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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 16 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    We get it here, but I mainly watch the compilations on youtube. 

    I've never been to Canada, but I think our cultures would be quite similar, with regards to the UK/US influence. Also, we seem to have same shit stirring sense of humor.*

    *We don't however, say "aboot" when we mean "about" and we don't end every statement with "eh".



    how about A-gain

  2. On 9/29/2021 at 1:10 PM, KarpetRydOFunk said:


    And we Canadians don't actually hate Americans. It's just that they fuck their sisters, that's all. 


    and we americans dont hate canadians, we love fucking your sisters

  3. 28 minutes ago, Glen said:

    1. vaccine does not make you immune but it does massively reduce the seriousness of the illness IF you get it

    2. majority of people in hospital in the UK are unvaccinated. 

    just saying. 

    So whats the point in getting it if youve already had covid? nothing you just listed has anything to do with this video

  4. 3 hours ago, SessionWulf said:

    Assuming you watch clips of the show on Youtube, the names of the people are usually in the description.  If you are watching full episodes, they literally do a role call at the beginning of every episode

    Ive got ADD, what can I say, I just watch it to hear Carr clown people, but the other day I started thinking for some reason, the chick on there is pretty fucking hot, I wonder what her titties look like, It is obviously shit I watch on youtube since the US hardly puts anything good from other countries on it's tv stations, I watch clips and entire shows, but I just got thinking about this the other day, I havent watched that show for a few months, I think I saw a girl who reminded me of that chick at Outback steak house is what it was.

  5. On 10/1/2021 at 8:50 AM, CureTheSane said:

    Haha, yeah nothing we can do because we are disarmed. Yes, having a handgun would have diffused all this....


    The point about being disarmed doesnt have anything to do with you now, if your citizens had been armed, would this be happening now is the point of that comment, we know it's why it's not happening here, and they are doing all they can to disarm us, if you believe it or not, thats a huge factor in how the government responds to things, and it's the reason it is a concrete part of the founding of this country, because when governments dont have to worry about armed citizens, they have a free pass to do whatever they want, if you want to believe it or not, think about it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    As someone who was forced into this cunt of a vaccine as a job requirement, I'm not laughing out loud at all mate.

    No Dusty, I'm laughing because the house of cards is going to start falling soon, one thing you can always bet on is conspiracy theories dont stay that way because nobody can keep a secret anymore, especially in this day and age, only the sheeple believe any of this is on the up and up, with the help of the media they can keep the lie going a long time, but sooner or later somebodys going to fuck up, then the dominoes will fall, no media outlets are covering this phizer thing except for the "right wing" outlets, who are the huge minority, just the fact you have to take it should have you up in arms, I dont care about the vax, I wouldnt be to worried about the fact you took it, Id be more worried about why.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Remember, this is worse than 9/11...





    LOL it looks like a museum, yep these are the hardcore motherfuckers and this is the worst terrorist event in US history, 4 proud boys are still sitting in prison for this assault on the US

  8. this is my friend, her name is Ocean, no that's her given name, shes a showgirl for a sports marketing company, sadly she has leukemia and has to quit, but she appreciates how much I appreciate her knockers and gave me her blessing to put her pic up in the titties section


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