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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 19 hours ago, Glen said:

    Ahh, but don't forget that was voter fraud according to Trump, even though he probed it and couldn't find any evidence. Sound familiar ;)


    Yeah sounds like his entire presidency which the dems spent lying and fabricating evidence of collusion that they still couldnt impeach him on, your memory is so short, maybe you got Bidenitis??

  2. 20 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    He is still leading your Rep party....what I find hilarious is that many Trump supporters since the election have started treating Trump like the creepy uncle that gets locked away in the basement where they hope he will be quickly forgotten....

    No actually Mitch McConnell leads the Republican Party, Whitney Bilyeu is the leader of my party

  3. 21 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    VPs rarely do much but hopefully she is learning how things work at the top and yeah she didn't pull many votes because she was and still is for the most part an unknown quantity unlike Biden at the time....but go ahead and keep banging on about it and since we are talking numbers how about the 3 million more votes Hilary got than Trump in 2016....if the US had a true representational government Trump wouldn't have won.....

    Yeah but he did, as much as you hate it, you can talk around it all you want, but he won, and Kamala Harris is fucking unknown, what are you talking about, everybody knows who she is and has for awhile, she's the Prosecutor who was sending people in California to prison for weed, thats what she's known for, thats what the irony is of her letting people spill over the border now by the millions, she is incompetent, and has no swagger, she's not even smart enough to cover up her own hipocracy. just a diversity hire and another shining example of why affirmative action is useless, let her be the president, she will just continue running her party and our country into the sewer, mark these words, Tulsi Gabbard was the best choice the dems had, she was strong, female, bi partisan, she was liked by dems and repubs, she was middle of the road, and didnt go for the far left bullshit, but guess what the one thing was she couldnt overcome, being white, fucking sickening, and even more sickening is that she's probably more "of color" then Kamal toe harris, as she's Samoan and Hindu.

  4. 8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:


    Yeah, why dont you send me a clip from a credible news source?? with a credible journalist? send me something from Reuters, or RT, or even PBS, you just sent me a news clip from the 2nd most uncredible left wing opinion station in the US, I dont insult your intelligence and send you shit from Newsmax do i? Mr. Planet, we may go back and forth but have you seen me post something we argue about from Newsmax as my evidence? NO! cause I would never insult your intelligence, and I dont watch newsmax cause it's to the right what msnbc is to the left, fake news, I am going to try to down load my friend Nickis facebook vid that she shot after getting her shot, or ask her if I can post her name here so you can watch it, trust me she's far more credible then Brian (I was fighting in the middle of a combat zone) williams.

    BTW wise ass's, it doesnt make you magnetic, FYI, god you guys really are retards, what did I say? did I say it fucking magnetizes you? if your going to misquote me, at least make it interesting.

  5. On 8/31/2021 at 2:29 AM, Geoff said:

    Is that who you impregnated? 

    LOL, I wish, no thats actress Yuliya Mayarchuk, look on the 1st page, I covered her pretty extensively including a titty shot

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    All else aside, Australia would actually have been the ideal neutral place for you to settle down with your new woman and raise a family... a few years ago. Not so much anymore, but maybe one day again, hopefully before you child is of school age, and you can come here and settle down and teach the men of Western Australia a good hard lesson in physical love. 

    Oh they well learn the many disciplines of Dick Fitzwell

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Stefan said:

    I've been thinking the same. For the record, I'm no big fan of Trump (even if it seems I am) but he got things done (good or bad). That is what a strong leader is supposed to be doing. Doing shit. 

    This puppet right now is weak as fuck and when he (read administration) gets something done, it's fucked up. 

    So yeah, he still lives in the head of pretty much everyone. 

    and thats funny I never took that out of anything you say, that you were a trump supporter, I feel the exact same way, matter of fact ive challenged people to go back to my posts in 2016 and see just how much of a trump supporter I was, I just have to give credit to a president who while being a complete shit bag as a person, was effective as a leader, I know I didnt do to bad while he was in office, and It was like jerry springer every time he held a press conference.

  8. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    I love winding you up mate, you always bite 🤣🤣

    its not to hard to get me to respond, I mean on twitter im told i commit sex acts with my mother, told my sexual preference is with inanimate objects, my intelligence is called into question and graded below a mentally challenged person, and im told someone will be arriving at my house to assist me in shoving a 45 into my rectum and firing it, and once in awhile someone knows where I live and is going to wait for me, slit me and my familys throats then have sex with our dead bodies, so anything you got to say to me glen is just great after dealing with those faggots all day on twitter.

  9. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    I have to ask, cob, as you're a man of logic and common sense in this joint... Why on earth are you wearing the mask, if fully vaccinated? Is it mandatory, or a choice? 

    Shit mate, I just realised your Australian dream might already be over. In all seriousness, colt, there is not even one millionth of a chance they will let you into Australia unvaccinated. Not if we ever open up, and not ever would be my guess. Hopefully you know someone in IT that can forge a vaccination certificate for you? 

    But I'm not kidding, bolter. You won't be allowed to leave your garden without a vaccine in this country, let alone come into it from another country without one. :(

    well thanks buddy, kind of think thats a pipe dream anyways now, I would def be able to get a fake certificate, but unless I either disappear and end up there, or talk Karissa into moving, I dont think thats going to be on my to do list any longer, I shouldve done it quicker, LOL, hopefully that applys to going to england, that might get me out of going, although I would like to take a few days to visit my family in Roscommon Ireland, that would be the time to do it.

