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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. On 9/17/2021 at 3:43 PM, auslander said:

    They lay down a great Groove. I must admit that Phil's singing isn't my thing though. It's why I don't listen to their albums much these days.

    Really though nobody does it better, u hear Phil's voice and u automatically know who it is, like Lemmy and Bob Dylan, sad his house got fucked up in the hurricane 2 weeks ago

  2. 8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

    Seem like unpopular opinions :)

    ACDC are boring. pretty much everything after Back In Black is the same song, with a few exceptions.

    A better argument for GW would be Jack leaving. I don't like the Led Zep albums, but they didn't affect their legacy with me at all.

    No I agree, for me it's hard to differentiate their albums, every fucking song sounds exactly like every other fucking song, some of their shit with Bon Scott was pretty good, but I really cant stand them, Angus needs to learn a few new cords and notes, and then try playing them in different patters, Great White, they did some good songs, cant say I really like any of their albums from start to finish, though Shot In The Dark is probably the only one I like most all of the songs on. Their best song by a mile imo they didnt even put on any of their fucking albums, they used it for a B-Side to Once Bitten Twice Shy, I yelled at Jack to play it at their concert and he said he wouldnt even be able to remember the words, they never played it live, that boggles my mind, that songs a million times better then most of their popular songs, go figure.


    This works I dont know why the cd cover isnt shown as the preview, thats odd


  3. yeah this fucking blows, I cant even function this fucking early, I put a couple 45lbs on to warm up on the military press, and I cant even fucking get out 2, I usually do 10 to warm up, I dont get how this could be helping me in anyway when I cant even perform at normal level, fuck I dont even want to lift, I just sit on the bench press bench and this morning I realized id been sitting there spaced out for like 15 minutes, I know how this is going to go, Im going to fuck off and not lift at all, then that will become a habit, then im gonna get ashamed, and then not want to even go, I gotta get her to go with me at night, plus nobodys even fucking lifting at 4:45am, everyone there is senior citizens and the weight room is empty, so nobody to spot, Jesuz chriz


  4. 23 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

    I love watching Kayleigh McEnany. 

    Fuck to go from her, to Sucky, thats like going from Lobster to tuna sandwich, i'd like to just shoot nut all over Kayleigh, I mean that in a conservative way, so that would mean I would like to present Kayleigh with load of semen to be presented on her face, mouth, hair, and breasts, that sounds much better.

    • Haha 1
  5. I think you guys are the ones not listening, Glen I asked you very fair and pointed question that had nothing to do with left or right, it had everything to with you defending your unbreakable position on this whole thing, and you managed to talk around it, throw it back at me with a smart ass comment or another question, you meandered off the topic, you gave me a list of everything you stand for and you have just about written the bible in every language, but you have never once answered my question, and it was a very fair, and unbiased question, I thought you would have jumped on it, you keep saying just be a yes man, thats not to hard is it, you have compared 9-11 to Covid when you know damn well that had nothing to do with the point I was trying to make, nothing! and that was dishonest to try and spin it that way, I simply asked you,, since your constantly on here shaking your finger at people, to simply defend your position, it seems to be a rock for you, so you must have thought it through very efficiently, this is the last time im going to bother you about it, since I'll just assume you dont know what your talking about, but hey you dont have to educated to make a decision, as much as you can be ignorant to do so as well.

    as far as the UK right go, I think your a glaring example of the vast difference between the UK right and the US right, so I will never judge you on that account, our perceptions of what right is are obviously completely different, and thats gotta be the reason, so I dont talk shit to you about that, and you cant go back and find anywhere I did, I dont take shots at any of you, well I do at G-Off but those are different kinds of shots, and the second you go to the AOR board, your just good old Glen and Dead Planet again, I take nothing on here personally, I do this all day on Twitter and FB, so dont get huffy and puffy with me, nothing i say is personal, even if your completely bass ackward, bat shit crazy, your just my metal brothers when we get back to the AOR boards and I have never felt otherwise at anytime.

