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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. On 8/27/2021 at 7:40 PM, Dead Planet said:

    Yeah quite the business man, he has only filed for business bankruptcy at least 4 times.....very impressive...and I keep bringing him up because if you are going to criticize Democrat leaders then it makes perfect sense to compare them to the Republican leader which is still Trump even if many people would like to forget that salient point....some people seem to think Trump disappeared down some deep dark hole after leaving the White House (we could only wish...lol) but he is still in charge of the Reps so enough with the whining about bringing up the Rep leader unless you are going to stop the criticism of the Dem leaders...ffs

    But the Republicans arent in power, they have no control over anything, so it looks really petty to keep harping on someone who cant do anything plus way to sidestep the question, didnt even answer it , didnt even attempt to, wonder why that is????

  2. 7 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    What did the donkey look like?

    he had 4 legs and a tail, all the other donkeys make fun of his size, but ill tell you it looked to me like plenty enough size for that chick, I saw it after the show out back having a smoke, I got an autograph and pic

  3. 6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Ahem...cough...lol....the previous president had considerably less qualifications and he is okay as far as you are concerned so once again this sounds personal ....I suspect if she was Republican most of the complaints would go away... and maybe she would make a terrible president but I don't have a crystal ball so who knows for sure... I expect a very interesting 2024 if she ends up running against Trump...

    You keep bringing up the former president, OK, DEAD PLANET, I REALLY WISH YOUD TELL ME YOUR NAME SO I DONT HAVE TO KEEP ADDRESSING YOU BY MR. PLANET, CAN YOU SIT THERE AND TELL ME IN ALL HONESTY WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENT WAS WORSE THEN THE CURRENT PRESIDENT??? go on, lay it out there just say it so I know where to begin the climb from, say it, say Donald Trump was a worse president then Joe Biden, then you give me examples of anything trump did that even remotely comes close to what Biden has done, OK, btw you brought Trump up again,,ya see that, Trump had qualifications in Business, and that's how he ran the country, something that needed to be done, and I dont think had since maybe bill clinton, trumps whole platform was business, it was nice not having a politician as president and I think you'll find thats what most people will tell you, instead of a suit up there telling everyone what they want to hear, then disappearing, Trump actually did what he said he'd do, now that may not be a foreign concept to presidents in your country, but in this country it's almost like a fairy tale, even if you hate his guts, nobody whos honest can say he lied to get into power, he stuck to everything he promised he'd do when he was running, and to me thats a breath of fresh air.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

    No bro, didn't you just read what I said, there were literally like 3 or 4 females who were overly qualified, Tulsi Gabbar is more qualified then Biden, yes it's personal, I cant stand affirmative action, I cant stand anyone getting their job on color and not qualifications, you go search the internet, you come back here and tell me what she's done, cause I keep up on this shit, and im seriously scratching my head, if you can find something she's done, doesn't even have to be important, just something in general, anything, I'll give you a ticket for one free rim job at G-Offs house of guilty pleasures and tickling tongues, deal.

    BTW. Trump is the first republican I voted for in my 25 years of voting, the very first, I look at republicans with the same distrust and disgust as I do the dumbocrats, I just think the dumbocrats arent even real dumbocrats and they are far more disgusting, I'll take Jo Jorgensen in 2024 jorgensen\cohen, thats the ticket right there

    did I mention JORGENSEN\COHEN 2024?

  5. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Ahem...cough...lol....the previous president had considerably less qualifications and he is okay as far as you are concerned so once again this sounds personal ....I suspect if she was Republican most of the complaints would go away... and maybe she would make a terrible president but I don't have a crystal ball so who knows for sure... I expect a very interesting 2024 if she ends up running against Trump...

    No bro, didn't you just read what I said, there were literally like 3 or 4 females who were overly qualified, Tulsi Gabbar is more qualified then Biden, yes it's personal, I cant stand affirmative action, I cant stand anyone getting their job on color and not qualifications, you go search the internet, you come back here and tell me what she's done, cause I keep up on this shit, and im seriously scratching my head, if you can find something she's done, doesn't even have to be important, just something in general, anything, I'll give you a ticket for one free rim job at G-Offs house of guilty pleasures and tickling tongues, deal.