  10. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Quite the situation you got yourself into, hombre. Don't know what to say about it other than I guess all you can do is ride it out and hope it all goes well? I don't even know. Good luck with it, mate. No doubt whatsoever that when the child is born you'll love it entirely... but yeah, twenty years of raising one child backed straight onto another twenty years for number two... not going to be a walk in the park, I dare say. 

    Yeah I know, my daughter for the most part was effortless, everywhere I went she went with me, everything I liked she suddenly liked, she brought me in a guitar at like 8 yrs old and wanted to know how to play sweet child o mine, then she wanted me to teach her that song on the drums by Rush, LOL can you guess which one it was? I dont know how to play that on drums, lol, she was awesome at sports so I got to go talk shit to all the parents at her softball and soccer and basketball games, I mean common sense tells me it doesnt go that smoothly and I got extremely lucky, id have to think this is going to be the other end of the spectrum, it will probably be a boy, which I dont want a son, not after having a daughter, b4 I couldnt fathom having a daughter, like wtf am i going to do with a little girl, but now shes going to be a litigator, and I was having a hard time with her being gone to college, so maybe this will be my payback, ill have the devils spawn, LOL. fuck im so fucked.

  11. 5 hours ago, martinsane said:

    So what are the gals thoughts on the whole thing? She is wanting to hang up her cleats and be Mom? Or does she think Cody will just snap to attention and be Mr Mom and do her bidding while she keeps at whatever that she is about? No slag just curious as I can only assume you 2 weren't talking about your futures together and starting a  family etc... I'd assume she is/was a kool chick that when she was in town liked you being a dick and having a dick.

    As for being an asshole etc, we all have a touch of that, some more than others its a defense mechanism to keep people at arms length cause some of us don't people quite right.

    Oh she's fucking happy as a fucking sissy with a bag of dicks, one of the reasons I gotta act happy, I cant act anything but thrilled, god i'm not getting out of going to England as her parents now have to meet me, I was trying to avoid that, I played Mr. Mom with my daughter, and she still turned out good, I will have to hurry and get all my music projects done quickly, thats one thing I had to put on hold, until my daughter turned about 6, then I started showing her how to use the boards and shit, then I got her to push the button while I tracked my own shit, LOL, kind of a funny thing, I have pictures of her sitting at the console and you can barely see her forehead over the top of it, it's hilarious, all you see is these big ass headphones over something, but I gotta stop being such a dick about it, I guess it's just not what I even remotely thought was gonna happen, I get along with this girl well, we are just not close in age, and that makes a huge difference when you suddenly flip a switch and it goes from fucking to having a kid and staying with someone long term, I dont kid myself, the chances of her sticking around are slim, I mean I wouldnt if it was me, but english girls are very different from american girls, so I cant say that for sure, she's so non materialistic, thats a hard one to wrap your head around after being with americans bitches, IDK man maybe it's time to go back to the shrink, LOl

  12. 4 hours ago, martinsane said:

    No cuz chix like chix and just allow a diddle once in a while so they can get a car or a house.

    Chix can diddle me till their hands and mouth are numb and they aint getting a car or a house, I dont even let them around my house till i know them, fuck that, one to many bad experiences letting random bitches no where I live.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Stefan said:

    He'll be hiding in his basement just like he did during his election campaign.

    And still pulled 81 million votes, the most votes any president in the history of the US has had by a mile, Trump was the closest with 63, and he campaigned, amazing, isnt it?

  14. 6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    U.S. senator representing California starting in 2016, serving on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on the Budget...


    Beginning her career as the deputy district attorney in Alameda County, Harris worked for San Francisco's City Attorney Louise Renne as the chief of the Community and Neighborhood Division, where she specialized in prosecuting child sexual assault cases.

    She was the first Black woman to be elected district attorney of San Francisco and served from 2004 to 2010....

    She served as the attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017, becoming the first woman, first Black and South Asian American to serve as California's attorney general.

    These are actual qualifications that means she has experience and understands politics and how the government works unlike your hero Trump whose only qualifications you have come up with are that he is a business man (with 4 bankruptcies) and that he got enough votes to win the election...


    First of all, I said what she's done since becoming the VP, is that all trump has, in his whole career? 4 bankruptcies? damn he had 4 bankruptcies as his only qualifications, ran against hilary clinton and won, Kamala has all that shit you just posted, and couldn't even pull .05% of the primary vote, fair enough, you win. btw I dont think anyone had fewer votes in the primarys, but I could be wrong, but thats neither here nor there.

  15. 55 minutes ago, Glen said:

    normally Stefan has stepped in to defend you by now from the 'lefties',  but in this case he thinks you're a moron as well. 

    thats OK, Stefan doesnt defend me, he's just a reasonable guy, who agrees with me on shit, that doesnt mean everything, just 99%, why would I get the shot, people who are vaxed are spreading and dying, whats the point? I already had it, I think your a moron for getting it, I'll tell you right now, if you want to be scared get Sepsis, that was scary, I was just scared when I had covid that i'd die and end up in one of these genius threads you guys post, and you guys would get the last word in. I certainly dont look for anyone to defend me from lefties, there better be a few more if your going to get to me, Im right your wrong, case closed.

  16. 7 hours ago, Stefan said:

    We all know it's only a matter of time when the laughing hyena will replace Joke Biden and in a perfect world I'd like to see lovely Candice Owens instead as the first woman (of colour) to take the presidency.

    Well it's the only way they could get a women of color in, force Biden to make that diversity hire, knowing he wouldnt last 4 yrs, then they could get their first black female president in, not voted in, and even less black then Obama, but they should just start saying not white, cause she's about as black G-Off

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