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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 13 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Like Geoff has previously stated: if you don't watch the news and just look around in your own neighbourhood, things are pretty good.

    Fuck the media. They are only there to bring misery and anxiety in our lives.

    I don't care if they are right wing, left wing, chicken wing. They all suck.

    I'm pledging from this weekend for a week to go news free. Even on this site, I'm going boycott watching any YouTube news commentary posts. 

    Why am I telling you this? Because I see how fired up everyone is getting and I've been there too. Rock on dudes!

    you think people are physically getting fired up? Im just arguing with nit wits, absolutely nothing to get fired up about, is that how it really comes off? dude I do this shit all day everyday, it's kind of amusing, go to twitter or parler and see some of that shit, those are people who get worked up, these guys are just guys who have great taste in music and no clue in politics thats all, just had to have something to do when bored.

    • Like 2
  2. I thought I wanted to give a shout to one of my all time favs that never caught on like I felt they should, probably never hear anything new from them as Murray is such a huge producer now I dont see him ever going back to this, but one of my fave guitarists Mikey D, and they harmonized like really no other bands do, I just love their sound, you guys like???


  3. 54 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    Another important point is that Trump and his administration and the right wing media denigrated Obama on a regular basis throughout his 4 years....before Trump this sort of thing did not occur since presidents went out of their way to be respectful of the previous president....Trump changed this unofficial way of doing things and now the door is wide open to shit on previous administrations....

    And under Obama everything was George Bush's fault

  4. 1 hour ago, Metal T said:

    For the most part America became energy independent under Trump,he secured the southern border.lowered taxes and kept us out of another d@mn foreign war.I could really care less what a buncha foreign globalists and American liberals think about how he handled his 4 years..and he did all of that under CONSTANT harrassment,phony investigations,a "pandemic" and through  97% negative news media coverage....but "Trump's a jerk and he lies and his tweets were mean".....he put this country 1st because the several presidents who proceeded him put America LAST.


    Now we have the Biden Admin. who were actively flying the gay pride-rainbow-flag outside of the US Embassy in Afghanistan...:wacko:



  5. 7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Blah, blah , blah, Trump is great and Biden is bad...the usual defensiveness from the far right....not easy defending the indefensible is it?...lol....

    Seems to me you complained not long ago about me labeling you as a right winger yet labeling me and others as commies is acceptable when you disagree with us....if we are playing the name game then all right wingers must be nazis right ?

    I said if loving my country and believing it should be defended against people trying to do it harm then put me down as right winger, you guys keep bringing trump into this not me, he hasn't been president for 8 months as I said many times, I wasn't on here while everyone was bitching about Trump saying "well Obama did this" not one time go check, cause I liked Obama, he did some good shit which made me vote for him over my party's candidate Gary Anderson, I voted for Gary over Trump, if any right winger heard that they'd tar and feather me

  6. 7 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Wait for it... 2 or 3 people on this board coming to debunk this as fake news.

    And blaming Proud Boys.

    And Trump. 


    No shit, they went to a Christian rally last week and sprayed kids and woman with pepper and tear gas and thru mortars at them

  7. 3 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Yeah, I do agree. It's the first time in 18 months I've heard an Australian politician speaking even just a hint of sense, so it's a hint at a step in the right direction. Seeing any of it actually put into action, though, is another story. I still think we're months away from any kind of change, and even then I think it will be more gradual than any of us are hoping for.  

    And your Kangaroo shows?? will you be doing any dvds or are they live shows only?

  8. Anybody here who didnt find out they knocked up their girlfriend last night, stay and make fun, anyone who did find that out, stay here and get made fun of, and anyone who knows what a bloody wanker is, please fill me in, im gonna need lots of guidance on many of these words I will be hearing for 18 years. Im fucked, what have I done? pulling out has been solid for years, suddenly I dont really care about any of that other shit, so lets get the shit talked from around the world,

  9. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    Just like the Afghans.

    Trump had zero interest in them - he actually bypassed them and spoke directly to the taliban.

