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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I've only heard about 1 and that was a pipeline that was going to be built....

    No he's trying to shut down our main pipeline in Michigan that provides 80% of our domestic oil, dont forget the second he shutdown the Keystone pipeline that was being built, he gave the green light for russia to open their pipeline

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, martinsane said:

    That was quite funny and smart af.

    Real curious how he does the banking stuff, like does he have a fake accounts, computer???


    Got to go eat a "progy" now.


    "I love you MOM! MOTHERF**KER!" lol

    him and his partner who only goes on camera once in awhile set up completly bullshit accounts, or they set up dummy screens, they access the scammers computers by letting the scammers access theirs, sometimes they hijack the scammers, sometimes they blackmail them, sometimes they put porn on the scammers computers cause they are in an office setting, so obviously they'll get fired if the boss comes in and gay porn is on their computer, they fuck with them so bad.

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  3. 1 hour ago, nyoilers said:

    Sorry but the US economy is doing great.

    There's actually job growth instead of job loss under the grifter trump.Trump is the biggest job loss president in modern history.At least we can be thankful that he lost his job and took his grifter family with him.

    Yeah job growth cause nobody's going back to work cause their all getting unemployment so they don't need to, don't be a liar about the job growth, oh wait your a dumbocrat it's in your DNA

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, nyoilers said:

    I do wish that Ron DeStupid runs for president but he can't even squat to piss unless trump gives him permission

    Your attempt at trollings really not amusing, sometimes you say some clever shit, but not usually,  nothing you say even makes sense, you cant troll me, I know your scared, the thought of DeSantis becoming president leaves you with chills, you feel like you might pass out, the thought of having a navy seal, with a backbone, and a grip on his country, economy, and who doesn't treat the truth like fine china, only taking it down for special occasions, somebody who's not a scared little bitch, taking it in the ass by the chinks, giving handjobs to the Russians, and making America a laughing joke to the rest of the world, who makes criminals pay for their actions, and holds scumbag politicians accountable for their actions.

    I feel the same way when I think of if we will have an America left when this fucking Chinese agent leaves office, I know trollings fun but sooner or latter it's not going to be all that funny, when you have to go back to work cause they cut your pension off, but you wont mind will you, sharing your money with all these illegals you are so fond of, maybe you can adopt a few of them, since they are being shipped into your state, so laugh it up funny guy, get your jokes in now, there aint gonna be much to laugh at when your comrade's done destroying this place.

    BTW, DeSantis isn't affiliated with Trump in any way shape or form, other then their in the same party, DeSantis has gone above and beyond to criticize Trump, he don't care for him much, so your right again.

    • Like 2
  5. This is probably the greatest channel in history, I can sit and watch this dude and watch him for fucking hours, he is completely amazing, he's so good im jealous, I wish I could do this shit, cause I'd blow the windows out, this dude fucks with scumbag scammers so bad you cant help but to be cheering by the end of some of these calls, scumbag camel jockeys get what they deserve and it's so sweet, maybe im just a vindictive motherfucker but I get so much satisfaction out of watching these rug pilots get taken the fuck for everything they have.



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  6. So if Kyle Rittenhouse is found not guilty the gers are gonna riot, because that shows white supremacy and white privilege, even though nobody involved in the case at all, well everyone was white, I think their going to have a huge surprise waiting for them when they go to riot, lol 

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