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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 1 hour ago, auslander said:

    He lost them in a car chase.

    Its funny but he apparently has no idea about the cops looking for him, he said he's in the same place he's been, and has never interacted with one cop, so who knows, but I know he's been on instagram and facebook all the time, so it kind of puzzles me


  2. Oh I very seriously doubt it would even take a house, fly her to Australia, tell her you want to give her the gold boomerang award for Aints fan of the year, when  she gets there just whip it out and say this is called the straight boomerang, pretty sure she will accept your award

    • Haha 2
  3. 23 hours ago, Glen said:

    except I guess for the poor bastards over 70 who are pretty much fucked when their vaccine wanes. 

    I mean we know their mortality rate was 8-15%. Right? Stats done lie.

    We also know that at its peak COVID was killing as many people in the UK as every other death cause combined. Stats don't lie. 

    So my take on this is booster shots will around for quite some time. Probably every year, so we better get used to it.

    Not sure what they are doing in other countries but in uk, the winter booster is only for over 50. 

    Glen I HAVE FUCKING KIDNEY DISEASE AND SARCOIDOSIS, I'm if not more then equally as at risk as the 70 and older crowd, it's why I think this is a fucking sham, and you are the sheeple, that vax doesnt do shit, people who are vaxed still contract and spread it, and die, you say it makes it better, but how do you really know that? how about you believe the mumbo jumbo, and get your boosters every 10 days and go get locked down when your told, but I'm not worried about this shit, I'm certainly not dying if I catch it a 2nd or 3rd time, and when this new variant hits where your at, and your vax is completely worthless, then whats your plan? you do know this new variant is completely shifty right? that vax has zero effect on it, are you just gonna hide in your house till they tell you a new vax is ready? I'd be more scared of getting slammed into by a car, come on people, question everything, like why Hall & Oats don't put any new shit out. 

  4. 23 hours ago, Glen said:

    So you disagree with his stance on guns, that therefore makes it right to make fun of someone dying. 

    Wow, you are are really special sometimes, you know that. 

    Reading things like this just makes me even more glad that I live in a society where there are no guns, and no one even thinks about guns. Or thinks they need a gun. Full stop. ever. in the 52 years I've been alive. Never, once. Maybe you'd like that yeah? Or maybe not lol. keep hugging your guns close. After all. they are essential to every day life. I mean we live in cowering fear in the UK cos we haven't got a gun hidden away somewhere. 

    So f ridiculous. But it's engrained in your society now, so there's no way back.

    So sad.

    Its easy to sit perched in a right wing government and judge others, when everything's good there's never anything to bitch about, and your up in the night, you think this has anything to do with how I feel about his stance on guns, you completely missed the seminar, i don't give a fuck what you or his or anyone's feelings on guns are, it has to do with his coming out after sandy hook to denounce guns and enlighten parents who just lost children with his feelings about guns, his stance on guns and his need to make it be known brings this full circle, this is karma, do you ever do anything with a firearm without going through your safety protocols? if I handed you a gun and said it's clear bro, nothing to worry about, you'd just take my word for it, you wouldn't have finger off trigger, make sure safety's on, keep it pointed down, make sure it's not chambered? this is an elitist, who's taken much pleasure in exposing incidents, just like this one he's involved in, if you think I'm making fun of him, you should probably re-read what I said, cause you obviously didn't even kind of get the message of what I was saying, I'm not making fun of shit, it's not a funny situation, and even if I do who cares? why would I not make fun of that? so I can make fun of everything but that?  it just means I don't have to stew in it because I don't care about Alec Baldwin, I feel horrible about Halyna Hutchins, my heart sincerely hurts for her family, but fuck Alec Baldwin, I hope they charge him with negligence at the least.

  5. Im just fucking glad the Dodgers and Yankees aren't fucking in it, the dodgers screwed the giants by paying off the ump, can you believe that fucking shit? so karma got them, though I do love Cody Bellinger, is that dude fucking stoned while he plays? he's gotta be, you listen to his interviews, that dude is higher then giraffe pussy, or RVD

    • Haha 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    Well, there's only two options going forward. 

    Either, double down on the restrictions and inoculations or let it run and let the chips fall as they may.



    So the jab is irrelevant, imagine that, wonder what card their gonna play now, maybe everybody just tried to take better care of themselves, work out, eat better, start doing alot of cardio to get the lungs and immune system healthy, washing hands, being aware and cautious but not being scared sheeple, their is no end to this  just like the flu evolves every year, so will this

  7. On 10/22/2021 at 3:23 AM, Geoff said:

    I don't know why this concept is so hard for the world to accept. This pandemic ends when we say it ends. It's really as simple as that. As long as we keep shining a blowtorch on it it's never going to stop governing our lives. The obsession with it is a far greater pandemic than the actual virus. 