    Was all about America first and getting the troops back.

    but hey....we've been banging on about this for days now and as usual no one is going to change their mind on events lol. 

    You sure about that? looks like he knew what he was doing, ah where is Ghani anyways? he seemed to have slipped through the cracks didnt he? oh yeah his bitch ass jumped in a helicopter and fled to Tajikistan with all that money meant for the people of Kabul, yep sounds like your kind of President, so your right, im wrong, he shouldve talked to him instead of the Taliban.

  10. 6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    So now Trump was afraid of the Turks....there goes the strongman theory out the window.....to be clear the Turks would never have taken the chance on bombing US troops...Trump was telling everyone at his rallies that he was going to bring the troops home no matter what and that was his reasoning for abandoning the Kurds....after all the Kurds meant nothing to him, just another bunch of camel jockeys....

    Oh but if he had left them there then it would be he just wants to keep the war going right? exactly, see how you guys argue, I already said it was a shitty deal either way, at least he wasn't leaving an entire country's capitol city to face the brutality of an extremist terror group, while the world watched, Trump cared about our troops, that's why he was working a deal to bring them home this time, he certainly wasn't going to leave our highest military technology in the hands of the terrorists, why cant you just admit you support a pussy ass coward, who cant even remember his own name, or finish a sentence, who really isn't putting the country he's supposed to represent first? it's OK to admit you and glen and ny pleasure oil are commies, nobody here will look down on you, I mean I certainly couldn't look down on you guys anymore cause my neck doesn't tilt that direction and my eyesight not good enough to see down that far, socialists are very highly regarded, in Cuba,

    You guys keep making these "oh yeah well what about Trump doing this" arguments that equate to my dad could beat up your dad, or my dicks bigger then your dick, well OK, your dick is much bigger then my dick, and more retarded, and took his VP so seriously he took a diversity hire who was about the absolute worst fucking politician in the history of the US, even worse then AOC, at least Id smash her out, so you guys keep flapping your pole smokers, but your guy is only in his first 8 months and has fucked more up and done more damage then Trump even came close to doing in 4 years, and Biden hasn't done anything good for this country, not 1 fucking thing, its seriously like his purposely trying to destroy it,


    OK lets hear it, "oh but Trump tweeted really mean shit and it hurt peoples feelings" christ you guys are non stop comedy.


    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Trump rarely listened to his generals but I will admit that I do not know what his top generals actually told him but I would be surprised if they recommended abandoning the Kurds to the Syrians, Russians, Turks and Iranians especially since they were not even sure that ISIS was defeated...I do know that the generals and soldiers on the ground who fought alongside the Kurds were really pissed off about it....the Kurds have been under attack almost constantly since the US left...so not apples and oranges, just another presidential fuckup.....


    All of that was over Turkey preparing airstrikes, fact of the matter was that Turkey was going to go through with their airstrikes, that had nothing to do with what we were doing, what we did was pull our troops out of the area Turkey was preparing to strike, the Kurds and the Turks have had their own conflict going on for years, the Turks see the Kurds as terrorists, and they very well could be, Im ignorant on any muslim conflicts, primarily because theres way to many of them to even care about, it's like they are all the same religion, yet they all hate each other, I compare them to street gangs here in the US, they are all from the same country, same towns in many cases, yet they hate each other, Trump decided to pull the troops out of the areas Turkey was going to strike, it was fucked up, but they were going to do it anyways, and last I checked that was the last thing Trump wanted his first 5 months in office, Turkey strikes US soldiers, then Trump has no choice then to retaliate, putting us right into the middle of a conflict with a country we are neutral with, Mattis and Kelly were his generals and they are very liberal generals when it comes to generals, and they advised him as fucked up as it was, really his only option was to pull our troops out, and in that case im glad he did, because a war with Turkey wasnt what we wanted, we are already in a war with the Taliban, and the fact we just pack up and leave stranding people who had helped us, who are just civilians, just has no forgiveness, the Kurds were fighting, they werent women and children who had done nothing, that doesnt excuse it but it's an entirely different scenario all together.

