers that fit you guys narratives right?  I know 4 people who have died from the flu, my next door neighbor died from the flu, I know 3 people who have died from Hauntavirus, that's a pretty gruesome way to go, so I can get just as excited at someone dying as you, especially some big mouth blow hard load that should've been swallowed, when they take a nasty spill down the stairs, or get robbed and shot in them city's we all know are doing so well, or when they catch cancer or aids, you can make an excuse for any death you want, except natural causes, even then you could say well, if they had died sooner they wouldn't have died when they did, cause that's about the IQ equivalency of the comparison you made.

  11. 38 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    This one is a classic.


    The Aussie "Today" show is the same as the US "Today" show with a little "Benny Hill" thrown in.




    Bruh trust me, its not even in the same ballpark content wise, sure they look the same, but im not lying our morning show hosts are fucking generic, unfunny, and that goes across the board on all morning shows, I did notice that these guys did a show out of the NY City Today show studio, sure wouldve been nice if theyed broadcast that instead of our fucking lame one

  12. The US needs Karl, we have zero morning show hosts, we have no more radio morning shows with a shit, but I guess I'll be up before any of them come on anyways, like I said, I hate everything in the morning, but I genuinely think i'd like Karl, I heard he has a brother who also works at the station? and he got in big trouble for calling Trannies trannies, and had to say sorry on air, god you guys have fucking pathetic sensitive bitch about everything trannies to, it's like if they were really that secure with themselves it wouldnt offend them, fuck em, thats what I say, so Karl gets docked a point for that, but for bagging georgie and laying the boomerang to her, he gets plus 100

  13. 22 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    It sounds like you're doing this more for Karissa than for yourself and that's a credit to you mate.

    Nice one.

    I never said that, lol, I went out of  my way intentionally to avoid saying that, and here Dusty makes me, here I sit at 11:15pm, I gotta get up at 4:30am, how the fuck does she do it? dude I FUCKING HATE EVERYONE AT 4:30AM, AND PEOPLE THAT ARE BUBBLY AND HAPPY AT THAT HOUR WARRANT AN EXTRA DEATH SENTENCE FROM ME!! Ugh!! thats all I'll say cause with my luck she will somehow see this and then i'll get yelled at, in an english accent, sometimes It seems like shes speaking a different language, and I start to laugh, and that pisses her off more, as mr. slave on south park says, JEEZ CHRIST


  14. 21 hours ago, Glen said:

    its you.

    What lengths exactly? 

    here in the UK we've been asked to have a needle jabbed in our arm twice, 12 weeks apart, and then from 01.10 to flash an APP when you enter a nightclub or gig to show you are vaccinated.

    That is not really a hardship, and if it helps to keep the virus at bay is completely sensible to me

    So thats not at all intrusive, your discounting whats going on in Oz, France, Brazil, a little more then a jab in the arm, we dont hear much out of China about this do we?

    And have you been asked to have a jab? masks and jabs, and business being closed down, and lives being ruined, economys being destroyed, the division it's created, all just normal huh?

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Doggy said:

    He was fired due to partying it hard after Logies, to turn up next same suit and had stench of drinks he had to the show.

    Like I said, I bet he has more poon in a day then I get in my life,

  16. 20 hours ago, Glen said:


    Just about every fact check you need. Just click on all the 'heres' 

    It puzzles me why people continue to believe one man who has been proven to be a liar throughout his whole life and yet disbelieve virtually everyone else, including other republicans, judges, officials, election officials who call bullshit.

    Do you mean Biden? you forgot Plagiarizer to, seeing he almost ripped off one speech word by word. And nobody here said Trump doesnt lie, show me where I said that, you talked about people thinking the 2020 election was rigged, and it's Trump, and he's followers, and I told you much like the democrats did for 4 straight years, and nothing you can show me proves that different, cause it's the truth, 4 years, they did nothing, just tried to get him out of office, so the snarky remarks about people or trump thinking the 2020 election was rigged is kind of moot dont you think, unless you also go back to his 4 yrs and also bring that up.

    BTW, the situations that came out of the 2020 election by themselves could add to that whole scenario, I mean 81 million votes for a guy who never even left his basement to campaign, if you ignore that your either sadly brainwashed, or a Biden crony.

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