  6. 12 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

    Yeah... I've been fully vaccinated for over 5 months so I have no personal dog in this fight, but it's a bit disconcerting how we went from "we encourage everyone to get vaccinated" to "get vaccinated or lose your job". Per Biden's speech there will be no testing option for federal workers or people working for companies that are subcontractors working for the government. You get poked or get fired.

    Also the way "the vaccinated" seem to talk about those not vaccinated in mainstream circles is eerily reminiscent of the very anti-minority racism and other -isms that a large group of people go stalking through life protesting against. But somehow it's ok when "those people" are those who are afraid to get the vaccination, don't trust the vaccination, or simply don't want it.

    The irony is that while the mainstream media tries to spin it as a Left-Right thing when it comes to being vaccinated, a very large percentage of the unvaccinated in this country live in Blue states, members of the African American community. Many members of minority groups don't trust the government and rightfully so (Tuskegee Experiment anyone?).

    Creating second-class citizens is apparently ok when the government wants to do it.

    Coming next: Arm bands and internment camps for the nonvaccinated. Time to dust off a copy of Mein Kampf for a re-read.


    And the real stupidity of all of this? this is the fucking USA, what is the general mindset of most Americans? I'll tell you right this second, it isnt threatening them to get the jab, that is the complete opposite of the way to go about it, matter of fact, the more he threatens, the less he's going to be effective, I wasnt kidding, he is tearing the country apart to lay down the foundation for socialism and communism, I love how the non Americans on here scoff at the slightest hint of that, as they watch CNN for their info, they have zero idea whats really going on here, ZERO! the scary thing is they dismiss it and arent even the slightest bit interested in hearing what actual people who live here have to say, I listen to G-Off and the other Aussies who are actually in Oz, matter of fact I usually get on here first to ask about shit in Oz, so weird.

  7. And to anyone who truly believes Trump was even in the same ballpark as Biden, if we are friends or not, your truly tools, and I feel sad for you, Biden is intentionally tearing the US apart, so he can lay the foundation for socialism, don't believe me, I'm not gonna debate it with you, cause none of you listen to anything I have to say, even when I give you undeniable evidence on what im talking about, and yes it could be much worse then his predecessor, not for you because he's not your president, but for the people he is the president of, he is not only the worst in the last 100 years, he may be the complete destruction of the US, I know it's a ll fun and games to many of you, as you sit in your chairs and watch the democrats brain stream of news, you all make fun of Fox, but until you watch Fox with your CNN, I know your just a tool, and really cant take you seriously, you hear me G-Off? BTW, I watch Fox and MSNBC, I wont watch CNN, cause I cant stand Don Lemon Or Chris Queermo,

    • Like 1
  8. Biden droned the wrong guy, the ISIS bomb maker he apparently droned, that was loading bombs into a car, was a US Aid worker, working on behalf of the US, this fucking dude has gotta be taken out, where the fuck is Wilks Booth when we need him? this puke and all his cronies are becoming some very unpopular people, I give it till our next terror attack for most of the country to completely turn on this hack, and watch it all completely implode, him and his faggot generals.

  9. Well here it is, Bidens trying to use OSHA to pass a mandate if you dont get vaxed you have to bring in a daily test to show you dont have the BS Virus, if not you'll lose your job, we will see how well this one works out for him, I'll tell you right now, the Governor of my state will tell him to go fuck himself, and I can name about 10 more who will do the same, see how many business get shut down all over the country, in blue states, but they will never turn this country into a socialist or commie country, no new world order, civil war for that to happen, the police force are not gonna help Biden, I know the actual soldiers in the military wont, he will have to bring in some Canadian or Brit soldiers to try and enforce this shit, he needs to worry about getting Afghanistan figured out, and not about some bullshit virus he's using to try and implement his socialist regime, I always thought he'd be smarter, and know better, but I guess I was wrong,

    • Like 3
  10. On 9/8/2021 at 8:59 AM, Dead Planet said:

    Surely you are not surprised when governments do not spew the same storyline ? That happened a lot with the previous admin and has happened with every previous admin....some admins have their ducks in a row and some do not and accountability starts at the top....and I'm starting to see Biden do like his predecessor, he tosses in his personal opinion/feelings/slant that often has nothing to do with reality and when that happens it throws off everyone else in the admin as they don't want to be seen contradicting the boss..