    BTW. Trump is the first republican I voted for in my 25 years of voting, the very first, I look at republicans with the same distrust and disgust as I do the dumbocrats, I just think the dumbocrats arent even real dumbocrats and they are far more disgusting, I'll take Jo Jorgensen in 2024 jorgensen\cohen, thats the ticket right there

  6. 6 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    Can't she be impeached as well? I thought I heard that Biden, Harris, Shumer, Pelosi and one other person could all be impeached. 

    If not, it was a nice thought.

    dude dont tease me, that's like a dream id have then wake up all pissed off cause it was a dream


  7. 3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I have cds by all but Washed who I have never heard of but who sound quite good I may see if I can find the cd....I thought Road Ratt was okay but a bit average, 1RKO is excellent and The Explorers has several very good songs on it but half get skipped on a play through for me.....

    Dont bother, that Washed album was a demo and they never got signed, they just lately released it on Itunes, so you can get it there, it's where I got it, no CD

  8. 1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

    I know no one likes comparisons but these criticisms seem pretty tame compared to all the stuff surrounding Trump.... my understanding is that she is a moderate politically, now I could see the concern if she was an AOC clone.... if it is her personality then I can get that as it is the main reason I dislike Trump....

    Shes incompetent, plain and simple, she''s done NOTHING!!! in her time as VP, she was a diversity hire, do you understand what that is? they told Biden he needs to pick a black bitch to run with, and he took her, she is not qualified for the job, guess what her job was? the border, she fucking ignored it until even the democrats started getting a little suspect why she had done nothing with it, not even visited it, it's like she didn't get the job she wanted so she just wasn't going to do anything, seriously bro, she was a black chick, the dems made him pick one, she was it, she claims she's black, but she's Canadian, and her dads like some Rastafarian, her mom was red dot indian, but when she's around all the sistas, the soul in her comes out, she's just a fucking tool, like Biden, and I would move the oceans to keep Biden in power, she is unqualified, not respected, she ran for president and didn't make it out of the prelims, she got .04 of the votes, that's pathetic, shes possibly one of the most unlikable personalities you'll ever come across, she's just not even cut from the same cloth as Hilary, or even Tulsi Gabbar who also would've been a perfect VP, but she's fucking white, so don't go with the qualified VP, go with the black one, and you wonder why they rule shit hole city's like Chicago.

  9. 17 minutes ago, lettard said:

    I have both Road Ratt albums and the 1RKO cd as well as the Washed stuff on a download file somewhere,was it ever offically released? All pretty good to my ears.

    Dont know  Explorers at all,bit of a Queen meets Extreme thing?

    Washed was only released lately, one of those bands that slipped through the cracks, like Barfly

  10. I generally only bring Trump up when someone else does, I keep my focus directed at bitching about Biden, Trumps gone, and many of you have short memory's, I never even started being pro trump until the end of his 4th year, I actually talked a lot of shit on him when he first got to office, with the Russian shit, I don't bring prior presidents up, and when the election ended I got on here and said Biden is my president, as much as I fucking hate it and him, I think Jo Jorgensen would've been levels better but god forbid the American public educate themselves a little and realize that a Libertarian would be equal to a democrat of 20 years ago, but no they would rather stay sheep, I do think it's a little fishy that Biden never left his basement during the whole run up, never campaigned, and gained eighty one million votes, making him the most popular president elect in the history of the US, something about that was a bit strange, but I never gave it anymore thought then that, after his speech tonight I have no faith, but if he resigns then we get a diversity hire as president who cant even wipe her own ass, she's about the most pathetic person there is, Satan help us if she gets the presidency.

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  11. 6 hours ago, auslander said:

    Look if it's all shits and giggles that's cool, just I keep thinking there are more things that bind us together (i.e. love for music done by alphas with big hair wearing spandex) than stupid stuff like politics. But, I still reckon not binging on news might do me good for a week. Gonna do it anyway to see if it helps. 🤪 

    No bro, this really is light stuff, some of the shit I take on twitter and facebook is pretty fucking hilarious, way uncalled for, but very humorous, and when someone does get under my skin, I can usually just return with a personal shot and that makes them lose their shit and meltdown, I got banned off twitter but set up a new account under my alias, shit gets violent and personal, and I get tons of death threats, things about my mom, my manhood gets called into question, it's generally those faggot cock gobbler antifa queers, those queers try saying everything under the sun to get to me, but they are just keyboard killers, and in real life would be scared just leaving their moms basement, but I like to see if anyone can get to me, cause I dont find many that do, when someone does its truly a wake up, but like I said, usually only one thing gets to me, and really nobody ever hits on it, so Its all just troll city for me.