  12. 10 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    People have short biased memories as they seem to have forgotten that Trump abandoned the Kurds to their fate after they fought bravely and died alongside US troops fighting ISIS and the Syrians and I don't remember the right wing saying anything negative about it....but lets not let facts get in the way of hating Biden....

    The bottom line is that after what happened to the Kurds and the Afghans , the US has lost the trust of most of the world and the next time they come calling asking for a favor or co-operation , it will be much harder to come by....

    Are you being 100% honest bro? really? or are you just trying to be devils advocate? Trump absolutely did that, and I didnt agree with it, but he listened to his generals, which I referenced once already earlier in this thread, he didnt lone wolf it, blow off what his generals told him to do, and do the opposite, the situations were almost completely different, doesnt mean it was right, but to compare it to whats going on in this situation, it's apples and oranges, and extremely different situations with extremely different parameters and outcomes.

  13. 8 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    Don't know about hand washing but I do remember bunker boy hiding

    Oh you mean the secret service forced him into the bunker with his family as is mandatory when theres a large group of angry (*&*^&$ that could breach the white house, thats mandatory procedure, geniuses, jesus christ you guys sound like Biden supporters, I can tell, check out the left cant meme, it's you guys down to the last letter,

    • Like 1
  14. 16 hours ago, Stefan said:



    My friend that is 3 long  years away, look what been done in 8 months, DeSantis would literally be the Savior America needed, he would have his work cut out for him, but ive never championed another states Governor in my life, my brother lives in Florida, and it's really normal there, I cant complain cause where I live it's normal, but I dont trust my Governor as far as I can throw him, anyone who's woke will never gain my trust, cause their untrustworthy, Desantis has proven he doesn't talk, he acts, and anyone who knows me my biggest motto outside of I don't eat on the 1st date, is action not words, and Desantis is the epitome of that. Dont think i'll be here in 3 years though, but we will see.

  15. 34 minutes ago, auslander said:



    This dudes not very funny, that's like basically nothing anyone I know sees Australia like, Steve Irwin?? hes not even kind of the most popular Aussie, how about Mel Gibson?? and I never even heard of that comedian, so who gives a fuck, Americans are curious about Australia, we think it's fucking cool, the accents are cool, the chicks that ive met are fucking hot, and they are an Ally of my country, not a bad thing to say about Australia, this dude trying to make fun of stereotypes might be funny if he said some that Ive heard, like G-Off and his Kangaroo Show, now thats some down right wrong shit.

  16. Well if any of you guys have remembered any of my threads outside of the Joe Biden thread, I have visited Perth, I fucking loved it, I didnt get to stay as long as I wanted, I have friends there as the PB's have a chapter in Perth, it seems like all of the Aussies on here ive met there hasn't been one I didn't get along with, that has to say something, I really really like your morning show, its my kind of humor, I cant even stomach a morning show here, and Ive been messing with moving since around 2016, my daughter is at college, I dont hang out with many people as I'm very cautious being that im in drug recovery, and usually I'd just move states, but I dont like where shits going, and if you dont live here, and all you know is whats on the news, then you dont understand,

    Covid has fucked a lot of shit up, I was working with a bunch of kids I hand picked and was so excited about it, now after lock downs the only one of the 5 kids I could find is the one who lives in my state, I was laying carpet cause it kept me in shape and I made bank doing it, covid didnt effect it one bit, matter of fact with everyone being locked in their house, carpet jobs spiked, I made some money off of it, but lets face it, I wasn't doing it for anything other then it kept my mind busy, I didn't plan on destroying my body, so I am really just kind of bored, and figured i'd start looking into it, I'm aware of whats going on in Australia, thats why I asked about Perth, your forgetting we've been dealing with that kind of shit for over a year too, so I was just looking into it cause I have time to do so, I never said when I was going to pull the trigger, I just didnt know and wanted to hear some Aussies opinions, and Glen whats up with all the hatred towards the US? seems like you have some built up hostility towards it, seems a little premature as now would be a great time for the resentments. BTW Im on top of my roof typing with one hand so dont fuck with me about spacing and shit, I dont care right this second.

