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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Well guys, (cough cough) you feeling a little puzzled? looks like Trump not only was innocent of Russian collusion, but it was a fucking conspiracy, HA!  what fucking swine, dirty filthy scumbag piece of shit cocksuckers, all fucking fabricated, to go after Trump and get the fucking attention off crooked hillarys emails, and on top of that O Keefe the founder of Project Varitas, the organization that's fucking killing it, busting everyone, doing real investigative reporting somehow came across Joe Bidens daughters diary, and the crooked FBI is dead set on getting come hell or high water, wonder whats in that diary that is so important that the crooks are gonna go to the edge of earth to get it back??? I don't know about you but it is about the most interesting thing going on right now, would love to know.


  2. 10 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    Go out and have a great time !

    Dude I just dont know if I'm ready for this barage of concerts, jesus christ, just fucking out of nowhere, if I want my buddy to drive to Exhorder which is significantly further, then I gotta pay and drive to this concert, believe me, Raven wasnt on my list of concerts to hit, fuck maybe theyll be good live, I guess it's the closest thing to Venom I'll ever get to see live

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Because she is another left wing looney toon....I'd put AOC ahead of her and that is not saying much....

    I'd still bangem both BTW, not that it's relevant, wait a minute, Mr. Planet, you are in me and glen's group arent you, I just caught that, you just love to argue dont you? I just brought Angelina up, and you quickly shifted to her being a left wing loon, thats fucking classic, I always assumed, but wasnt sure, well good to have you in the club, it's a small club, seems to be us 3 and occasionally a few others, but thats great.

    • Haha 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Because she is another left wing looney toon....I'd put AOC ahead of her and that is not saying much....

    I never said anything about her politics, I said she's smart enough to know that she needs to check her firearms b4 she fires them, thats all.

  5. its believed it was probably an illegal or cartel member, which would be the reason the stop investigating it, cause obviously even if they find the person, Mexico wont cough him up, there's no way the AIU would just blow this off if had been anyone who was serving at that base, it's fucking bullshit.

  6. 12 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    My understanding is that the administration has no plans to give these people money but there is a lawsuit ongoing and we all know that once you get into the courts anything can happen...but I don't see how this is on the Biden admin, how are they responsible for what the courts do about something that happened during the Trump admin....

    Simple, everything else is null and void, Trump is no longer president, so now it's on Joe Biden, just like anything else, your responsible for the country and everything going on in it, I know everyone wishes they could keep blaming everything on Trump, but Bidens complete shunning of our border is going to fuck him on this, Trump left office, you think they would file a lawsuit if he were still president? under our constitution, these people have no right to even be filling a lawsuit, so my guess this is going to go nowhere, but some of these left wing judges do shit that is just as illegal as letting illegals into the country, for all the hatred at Trump, Bidens administration is breaking the law on a daily pace for political gains, it really is going to fuck him, the talk in Texas is now that they are not going to send federal part of the states taxes in, and instead are going to use them to begin building the wall, if the government is going to break the laws of the country and then still get paid for it, Abbott is going to see it doesnt turn out that way, and I say fucking good, I hope all the red states follow suit.

  7. And here we are,  coming up on 11 years and it's almost like they didn't even try to figure this out, if I hadn't been so fucked up on heroin I would've grabbed a friend and went down there myself and inserted myself into everything and been such a fucking pest that they would've had to help just to get me out of their hair, the worst part is that I don't carry it around with me, but when I do stop and reflect it's almost like your first divorce, the feelings, and emotions and pain, and that fucked up feeling like your entire chest is hot and cold at the same time, and your stomach is dissolving all comes completely back exactly like the second I found out about it, our government is fucking useless.

  8. G-Off, now I don't know if you'll like this, it's one of those things where I heard it and thought what the fuck I like this, then after listening I had deep bouts of shame, and the feeling like I just fucked a really nasty girl and im not proud of myself, but there's something unique about these guys, they don't sound like anyone else, and these 2 songs in-particular just rub me the right way, so I know you tinker with some of that kind of shit, so I'll throw them out there, if you like your welcome, if you don't then fuck yourself.



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