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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. I thought the time was right to give this legendary icon her own board, this was be all things AOC, discussion on her groundbreaking legislation, vids of her monumental speeches, general discussion on her revolutionary social interaction, or if you just want to talk about her great attire, or if you have a pic or something you took with this legend.No FLAMING OR TROLLING!




  2. On 9/25/2021 at 5:50 AM, Geoff said:

    After seeing their story on Youtube the other day I finally actually did this. In the spirit of complete honesty, I must admit I found it a really surprising discography. I've owned and loved 'Symbol of Salvation' since way back in the day, and on reflection, it genuinely seems they saved up all their talent and flair for that one album. They're an entirely capable band and offer good musicianship and lead vocals from their first to most recent album. The problem for me is that the songs, album after album, are just so bland. That new album probably has a few more promising tracks than most in their discography, but for me, it's all still about 'Symbol of Salvation.' That's a fine album, and imo, the peak of their song writing by a long way. 

    No that is absolutely their pinnacle album, and I agree with you G-Off, they are one of those bands whose goods songs are so good it makes you have to accept that their bad songs are so bad, I fucking love Bush's voice, and thought he made Anthrax a more mature band, like I took them seriously as a group, instead of it just being party band Anthrax, songs like Safe Home showed a very mature side, he's a grossly underrated vocalist.

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  3. 1 minute ago, CureTheSane said:

    Biden getting a fair bit of press over here.
    Lots of clips making him look somewhat senile at times.
    Hard to argue most of the time.

    I've said before, the thing I miss most about Trump was the entertainment.
    Biden is doing  his best to perform I guess lol

    Thats the only reason I was originally OK with him winning in 16, cause I couldn't wait to watch the circus for 4 yrs, to be honest, at the end of those 4 yrs, I realized Trump was a fucking blowhard, and fun to watch, but he did what was best for our country, the exact opposite of what Joe Biden is doing, it tells me Trump really loved the US, Biden is just using it as a means to connect China to it, laugh if you want, this is starting to self destruct, as I predicted months ago, the silent majority will not put up with this forever, eventually the country is going to lose their patience and  any number of scenarios could be possible, but make no mistake, Americans are to fucking pompous to just be taken over, and right now, Biden is breaking records, he's personally sold more guns for Browning, Smith & Wesson, Rutger, etc then any spokesperson, or individual in modern history, gun sales records have been demolished, Biden has brought capitalism to one of the very category's he's hell bent on destroying, that dudes a fucking tool, and thanks to him, 3 million first time buyers have registered guns since Feb 1st. LOL

  4. Another show of the high IQ and pure intelligence of Antifa, Patriot Prayer showed up and crashed an Antifa rally, antifa just stand there cause they trying to get knocked the fuck out so Joey and Fernando get hemmed up for it, i'm telling you, if somehow Antifa just got put in cuffs and kind of just went away, and were never heard or seen again, I think it might be a positive on mankind.



  5. 11 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Wow, sad to hear about the passing. Would be really interested to hear the songs if they ever see the light of day. I never actually heard the 'My Own Machine' album but should probably try and find a way to do so. All the songs I can find on youtube sound nice.


    shit honky, I got ya, i thought you had it, shouldve just said something, would you prefer digital or hard copy sir? if you'd like a hard copy you may have to wait a few, just whenever i go to the post office, not a fav spot of mine, if you want digital, I will just load it onto my youtube channel,

  6. 2 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    How can anyone prove your taste in humour wrong? If you don't find female comedians funny that doesn't mean they aren't funny. It just means their jokes don't land with you. 

    Well because most of the people I know feel the same way, tell me a funny female comedian, come on Nolan i'm waiting, name 1, who's actually funny, I think one time I laughed at Whitney Cummins and thats the only thing I can think of.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

    The only way to stop or at least slow this woke shit is to stop supporting the people and companies who are doing it....so stop going to the movies, stop watching the tv shows, stop buying the books. comics, games etc....when they get hit financially these idiots will come to their senses...otherwise this is the future...

    I didnt think anyone did contribute to these, theres no way in hell me or anyone I associate with will ever go see these fucking movies, far as I know none of them have made even their money back at the box office,  see one thing they forget at least here in the US, like it or not, White people are still the majority, and a huge massive majority at that, but the one thing that seems to tie all the races together is weirdness, blacks arent cool with LGBQTICXVRLEIO at all, of course Mexicans might be the most intolerant towards it, Asians are pretty much for it, but are against BLM, since blacks have been targeting Asians, I got a gay sister, and G-Off is gay, pretty much all of you are gay as fuck, but seriously I think the alphabet people are going to unanimously rub the entire country the wrong way, they already are, I dont even give a fuck about them but Im starting to get irritated with them, what does Dice say? they want rights i'll give em rights, 10% off of Vaseline now get the fuck back in the closet.

  8. 7 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    Great ain't it?

    Its fucking ridiculous, what do you think they would do if we decided to remake Whats Happening, or Good Times and cast an all white cast for it? shit would hit the fucking fan, why cant all of these cocksuckers just come up with their own shit? nobody would give a fuck if they made their own super hero who while not saving the world, was taking a deep mushroom tip, or getting jizzed all over, it could be their own, why do the ghostbusters have to be fat ugly fucking bitches? sorry girls aren't funny, prove me wrong, everyone always wants to call me sexist and a misogynist, but nobody can prove me wrong so their just arguing cause that's what these people do, is fucking argue, The Equalizer, FUCKING QUEEN LATIFAH is the fucking equalizer now, whats next Bodette and Luka Duke? it's the same fucking argument i always get slammed for about the WNBA, how is it fair Labron James will make 3million dollars just in the first quarter of his contract and the WNBA's Britny Griner will only make $200,000 for the whole season, simple, when the WNBA starts drawing the crowd the NBA does, then they will increase their salaries, this notion that everyone should just make a certain amount cause somebody else does is borderline mental illness, I think all athletes are over paid but it is what it is.

  9. On Nov 23rd it will mark a year since I lost a good friend and a genuinely good person, who also happened to be the vocalist for H&H's, me and his fiance Hailey, have found a bunch of stuff he did and sadly never got to release, most of it is just missing parts of music, like some guitar overdubs, or bass tracks, but he tracked about 6 songs and finished them, side and imaging as well as BGV's, Im talking to Alex about finishing these songs, what a shame, this set of songs could have fucking been ground breaking, it seems like the greatest ones just cannot ever get along with each other, I just cant help but feel they were on the verge of busting wide open, it makes my fucking heart hurt, Garrett was a truly talented vocalist, just universally, to think what he could've done just sucks the life out of me, what a fucked up feeling

  10. 8 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    Well, same-sex marriage was legal in Canada ten years before most of America started legalising it. So you're not wrong. ;}

    So what does Tru-doe identify as? what are his pronouns? fag, queer, pillow bitter? are those offensive?

  11. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    I only stated there was no conclusion, tis all

    Oh there wont be, it's just one of those things you have to use common sense with, just like the entire pandemic, btw anyone here ever watched V for Vendetta?


  12. 7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    They put out When God Turned Away in 2003....is that the one you are referring to?...it was a decent release imo....

    yeah i never heard it i'll have to check it out

  13. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    well it was your country which conducted the enquiry.

    Mainly Trump, but Biden as well. 

    No conclusion. 

    oh come now Glen, we all know I said that, but if you dont believe by now it did then your being a conspiracy theorist

  14. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Doesn't the whole world know now it came from the lab? Intentional or not. I'm surprised there's still any alternate belief? Surely not, still? 

    I guess it's not after all, my bad

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