  17. Biden admin announces that there's NO Americans stranded in Afgh and that he's cutting the throats of all the people who helped us in the war, this is probably the first time Ive ever been physically sickened over something like this, like right now my stomach is turning so hard it's causing pain, and im feeling like I want to throw up, my heart feels like it's been ran over, thinking that all those people are going to not only die, but die in some of the worst ways possible, by freaks that shouldn't even be allowed to live, biden pounded the nail into their coffins, and I can honestly say right this second I'm feeling something I have not felt in my 43 years on this earth, I AM ASHAMED TO BE AN AMERICAN!! I am being 100% sincere I feel like im going to tear up, the fire I felt of patriotism is burned out, I want to jump in a hole and never come out, I'm not sure why this is effecting me like this, but I hope I rebound quickly, because it doesn't really feel like my country is going to be around much longer, and after this, I don't care or think that's a bad thing, but I don't think im gonna get much sleep, I didst even want my GF to come over, im fucked up.

  18. whats renting like? I know some places around here it's almost worth it just to rent, but I mean they arent letting people go to Perth, as in I'm not an Aussie, and they arent letting any foreigners into Australia, is it that way in the other citys?

  19. 8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    That is the problem, how do you know who is dangerous and who isn't....people born in the US have become radicalized and turned into terrorists so it is impossible to tell who is going to be a problem but of course Biden will be at fault no matter what he does....it is a no win situation for whoever is in charge unless you know of a way to read minds....bring them in and if even 1 becomes a terrorist then you have screwed up, leave people behind and you have screwed up but all people do is criticize as they have no real answers....

    I was talking about the muslims, it only takes 9 of them remember?

  20. 4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    The Reps are criticizing the Dems (with good reason) for the foreign policy failure of the Afghanistan withdrawal but at the same time a significant percentage of them are freaking out at the thought of thousands of Afghans being allowed into the country...so on one hand Biden is a terrible president for not getting our wonderful Afghan allies out of Afghanistan while on the other hand we don't want those fucking Arabs in our country....lol

    That's because of the now near one million immigrants that continue to pour across the border, the afghan refugees were never in the plan, how do u screen out the Muslims who want to harm us? How do u bring them all in  it's said that's Bidens plan,

  21. 52 minutes ago, Stefan said:

    I guess this is fake news as well.

    Everything's just fine and dandy in San Francisco. Mayor? London Breed.

    What's up with these Democrat women of colour (like Lightfoot) ruining their cities? This is what you get when you elect people because of their skin colour, not their talent.



    they didn't go into detail about the human feces rule, it's completely legal to drop trow and shit right on the sidewalk, they even employ people to walk around and clean shit up off the sidewalk, it's a shithole, just like all the other liberal city's in the US, this ones just over the top and much worse then most of them.

  22. 2 hours ago, Glen said:

    Just opinion mate. We will never know what Trump would have done.

    All I know is the Taliban cheered his tweet when he said he was going to withdraw so I doubt they took him that seriously. Just played him for the endgame like the naive inexperienced politician he was.

    Everyone who knew the middle east knew it was a mistake.

    You are right about the left though - they are always a weak pussy foot when it comes to military. Labour are the same in the UK - that's one of the reasons why I would never in a million years vote for them even though all you fools on here are convinced I'm left 🙄🥱

    And one final point - out of all the videos posted in this thread please explain how any of the ones which are not CNN are not also just as bad and just a Biden bash? You can't argue one is fake if it bashes Trump and one isn't when all it does is Bash Biden. Both as bad as each other from where I'm sat. 

    Well Glen everyone doesnt just assume your left for the fuck of it, you know that right? many many of your views on here are known as leftist views, at least in the US, lately you seem to have been much more broad on some issues, where before you were only spouting left wing shit, maybe your party is somewhere in the middle of ours that we dont have, or I do see many Libertarian views in some of the shit you say, but then you veer off from it and take it to left field.

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