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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Oh! least we find out this person or GGER, I should say, is a BLM cockroach, who may have acted in protest of the Rittenhouse verdict, if this is the case, I'm going to have a spur of the moment business trip land on my desk, were going to witness the 1st time in all of this that the main 4 pro American organizations in the US will converge in one place, I of course will just be going as a spectator, to the awesome display of patriotism that will no doubt be on display towards anyone from BLM who incited and or knew of this horrendous activity that wiped little kids off the face of the earth, their going to find out they wont be found not guilty, and it will be because their black, black trash, that needs to be taken out to the curb for the garbage man. fucking worthless human excrement, we put up with their little tantrums at every turn, but when you target children, I got no problems with vigilantes, and I got no problem meeting it head on, you don't fuck with little kids, every convict, criminal, mob boss, felon, murderer, etc on the planet know there aren't very many rules, but there are a couple, and not fucking with kids is in the top 2, I guess single digit IQ doesn't afford you the luxury of knowing this, now I gotta go downstairs and hit the bag, b4 I blow a vein in my brain. and if I weren't an Atheist, I'd be praying my balls off this is not what's happened, it's a whole new game if this is true, so I pray it isn't, and I hope those kids who are at deaths door pull their little kid spirit out and take a turn for the better, and survive, they are innocent, they do not deserve to pay with their lives.

  2. Dont know if anyones seen this unedited footage of xmas paraders being used as speed bumps but it's pretty gnarly, anyone want to take bets on how long b4 the cringe inducing comedians from MSNBC or CNN tag this as being racially motivated, or an act of white supremacy??? those guys are so edgy and crafty in their sarcasm, sometimes it's hard to tell when their being serious.



  3. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    What's Melodic Mafia?

    The guys who use to post on here, like the holy fuck amounts of posts, the hundreds of thousands of posts, it's the original crew, they have a FB group, and now they forgot we were here, dont even drop in and say hey, I mean I spend a little time on it, I really dont see draw with it, unless I'm trying to find out something I put it on there cause it's got like thousands of members, but I think that kind of makes it shitty, as you can tell ive been a member on here since pretty much right after the beginning and I still cant fucking figure out who's who and shit, over there it's impossible.

  4. 4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    I know a few of them.

    I noticed the "Eve to Adam" clip you posted was from the "Hard Rock Heaven 2" youtube channel.

    Are these ones from there as well?

    If so, like you I've been meaning to sit down and spend some time trawling through it.

    I'm subscribed and know a lot of the stuff posted, but there's a Hell of a lot I don't know. 

    and to be honest with you bro, I haven't and don't look through his channel often, like I think I have once or twice when I was looking for shit he had so I knew what albums I wanted, I have a huge issue with concentrating, and the way Youtube doesn't let you organize your channel content into any category means everything just fucking thrown wherever and honestly I can concentrate for all of about 20 minutes trying to sift through all those miscellaneous songs, it's extremely difficult for me, but he puts enough shit up on there i have no doubt there's probably some sweet shit on there, and who knows, with a kid on the way I'm probably going to be spending a lot of time in house, so I may check it out, plus there's 4 or 5 people who have channels like his so I probably wanna figure out who's got the bigger draw for me.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    I know a few of them.

    I noticed the "Eve to Adam" clip you posted was from the "Hard Rock Heaven 2" youtube channel.

    Are these ones from there as well?

    If so, like you I've been meaning to sit down and spend some time trawling through it.

    I'm subscribed and know a lot of the stuff posted, but there's a Hell of a lot I don't know. 

    No bro I don't like to post anything from anyone's channel but my own, I had to put all these cocksuckers on a thumb drive off my step dads laptop, then bring them over to my house, load them onto my computer, then upload them to my channel, usually I take my laptop to my step dads house with me, but my genius girlfriend bought a dog, a puppy, who conveniently made the first shit it chewed up my laptop cord, it's lucky it hid that's all I can say, I posted that eve to adam, because I'd never heard of them, and obviously I don't have it so I just hurried and posted it, that's a very rare occurrence, I don't like posting other peoples shit cause it seems to get taken down then your just left with a void in your life, where the media use to be. I subscribed to that dudes channel because he noticed I had Destiny songs on my channel and he about freaked out, said he'd been looking for that disc since like 2001 when he found out about it, so we've exchanged a few tracks, these are all bands that were on my stepdads computer, I don't ever go through the music on his computer, just because for whatever reason im more drawn to his Albums Cd's and tapes, but on this occasion im ultra happy I did.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, All Nights Reserved said:

    Thanks bro, I didn't know I was missing either.

    Hey look at that, I solved a cold case, you are or were missing, fuck that makes me wonder how many people are on here still, it literally sometimes feels like it's Dusty, Russ, Glen, Stefan, Doggy, Terry, Nolan, Metal T, Mr. Planet, Mr. NYOilers, and G-Off, and that's it, I mean I see AORDave, and I think it's Mr. AOR, oh and Auslander.


