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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    Not really. The only reason it goes worldwide is in reaction to the US economy. When the US economy is doing poorly, it affects the rest of the world. Biden's oil policy has been a disaster.

    Biden hasn't done a single thing that hasn't been a complete fucking massacre to the country he's supposedly representing, he's caused more destruction to the country in less then a year then Chicago has to itself, he isn't interested in anything to do with making America great, or even mediocre, he's bent on destroying it so he can make it a socialist then a communist country, he clearly never thought any of this shit out, like whats going to happen the next time Republicans run the presidency, the house and the senate, it's gonna be entertaining, but Ive noticed republicans aren't petty like the dumbs, so probably nothing will happen, DeSantis might be the savior of this country, you all see what he's doing? Bidens been smuggling all these illegals in the middle of the night to Florida, DeSantis is going to start putting them on buss's, and sending them to Delaware, LOL, DeSantis is the opposite of Biden, he has a pair of balls, and does what he says he's going to do, I hope that dude runs for president.

  2. 49 minutes ago, martinsane said:

    Yep it is interesting watching the evolution of Victory records.

    As for those "fucked up" punk bands that has been my ear candy the last month, can't stop listening for some reason. Maybe a sign?

    No I like that shit, gutter punk is the best kind, I just mean a lot of those UK early 80s punk bands were an acquired taste, some of that shit sounded like they recorded it in the garage on a 2 head TDK or something LOL, I wasnt really old enough to appreciate it, as I was only about 5 or 6, but the very first punk band that truly caught my ear was?? actually there was 2, the exploited and believe it or not The Slits, who I still listen to almost everyday

  3. 2 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    Love B-Thong and I have their 3 releases....as for TL I have Superevil and Satanic Panic although I haven't paid much attention to them lately....always up for some groove metal.....

    Thats sweet dude, that makes me happy, bro he really has just fucking made some shit that fucking kills it and it's never got the attention I think it deserved. his voice is every bit as recognizable as Phil's, and Peppers, he just never cared or tried very hard to break into the American market since he did just fine in other country's, but I think it fucking sucks cause Americans never got to hear B-Thong, unless I played them for them? LOL, yeah Tony was one of my idols growing up, then when I got to meet him and work with him I realized what a bad ass he is, he's the one who knocked me out of my cloud thinking everyone had to own the US market to be successful, because that's what were raised hearing growing up, everyone tries to get big here, Tony showed me you could be ultra successful and have almost no reach into the American Market, the only time he's even played here was when I promoted these guys enough with my radio show back in the early 2000's that I eventually was able to bring them over here and have a pretty good audience, and the station I worked at brought the band Quicksand in so they would have a double venue and it did pretty well, don't know if your familiar with Quicksand or not, it was a killer show, well Mr. Planet, you do have excellent taste in heavy shit and groove metal.

    • Like 1
  4. Dont know if anyone on here has paid attention or cares, but my buddy Tony Jelenkovich has one of the most noticable voices I think in Metal, his bands have been one of the pioneering groove metal bands B-Thong who sadly never got the love they deserved, and he's also fronted Transport League and Massive Audio Nerve(M.A.N) he got back with TL and just released a new album, I kind of like them cause they are a little Doomy and stony. but I told him I'd get the word out for him, so yeah, just being a man of my word.



  5. All 3 of those bands are early Victory releases, straightedge bands, also Integrity, One Nation, and bands like that, Anti Nowhere League are a band I heard as a boy from my cousins who actually would visit from Ireland, they always had all sorts of fucked up off punk bands that nobody around me had ever heard of, ANL, MDC(Millions of Dead Cops) UK Subs, Pussy Galore, Reverb Motherfuckers to name a few

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Glen said:


    dude, if you havent noticed I just type, wen im in bed, or trying two watch the telly, or if im playing in the studio, I dont give a fuck what it looks like, I no you guys are bright enough two no what im sayen, so i dont need too go they're, theirs just way too much shit on my mind and were I put a ^ semi colon isnt won of them* you get were im coming from dont you +

    • Haha 1
  7. No don't get me wrong guys, I grew up listening to Raven, mainly because Cronos always hyped them up and growing up with my brother my dad and a few friends, if Cronos put his stamp on eating shit, I probably would've told everyone I ate shit, anything Venom promoted meant it got a serious look from me, cause they never promoted anything but themselves, It's just like Ravens one of those bands that I like a lot, but never had a single interest in seeing them live, I couldn't tell you why, like I wanna see Venom live, and Slayer, Hardcore and Punk bands are cool live cause their mosh pits are sincere, the last 3 concerts I went to I got fucked up in the mosh pits, but not in a good clean friendly way, in a cheap shot that gets me seeing red and I just uncontrollably jump up and go straight after the dude or dudes, that's not fun, then you spend the fucking concert ready to fucking explode and not interested in the music. this place where Raven are playing just has a small area and sometimes they let you mosh, other times the second you start trying to get a pit going they warn you once, then boot you out, no questions,


    I don't know how many concerts im going to get to go to, on account of I cant be going every time there's a concert I wanna go to, cause I have other priority's at home now, and I don't always remember that, so I'm really trying to pick and choose which concerts are dire, like Exhorder is a band I truly never believed i'd see live, since i was in 9th grade, that's thee concert, but my friend really wanted to see Raven, he saw them in Germany in the 80s, so Im going to go check it out, im not bummed or anything, just irritated, cause my friend Mats just blindsided me out of nowhere couple days ago, like the day I literally bought Crazy Lixx tickets, but It will be cool im sure.

  8. 6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Not bad stuff....not in love with the vocals though....

