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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 16 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I've heard the name a couple of times before but genuinely have no idea who she is or what she does. But I do have a new genuine interest in what is happening below her chin. 

    She's a singer, she doesnt show her tits off this much usually, she thinks she's great but I'll take Lady Gaga in a second if we are going off of talent

  2. This bill that their trying to get passed, has a line in it that any company who hires or keeps hired a non vaxed person will be fined $700,000 for it, LOL, fine with me, I dont employ anyone if thats the case.

  3. On 9/28/2021 at 7:25 AM, CureTheSane said:

    I think Juno is permanently gone now. Haven't seen him for months.

    Lol they told him they were going to ban his band page, so now he's under a mexican name, LOL, He changed it on Twitter to, cause they banned his IP.

  4. May I add, It's great to see a fellow Ginacologyst post on this topic, as you can all see this man has been honing his skills, as I looked around and really didnt see a better pic then this of her knockers, good eye


  5. 6 hours ago, lettard said:

    Love that album...and I aint even much of a Fates Warning fan...but that is the only one that I own(on cassette lol)...classic...loved Point Of View

    POV was the song I was going to post but I went with E2E, this was their best album, but Im just a fan of Ray Alder, I think he's hugely underrated for the amount of talent he brought every album, even on their super weird and Proggy albums.

    • Like 1
  6. Well to be fair, she never really shows them, and she's not much to look at, so she's one of those unless she's openly sporting them, not much of a way your going to see what great knockers she has

    • Haha 1
  7. I'm a fucking weirdo, I go on these long band binges, then dont listen to that band again for a long time, anyone else do this shit? if so whats your band of the week? mine has been Fates Warning and forgot just how cool this song was, I'm seriously surprised this song never got any attention, like mainstream wise.



    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Yeah, this surely comes as a surprise to absolutely no one at all. I just wonder how long they'll remain mandatory. 

    Well until the next one comes out of course, then you'll have to report once a day like at the Methadone clinic, LOL, you guys are so cute, all serious about this world ending pandemic, you guys must really truly be scared of it, you drank the kool aid, if nobody drank the kool aid, they wouldn't have shit to work with, nothin to be scared of boys, but you get those boosters, their gonna keep you a healthy and productive covid free life, LOL, I wonder should we start asking for measles, polio, small pox, chicken pox vax cards? and the flu card, is it bad I want everyone who's vaxed to catch covid? just so you can see how Aids would be totally worse, so would Syphilis, to each is own, anyways G-Off, love to have you Aussies over here, just fly into Tijuana Mexico, catch a cab up to port of San Diego, then just walk in, as easy as a vax shot, which you don't need to come to the us, unless your a citizen, anyways call when you in San Diego, also while your in San Diego, why don't you go ahead and spank it in one of their fine modern bungalows, it's really nice, cum take a load off, but serious Aussies, or fuck it anyone, except Glen, cause Glen is Anti-American so he wouldn't want to come over, but anyone else, we will meet in Vegas

  9. Just ask Trevor Chappell. The "underarm" incident very nearly started a trans Tasman war.


    Dude your fucking nuts, starting a war with the cryin whinny ass trannies!! fuck your a better man then I am if you can listen to those fuckers say anything, you guys are bloody nuts

  10. Alex Stein straight went into the DCC abortion hearing, in straight character as a blowhard liberal dirtbag, and proceeds to do possibly the funniest bit I have seen maybe ever, I dont know when or even if any of the board members picked up on the fact he was straight making them look like the shit bags they are, but I know I about choked laughing, I'm still fucking laughing, this is brilliant, and whats so brilliant about it? How it's not all that far off the truth, it's the truth just exaggerated comically.



  11. Damn watching some of these Aussie vids their showing here on Fox News Channel, the police are fucking beating peoples ass for not having a mask on, that's some fascist shit, I had no idea you guys were really changing formats, I just thought they were being assholes, they are flat out going full format change on the land down under, man I really feel for you guys on many levels, your fucking police are in on that shit, that's scary, our country's are so much alike on so many different levels, and ONE glaring action that was taken back in 1996, I know for a fact the cops over here would never enforce Bidens bullshit, that's kind of what you get when you make them the bad guys and reason for the implosion of the US, my brothers and there brothers in blue have already publicly said if Biden ever orders them to enforce any of these bullshit mandates he will have to bring the Chinese police in, cause they aint doing a fucking thing for him, and my 2 cousins in the military have said since day 1 most of their units will take disciplinary action, be reprimanded or flat out dishonorable discharge b4 they carry out any Biden bullshit, and with that, it will be interesting when black white mexican asian indian, camel jockey, jews, atheists, fags, queers, trannies, and every other American low life come together for one brief instance to fight off this Tyranny, just like what happened on Sept 11th 2001, everyone forgot they hated each other and suddenly turned their hate towards the middle east, the same people my President is in bed with, this is going to play out perfectly, I mean after all.




  12. Yes I'd like to know if I can get my Vax laced with some killer China White Heroin so I can just go ahead and shoot it up myself? if they start talking that language I bet they would turn a whole new crowd that has yet to be tapped into, no pun,

  13. Aussies, So is there some underlying or inside joke you guys have with or against New Zealanders? I first picked up on this in a flight of the Concords episode, and subtly in various other FOTC episodes, then watching Today show, I noticed on one episode they all do Kiwi jokes, referring to New Zealenders, whats the story? is it just being dicks? is there a hatred like Tongans and Samoans? do they talk shit back as well? do they call you Kangaroo fuckers or say you play butt boomerangs? I was just curious what the deal is?

  14. Thats horrible when wrestlings gotten so mundane and gay that you gotta watch 20 year old ECW and CZW matches on youtube, and you cant wait for ROH to come on so you can just watch normal fucking wrestling by normal fucking wrestlers.

  15. So this will more then likely be coming out sooner then later so I'm probably ok talking about what the news is going around, from a source of bet my life on being correct, there's been deaths in triple digits in the last week alone, not crossing deaths, sickness deaths, violence deaths, starvation deaths, plus double digit rapes, robbings, a few kidnappings, 12 baby's born, and this is just around the Mission, Jimenez part of the border, about a 75 mile Area

  16. On 9/20/2021 at 10:36 AM, Glen said:

    do what you will 

    No not with you guys, believe it or not I respect you guys on here, which is why I have toned it way down and reeled it in big time, I dont disrespect any of you guys, I mean not with a mean tone to it, I talk all sorts of other shit to you though, right Dr. Glen

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  17. On 3/12/2010 at 2:09 AM, Dave said:

    She's a lying fuckin' spoilt little slut who no one gives a flying fuck about.

    She should just make herself useful and do a few porn movies because that is all she would be good for.

    She and Michael Clarke are a good pair because they are both so full of themselves and yep......I don't want to hear another fuckin word about either of these fuckwits because I could not give a fuck :lame:

    Thats right Dave, and i'll tell you after years of dealing with these kind of anorexic load swallowers, never be surprised when A home porno of her suddenly goes missing then shows up on line, cause that's exactly how these type operate.

  18. On 3/11/2010 at 6:43 PM, Geoff said:

    The only update I give a fuck about or want to hear about is that my load has successfully reached her titties and face, anything other then that, dont care.

    • Haha 2
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