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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Considering the mans body of work over so many years, would you consider Steve Lukather massively and sickeningly underrated? He's known among people like us, and i'd say even worshiped by some standards, but overall I feel like he should be much more well known and appreciated by everyone, think of the dent in the music world had Steve Lukather never been in it.

  2. Man I really really wish your Today show came on in the US, it's just my kind of show, the amount of backhanded smut and double entendres that go on during that show just speaks to me, that guy that hosts it, I bet he gets so much poon he had to hire a secretary to organize it all, I bet a day goes by he isn't dried the fuck out and beat, just a killer show with killer talent

    • Like 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, auslander said:

    This is why you should get married. Then you won't have to give a shit what you look like. I used to be fit and good looking... when I was single! Now, I started to even cut my own hair that's how much I don't care about my appearance haha.

    No bro it makes you feel good, I am a recovering drug addict, can't have to much free time on my hands, and plus I want to look as good as I possibly can in general, cause god knows I'm on the bad side of hideous, so u gotta throw in some incentive, plus I don't want my gf to look like a pig, I don't assume she wants me to look like one, how do u get wood if your old ladys ass looks like 50lbs of chewed bubble gum? Lol

  4. 6 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    I don't get out of bed before noon....and the biggest workout I get in the evening is when I have to get up out of my easy chair to look for the fucking tv remote....

    your remote should never be outside of hands reach from the ez chair, you should no that at your age, wtf??

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, auslander said:

    You need ID to get a loan, drive a vehicle, pretty much anything, but to vote? Nah. 😆

    Exactly, so why would you really not want voter ID laws passed? then open the southern border and let anyone who wants in to come in, but not let Cuban immigrants in who are trying to escape communism and would never vote for a democrat?? does that sound like conspiracy theories to you?? People who arent legal dont have ID's so how would they be able to vote? they wouldnt,

  6. Tomorrow im starting something Ive never done in my life, Ive worked out and lifted since I started playing baseball and football in Jr. High, Ive always thought the guys who went to the gym at 4am had some mental problems, why the fuck would anyone get up at 4am if they didnt have to, my daughters mom would go work out at 5am every morning, I cant even fully wake up until at least 2pm, no matter what my sleep schedule is, but tomorrow Im going to get up at 4:30am, and go work out with Karissa, I still think people who do this are fucking nuts, but now Im going to join that nuts group, I just dont see the need, that means i'll have my whole evening completely free, do any of you work out that early in the morning? I always just assume everyone works out at night, well except for crazy people, if you work out that early, is there truly any benefit to it, outside of being bored as fuck in the evening?

  7. On 9/3/2021 at 1:10 AM, Glen said:

    show me 3 Eminem songs that have the same message,  virtually the same lyrics and the same song structure and nearly identical choruses. 


    Songs, How about those last 3 just phenomenal albums??? if you could actually sit through them, I thought Relapse was on the edge of fucking horrible and unworthy of even being considered as a rap album, it was fucking aweful, horrible, but then again, I dont think Ive liked anything he's done solo after the debut, I fucking love all of the D-12 albums, that is a creative bunch of guys, and if your not easily offended, I would absolutely recomend them, well I guess now it's more like D-11 LOL, RIP Stalka

  8. I ordered both of them, I support someone who really puts in the work, and holds there middle finger up to the system, Tom and Nova really care about this shit and thats no secret, that was scary when she passed out and they couldnt get her revived while they were working on that video, the video Tom did on it you could see the true panic in on his face, they are true rebels, and I support him and his message, and he is different, he's saying fuck you to the music industry, I support Nova to though it's sometimes hard to get into her stuff, I like her shit where she sings, but not the rap shit, Tom is a hundred times the man Eminem is, Tom is someone I would want my daughter to date, he's not a complete fucking scumbag.

  9. 2 hours ago, Glen said:

    that has also been fact checked to death as bollocks in both elections where Trump won & lost. 

    it was also thrown out previously in court for no evidence. 

    Voter fraud exists in one man's head, and he's a renowned bad loser 

    You mean like russian collusion did in an entire set of congress when a certain man won and the dems spent 4 years trying to prove he didnt win legitimately?? is that what you mean?