    But this is supposedly a pandemic of epic proportions, this isnt some affirmative action law or some trade embargo, this is supposedly the worst pandemic since 1915, something of that magnitude like of epic proportions, you dont just have 4 different people up bumpin their cocksuckers, if it was really that serious, it would be unacceptable for them to be anything but straight up, and know what their talking about, no excuses, which makes one believe it's either not as serious as it's being projected, or theres something else their not saying, I think it's the not as serious, no government I can remember has done that, when the trade centers got hit, every press conference if it was Bush, or Schaefer, or Rumsfeld, or Rice, they all said the exact same shit, they all had their stories straight, and they never wavered, they acted professionally, I guess thats the word, nothing about Biden or his administration has been professional, and I think expecting Professional from the leader of the free world is to much

  11. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Love the common sense approach he has to everything.... too bad he isn't in politics...

    Yep, I cant think of anyone in the media who sees shit the way I do, not everything of course, but theres not to much I disagree with him on, he's pretty on the ball with almost everything.

  12. Just now, Doggy said:

    He previous band, Pair A Dice , is on my shopping list.

    Retrospect Records release one of two albums. Their is one on Discogs from an Aussie with the Aussie price $100. The other one went through Demon Doll Records.

    Other than that the disc is great.

    Ill have to check that out, I didnt know about them, fuck you always think you know all there is to know and you realize you dont know shit about shit, it's overwhelming.

  13. Its almost mind blowing how many albums he's played on, maybe even in just  a single song on an album he will have a credit, I mean literally there have been albums ive never fucking heard of, never known anyone else who has, nothing on it anywhere on the internet, and i'll look in the credits and it will have Lukather, another one like that not so much anymore is David Foster, he will have writing credits on shit ive never fucking heard of, like from the 70s, its mind blowing.

    • Like 2
  14. do you guys remember that band? I didnt, I just talked to Paul Lancia for an hour and a half and had to act like I knew all his work, I just looked it up, and I used to have that disc and dont think I ever got around to listening to it, or I dont remember it, guess i'll go check out a few tracks and see if it rings a bell, how fucking embarrassing.

  15. Glen, I was just curious if I was just wasting time or you were going to give me an answer? we all know people should just shut up and do what their told and get vaxed, I asked you to explain how anything i said above sounded sane, I asked you to make sense of it for me, you think im like trying to be sarcastic, and Im genuinely fucking asking since you obviously see something I dont.

  16. 9 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I have no issue with what you say but let me ask this....how many people have been saved because we have the vax now? How many deaths would there be if there was no vax? Covid is not going away so the numbers will continue to rise unfortunately....back during the SF time people trusted a lot more than they do today which is why motives are constantly being questioned today....and to be clear the SF was worse than Covid....

    Thats a completely unanswerable question, that's kind of like saying how many times have I not died in a car crash cause I stayed home, who knows, I cant answer that, I dont think anyone can, all I'm saying is Covid is real, I never have thought different, trust me, and it's really not that fun either, it's actually fucking miserable, but what makes people at least myself be suspicious, and I trip out that everybody isnt a little suspicious, I dont trust a fucking thing any of these US politicians tell us, they have all been caught lying, I stated the straw that broke the camels back for me, personally, is when I watched Biden, Fauci, Scaki, and Walenski all give press conferences on the same day, July 28th, and all 4 of them said completely different shit that contradicted each other, If you'd like I can go pull all 4 conferences so you can see what im talking about, how does nobody else give a fuck? this is supposed to be vital important shit right? it doesnt strike anyone as a little odd 4 different associates of the same government cant keep their stories straight? if thats really that far out there, i'll just shut up.

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