    I know a few people probably are on here and don't post, like I know Jacob reads a lot of these but he thinks Nolan was trying to proposition him for gay sex on DM, so he doesn't post, being serious though I wish he would, and I know Jez and PeterS cruise around here, and of course our lord and savior, the big guy, Mr. Dan,

    SO have any of you talked to Lindsay? at all? or no what country she ended up in? she was going to come here I think and I was going to by her Bliz disc, she was going to bring it with her, then I never heard another word. that was like in 2013, that would be cool if one of you just said fuck it and gave her up, so I could begin a email writing campaign. .

  7. I put my time and concentration into it, and I didnt leave until i found some shit I like, and boy did I, you guys all probably have all this shit, but if you do, im fucking pissed you never told me about it, cause I found all this awesome shit I never heard before, some of it's really fucking sweet.














  8. I dont know about you, I knew that dude was a stud when he stood up, flipped his hands into the crowd then did a Triple H shot straight blowing a mouth full of wiz all over the crowd, then he bent down and started scooping it towards the crowd, hey he got to check out her snatch, until his GoPro fell off that is, LOL

  9. I really put together a comprehensive list here, some of the folks from days past, as in the early days I wasn't really on top of peoples real names, lets face it their were just way to many, but one person I tried to email was Lindsey or Widda, no response yet, so maybe we can figure some of these out, and if any of you know names or situations that would be great, as you can see I put a few minutes into this, I was bored, outside of a few on Melodic Mafia I know a few names from there, but I know there's quit a few and I just don't know the names from the HH handles, so here goes, and I'm going to erase any we figure out on here so there's not 40 lists like there has been.



    LV Kix



    JS Toyz


    JLP Rocks

    Iron Savior







    Metalhead 69



    Eric Britingham (LOL)

    Just Jason







    James Eagle



    Magic Touch



    Nick C


    Richie Z




    The Rocker

    What happened to Frogstomp? does anyone know?

  10. 3 hours ago, Glen said:

    no mate, Dan always calls ME out for telling the truth. I don't really have any interest in US politics and I'm definitely not obsessed about it or Biden or Trump. Outside of the tiny collection of people on this music forum I never mention or pretty much even think about it. 

    What I will do is comment on something when I think someone is talking horseshit- like rigged elections for example, or conspiracy theories about vaccines etc etc.

    I'm not trying to take myself seriously either - if you agree with anything I say is up to you, but if I comment on anything it's always from a non biased viewpoint - I have no interest in left or right or up and down or forwards or backwards. Just what I think is right and just. 

    I said many times that I agreed with a lot of Trumps policies as basically I'm a Conservative, but folk still seem to think I'm a Biden hugger 🤣🤣🤣 

    I only offer a balanced viewpoint which comes across as left probably because I'm normally calling all you Trump huggers out lol 😆 😂 🤣 😜 

    OK, heres an example, Ive made no secret about my stance, as a Libertarian I basically sat in the middle, especially since the BLM bullshit started up, I have involuntarily became a right leaning Libertarian, that is a basically a right leaning liberal, I'm not conservative even in jest, and I am not a republican, I believe in many things old school democrats do, I was no Trump supporter, bet your ass I am after Biden, so when I post shit on here, you never agree with any of it, like Ever, not only that you love to argue with it, how do you know the VAX isn't a hoax? you don't know shit, I never claimed it was, but if you really don't see something sketchy in the way all of this has gone down, it isn't me that's gullible, and believes in conspiracy theories, are you happy you made me say it, if you have no vested interest in US politics, and you couldn't care less, then that means you just really enjoy arguing and that is why your here, completely cool with me, I'll argue with you until the cows come home, but the fact you care that someone called you out is a huge indication you must care, cause when im arguing about shit, if I don't care, then I don't care if someone gets pissed at me, or calls me out, or anything, im just saying bro, Ive never ragged on you, if im getting under your skin Ive said it a million times, just say so, cause if not and I know I am, I'm just going to try harder to do it, that's why you should pick D. in my list, I guess im just a prick.

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Glen said:

    explain the point then. 

    My point is you think I'm obsessed but I'm not. If there was never another political thread I would never comment on the US ever again. 


    Why don't you call out Cody as being obsessed??? Afterall, he actually creates new threads about the US like every fortnight and has like monologues with himself.  Or is it because you and him agree on everything ;)



    No it's how can he call me out for talking to myself? he doesnt need to call me out Glen, cause you always do, if you were just honest and said you just like to argue it eliminates anyone from calling you out on shit, cause they know your just arguing to argue, if you take yourself so seriously everyone else is going to do the same, damn instead of looking down on my tactics, maybe you could learn something from them, and I create new threads on the US because

    A. I live here so it pertains to me.

    B. I'm extremely bored and want to see if you want to come out and play

    C. I need to completely vent to people and not get banned doing it, cause I cant do that on any social media platform,

    D. I'm a fucking prick, and I like to Troll.

    So take your pick,

    • Haha 2
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