  10. 2 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I don't see the racism in voter IDs...and seems to me at least in the red states they should be able to pass laws for voter IDs and it would not be long before everyone followed suit...after all if you can pass a law that prevents you from giving water to people standing in line to vote then you should be able to pass just about any law you want....

    It is required in almost all the red states, its the blue states who wont do it, so lets ask this, if somebody doesnt want voter ID laws passed nationally which is what they are trying to do, and they are on the up and up, what would be the problem with it?

  11. 12 hours ago, Glen said:

    Told about what? you spend far too much time wondering about shit which isn't real. 

    yes we are going to keep getting new variants. Thats what a virus does, it mutates. Thats a bit of a shitter. 

    Yes we are going to need annual jabs- just like flu, except in this case it can anyone not just old gits.  Thats a bit of a shitter as well. 

    But hey what do I know. I just read the news like you do, but less so on COVID these days, as we are open....for what thats worth. Weve still spent $400 billion which will be paid off for generations to come, lockdowns have decimated our high streets and leisure industry. The whole thing is a shitshow.

    I read this morning that vaccine passports will be in place in the UK by end of September. You could see that coming a mile off, it was inevitable really. 

    But is it sinister? no. Is it the government trying to control or track us, no. 

    some governments are being f stupid though if they are going to start fining people $5000 dollars - simply don't let me in is perfectly sufficient imo. 

    No talk of silly fines in the UK 

    No man, my point wasnt a conspiracy theory, it was we really dont know everything unless they want us to, my point was a disease or virus that kills .09% of people who contract it, and their going to these lengths? it has nothing to do with tracking or any shit like that, Im saying theres got to be something else about the virus itself they arent being up front with, dude .09% thats not even 1% this all seems a little to drastic for something that really doesnt kill that many people, you dont see anything at all fishy about this? maybe it's just me.

    • Like 1
  12. 21 hours ago, Glen said:

    Wait Cody's a Liberal 🤣🤣 I always knew he was a loon bat 

    I'm very liberal socially, I am a Libertarian, meaning If it doesn't infringe on my ability to live my life, I dont give a fuck about it, you can fuck guys in the ass, suck off chicks with dicks, fuck donkeys, horses, dogs, dead bodies, vacuums, interracial, (Not Children) then you can head on down to get that abortion taken care of in no time, cause ultimately it has not one single tiny fucking spec of influence or relevance on me living my life.

    Heres where I go rogue, Im an Atheist, so im automatically not in line with conservatives, but I am absolutely 100% pro military, and alot of responsibility comes with having the most deadly military on the planet, and now you can see why I do not support left wingers running this country, our military is far to dangerous, and far to huge to have some puppet in charge of, it could not only permanently fuck many lives up, it could fuck many country's up, and the left do not want our military, they do not have patriotism, they believe the US is evil and they want to dismantle it and rebuild it in their own form, the Chinese are truly vermin, that government is the epitome of trash, they are dead set on taking the US out, and they have the capability and funding to do it, and I think Biden is just making it a cakewalk for them, I have had too many family members die fighting for this country to let some entitled fucking tool destroy it, you guys laugh and make fun of me, but Im telling your right now, something big is going to unfold, and its going to start with Bidens entire cabinet disintegrating, and as an American, all biden has done is make me wish for Trump, and Trump is going to I assume start running shadow government, something needs to be done, before we are all replacing forks with chopsticks, and renaming our country howia jung su ching, so I am a Libertarian because I dont give a fuck what people do socially, but you cannot survive in a lawless society.

  13. On 9/3/2021 at 3:19 AM, Glen said:

    all US states make their own rules as far as im aware.

    UK is taking a sensible approach but we are not immune to further lockdowns :( You can bet if the deaths spiral again they will lockdown. Fingers crossed.  


    I live in one of the few states that has banned mask mandates, and is on the verge of banning masks all together, I mean u can of course wear them if wanted, but no businesses or other public entitys will be alowed to require you to wear one, or refuse service if you dont. like I say, I bad mouth the mormons like I change socks, but when it comes down to it, they dont bullshit, they are interested in making money, and living life, and I gotta hand it to them, they have stayed about as normal as anywhere in the world as far as this shits gone, and they have been consistent about it from the very start, I havent even remembered the disarray the countrys been in over it, cause everything's just been on point here.