  12. 2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    What did the chick look like?

    She was fucking hit, just a nasty ass mexican chick, I bet she has a time finding a dude to satisfy her when you think about it, I wasnt gonna go in, my friends all went in, then I was stoned thinking I wonder what Im gonna think if I dont go in and at least see, maybe its not as bad as im making it, well It wasnt as bad, but it was bad enough, I couldnt look at a pussy for awhile after, same after I watched my daughter be born, yeah Im pretty sturdy on that kinda shit, but I was 17 and on spring break, if I saw it now it would just be uninteresting.

  13. 1 hour ago, Eric3 said:

    The Harem Scarem vibes come from the vocal harmonies, at least to me. I'll have to look into this band.

    I agree, and I always get into arguments over this, as both bands have excellent guitarists, then people start in on me about Lesperance being better then Dimitrovich, I dont agree, the HS ties are there, Darren Smith played drums on their Short Sighted album, and they did shows with them, how many bands sound like HS, even enough to get compared, Murray said he always took it as a compliment as they were his idols growing up.

  14. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Their first two albums were around the time I started really getting into melodic rock and these guys were one of the first current bands, at the time, that I listened to, and was heartened to hear that great music was still being recorded. First two albums are sensational and the albums after generally have a few cool tunes. 

    Cody, I assume you know Murray produced Cauterize's debut album and I think he even co-wrote a song or two, as well as providing backing vocals? True story. 

    Yes I talked to him for awhile about them, we both feel like thats truly one of those sincerely fucked up breaks that there really was no good reason for, Cauterize not becoming fucking huge, any fan of that music ive ever played them for has bought the disc, they were truly talented, had an awesome and unique sound, and awesome songs, it was a head scratcher, he said the entire time he was doing that album he just kept seeing dollar signs pop up in his head, it truly was one of the saddest misses in music history, it was that good of an album, just goes to show that you dont need to be good to be famous, and you can be the absolute best at what you do and nobody will ever fucking know about you.

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  15. WARNING! This is rap, but it's a Proud Boy, thats right a black Proud Boy, LOL theres literally hundreds of them in this white supremacist group, but he's pretty fucking tight, and he has an awesome message, but I like rap if it's got any talent to it and beyond 2nd grade lyrics




  16. Ah you guys are the greatest, and if you ever come to the US we can head down to Mexico and you can see the Donkey show, I couldnt make it through 10 minutes of it, I dont know if it was the actual show, or the creepy fuckers peeled to it enjoying it, but I couldnt do it, we found G-Off's boundary, I found it, holy shit, wow im amazing.

  17. 3 hours ago, auslander said:

    Not physically, no. But emotionally, yeah. Let's be real, and this doesn't mean I don't care about Afghanistan, but... if I wasn't seeing it on "the news" I wouldn't know about it. The thing is, what can I do about it? So, all it does is increase my anxiety or make me argue with people I'd otherwise love to share a beer with. And not a single one of those arguments will stop some barbarian savage from raping or torturing halfway around the world. 

    The news is designed to keep the masses in anger or fear, cause then we can be more easily controlled or distracted from our own communities. To quote Dune: fear is the mindkiller.

    And anger pulls us apart from our neighbours. But, hey, that is just how I feel. I'm not telling others how to live their lives, just wanna share my thoughts on media.

    Yeah, I guess some of us just enjoy arguing, we find it fun, we are nit wits and just get a rise off of arguing, Ive always understood nothing I say is going to change a goddamn thing, sometimes it's just fun to be sarcastic and rude, and argue, and if there are takers I just figure they enjoy it as well, it's not like the fate of the world rests on what me or dead planet or glen disagree on, even if their clearly misguided... cough cough lol

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