    Really? see I dug the vocals, it's like a kind of medium or off shoot style that Ive really never heard anyone do, it's either full blown death growl, or screamo, or hardcore, or metalcore, this is like none of those, but still resides in that same realm, it's not so over the top that you start not taking it serious, but it's also not so fucking high pitched or obnoxious you just want to fucking grab the first person you see and force them to stomp wood twigs into your ear holes to make it stop, it's kind of well audible, but what the fuck do I know, if it's not Wham or Mr. Bolton then its not music.

    • Haha 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    I hope you're not including me in that comment mate.

    Mine have been worthy offerings.

    BTW, you're still behind in you're post count according to your contract. 

    No cause I did 2 when I got on, and they were 2 gems, I bet it made his whole day, I bet he gave me some special bad luck that im just waiting to receive, that's why I love my father Satan, he truly cares if my life is as miserable as it can be, or if im not living up to my true potential, and not receiving the maximum amount of pain and agony he believes im worthy up, he pushes me to do worse, to maximize my full potential, so you bet I'm gonna hand pick songs and do it thoroughly, HAIL SATAN.

  10. 13 minutes ago, martinsane said:

    Looks like your dad raided my CD collection as I have all those albums.

    Man I miss scrounging and equally miss my stuff...


    Glad your finding some new music though pal.

    Honestly bro there's a reason I passed over so much stuff, it wasn't cause I didn't come acrossed shit, bro there's a certain sound many many of these bands we love have that instantly shuts my interest down and my brain off, for many years I just knew the sound, I never really cared enough to label it, but now i completely can tell you what it is, to much blues, I don't like the blues guitar bro, tiny tiny amounts I can deal with, if a band can really improvise using it I will totally buy it, Tangier, a good example, to many of these hair bands tried to work blues into their style,, and I think it fucking blows, melodic rock and hair rock in my mind, they gotta have a sound, melodic rock I haven't put it together yet, I just know it when I hear it, I hear Work Of Art and I think yeah that's the sound right there, Hair rock has to shred, even if the guitars aren't prevalent in the bands sound, they have to at least carry a shredding rhythm and keep a certain pace, older Shakra, shit like that, these bands like Shag and that type of shit, they remind me of bands like Tyketto, bands who I always had to buy the disc cause I could always count on at the least 1 excellent song, but really I could never listen to the CD again after the 1st couple runs, and it seems like a lot of fucking shitty bands seem to have that blues sound, only they don't or cant do it correctly, I'm fucking weird bro, like I could never like bands like Venom cause how much blues they integrate into their sound, it just bores me, which is fucking ironic cause Jazz guitar completely stokes me and blows my mind. I'm just retarded. and Irish, and Japanese, I do know one thing, whatever it is, when I like it, i truly like it, I don't fuck around debating if I like a disc or not, even if I don't get into it the first time around, It doesn't mean I don't like it, you people would kill for my taste, hey do you guys want me to live stream myself listening to the new Crazy Lixx so you can see how a pro handles it?

  11. 7 hours ago, Doggy said:

    Soul reminds  me a lot like Cry Of Love.

    Yes the vocalist played guitar  on Buckcherry's " Warpaint " album

    Hey thats a pretty fucking accurate comparison, and one that instantly hit the second you said that, good call bro, I kept trying to put my finger on who they reminded me of, COL wasnt it, but the 2nd you said that, it took the place of whoever I was trying to think of.

  12. I cant even think of very many bands who rerecord songs, and when they do, it's usually b4 we ever even hear that song to begin with, as in the demo that gets rerecorded when there's some cash there to do so, I sincerely cannot think of any I prefer, I can most certainly tell you who the absolute worst in history is, Suicidal Tendencies, trying to rerecord their historic debut, Mike Muir seemed almost intent on destroying any respect and clout that album had he fucking massacred it so bad, when listening to it, stoned, one gets wrapped up in the feeling that it's being done in jest, like it's a joke on the listener, that's how bad it is. but I'm not thinking of any better recordings, I do agree with the White Lion answer, that definitely was an upgrade. and some of the rerecordings Venom did to their back catalogue turned out extremely better, but in Venom's case you gotta look at the source material, there wasn't to much more you could do to those songs to make them sound any worse quality wise, so naturally anything they did rerecording wise was a no brainer upgrade.

  13. Probably the most criminally underrated band to come out of all that crossover Rap Metal garbage was Downset, a bunch of mexican crypts out of south central LA, who instead of gang banging started a band, and they are pretty fucking wicked, they basically came out and clowned and completely trashed Zach Delarocha and Rage Against, and just trashed pretty much every single rap metal band ever, except for Stuck Mojo of course, but they are a talented band, and play ultra heavy shredder riffs, they should have been bigger, and Pissing Razors probably one of the most brutal live bands I ever saw, completely over the top, I guess you gotta be when you get labeled a Pantera rip off band.




  14. spent 8 hours going through my step dads cd's , not LP's like I usually do, but I started listening to some shit I never heard of, and I took a few tracks with me, absolutely nothing mind blowing by any means, but I just like hearing shit ive never heard of, you guys probably heard of all these bands, but all of them are brand new to me, these are just some tracks that stood out, like I said, theres nothing here everyones going to be super stoked I posted, but it's not so shitty, or I'd just not have posted it. Kapesh


    I really like this band, the singer went on to front American Pearl, and I think now plays guitar for Buckcherry.






    This is an older pop song, but how it never became a mega radio hit boggles my mind, I dont know shit about it, or nothing about the band that plays it, but I do know not many guitar riffs stay stuck in my head, then the next song after that's some trio who put out 1 album then disappeared off the face of the planet, nobody's even heard of them, maybe it's cause there's a bounty for Jimi Hendrix rip off bands, but they sing about fucking and doing drugs, so always a good time, I just like this song cause it's about pussy, sung in the most cryptic sense.




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