  14. On 9/1/2021 at 6:30 PM, CureTheSane said:

    Our big fuck up was to invest heavily in Astra.

    Well It wasnt a legendary disc, but I thought it was shades better then Alpha, I thought it really had some strong songs on it, Whetton sounded great as always, and I just dont think you should bad mouth it, maybe if it sounded gay that would be OK, but nothings going to live up to that debut, Astras pretty fkn good

    • Haha 1
  15. Ok Glen, I will not say your right as I dont know, thats why I asked, all except for 1 spot I gotta disagree with you on, being that we cant see the future(that I know of) theres no way they could no any potential long term effects the vax may have to it, Im not a flat earther, im not a silver guy, I really dont believe a lot of bullshit, but check this out, I got Barbecued 2 nights ago and was watching TV, and their talking about fucking retinal scanners in Oz, and the first time my mined strayed off the republican democrat bullshit and I actually had a new thought about this, k bro, you gotta admit they are pushing this shit hard, way harder then common sense says it needs to be pushed, I wont talk about the fact they stopped looking for how it originated kind of just vanished, I'll chalk that up to the fucking strawman president, but I thought, this was thinking about OZ, does anyone start to get the feeling that maybe there's more to this then we are being told? just throw it in the air, nothing about it has been consistent, are we going to keep getting new variants?? cause I remember specifically Biden telling everyone if they want to get rid of masks, get the vax,

    Not only have the (world leaders) lied through their teeth about it, they are continuing to press bigger and bigger agendas, and I was just wondering not cause any government would ever not be straight up to its people, right? but anyone seriously get a feeling we arent being dealt with straight? Im being dead serious, I mean the way Bidens handling shit, I think we would be fucking lemmings not to doubt shit, cause lets face it, people die from a lot more deadly shit then this, and there doesnt seem to be any great scheme to tackle other shit, this disease 99.9 percent of people survive, seriously something like .09 percent of people die, that doesnt seem like all that deciding of a number for the shit they are rolling out on us, do you liberals just believe everything we are being told and thats it? you just have that much faith in world leaders? im just really at a crossroads where my gut is telling me something truly isnt right about the overreaction going on, but like I said I was so stoned I could be a female in Afghanistan,

  16. I dont know guys, I realize I was in 5th grade when this video was even made, Ive always thoroughly enjoyed the song, since I got the cd in 7th grade, but when I watch this video something about her takes the wrinkles out of the old levis, it gives me tingling sensations in my genital regions, damn I just want to do inappropriate things with her, and the fact she fucking kicks so much ass singing, just might make her a candidate for one of the top females that ive ever seen.



  17. Idk if anyone else likes watching bodycam footage of OIS, but this is a channel my brother told me about, no narrator or anything just straight bodycam footage spliced together from several different officers body cams, with the police report down in the info, I think its pretty interesting to see what police have to deal with on a daily basis, and the mental exhaustion it must cause for them, it's not a job I could do, Id be gone the 1st week.

    This is some Houston cops going to some illegals apt who was choking out his old lady, this dude gets fucking smoked, it's obviously racist, mexican on mexican racism. Im sure you'll have to go to the chanel to watch it but if you like this shit it's worth it, but its pretty graphic, so im sure they wont let me just post it here, just if you want.



  18. 1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

    The vax was never meant as a cure, it is supposed to help your body fight the virus so that you don't end up in the hospital or the morgue and it does this well...does it save everyone? no there will always be exceptions but taking the vax as a precaution just makes sense...just like wearing a condom or not wearing a condom is your choice and you take the chance of getting someone pregnant if you don't take any precautions......;)

    well condoms are 99% effective, I would have gone with pulling out, it seems a little more realistic in the numbers dept, so why am I supposed to get the Vax? from all you said it's supposed to do the same thing your body naturally does after youve had it, correct? so what is the point in me being vaxed? plus dont you worry about any kind of after effects, some of these vax are studied for years before they are cleared, doesnt it make you a little worried this is the one that didnt need any of those clinical trials, some take so long just on the basis of what they may do down the line, what about that?


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