    I know people hate when I bring up logical thinking, but we can't just keep reporting all the covid stats as if it is the only thing on earth affecting people. If we need to keep a record of daily covid case numbers, then they should be read alongside an entire daily list of all diseases, viruses and illnesses, so we can see where it sits, in context. If we need to talk about how many hospitalisations there are, then we need a daily list of every single patient in a hospital and exactly why they're there and see where covid ranks on that list too. Same with deaths. A lot of people die in the world every single day. Not just from covid. If we're serious about saving lives, we need a daily list of every single death and what caused it, ranked. See where covid ranks on this list too, and act accordingly.

    Sounds absolutely fucking ridiculous? Of course it does. But we need to stop pretending covid is the only thing on planet earth and put it into context with every single other human ailment. 

    It's like the meek kid at school who runs from spiders and has a phobia for everything is currently governing how we all live our lives. If people want to live their lives in fear of this thing, I'm all for them doing that but there needs to be a time when they leave us out of it. 

    I like cleaning my ears and nostrils with the tip of my penis, but do I need to enforce this method of cleanliness on the entire world? No, I do not. I am scared of losing the 386th hair in the 147th row of hairs on my head, but do I need the world around me to live in fear of hair loss? Why are we all being dragged into this stupid fucking thing? If people want to panic, let them panic, but leave the rest of us out of it. :(

    The Aussie speaks truth, I think he is wise, and racist, everything he says is caked in white supremacy.


    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    I wonder what party is in power in all of those cities?

    Hey, it's nothing to do with that, the democrats are trying to save those city's from the republicans rules, plus you saying that is racist, if it weren't for slavery, systemic racism, and white supremacy, those city's would be thriving

  9. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    how the hell has that got anything to do with this?? 

    One is some nob out hunting, this is a tragic accident on a film set with prop guns.

    And what has politics got anything to do with people making fun of someone's death. 

    .. shakes head ... 

    Well Glen, for instance it was heartbreaking when Brandon Lee died, why cause that was a tragic accident with a young actor who did his profession, he acted, Alec Baldwin is a fucking tool who has taken no sympathy on anyone he disagrees with when in comes to politics, taking brutal shots after tragic shootings, being one of the first to politicize shootings and using it as a means to denounce guns, and blame guns on violent incidence instead of holding the shooters accountable, it's almost like karma, it's like if someone gets fucking sloshed  jumps in the car and wipes 3 people out, then I say if those fucking cars weren't available to everyone this never would've happened, the usual rigamarole, blame everything but the person who did it, it's absolutely vital regardless the situation, if your using ANY TYPE OF FIREARM, it's your responsibility for safety, there is no excuse

  10. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    See this thread plumbing new depths after a tragic accident on a film set.

    Shame on you all. 😕 


    Alec Baldwins a fucking putz, this couldnt have happened to a worse person, South Park did a great episode clowning a sack of shit he is, the only thing that makes this sad was some woman lost her life and it wasnt baldwin, once again, this isn't sad, it was negligence, Alec is mr anti gun, so that makes this even more satisfying, couldn't have happened to a worse person,, and nobody in this country feels sorry for that faggot one bit, look around, if you find anyone who doesn't see it this way, their lying.

  11. On 10/21/2021 at 12:31 AM, auslander said:

    Do all Saints fans look like that? Cause if they do I might just have to ditch the Patriots.

    I'd ditch the Patriots anyways, just on principle, and do you mean are all Saints fans ho's? Pretty much, I showed you the evidence, Jordyn if u happen to follow that link and you read this, did you like the shout out I gave you? And looky here, you found somebody who thinks your hot, lol, I am a miracle worker, your welcome

  12. On 10/20/2021 at 9:58 PM, Dead Planet said:

     "he was a fucking queer that let Putin fuck him in the ass and give him reacharounds" Now that is the most believable thing that I've read in this thread yet :lol:....you got to stay off those pro-Putin sites or they will convince you to do your next porno with Geoff in Moscow....

    Apparently your not a fan, we did that flick back in 08, it was called G-Off is RUSSIAN IN THE BACK DOOR, there's also 7 sequels, we are shooting on location right now for his next big flick called, Trudeau Felches the Canadian Bacon, and it's funny you singled that sentence out, whats really so sadly comic is Joe Biden is making Trump look like the greatest leader in history, these people are going to be fighting to re-elect him when this term is over, I really think the funniest part about Trump being re-elected, will be the 4 straight years of silence from democrats in the following years, they are all implicit in this, and all the people who didn't vote for biden on his credentials, they just voted so Trump didn't go back in. egg all over the face, not to mention chinese and russian jizz, face and back

  13. Heres a couple of skanks who think it's funny to taunt me with their fucking pathetic semi pro football team that nobody's heard of, who are clearly no match for the Bucs, but since it's the one thing they know they can get under my skin with, they decided to be bitches and rub it in, knowing this, I did notice some absolutely great titties, and what better place to put this picture, then send them the link, LOL, people this is my cousin Jordyn and her friend Karlie, the 2 biggest sluts in Louisiana!


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  14. 10 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    Trump was a weak leader.

    China played him for the fool that he is,which they've done for many,many years

    Prove it, I can give you a list of reasons he was a strong leader, facts, not mumbo jumbo "he was a fucking queer that let Putin fuck him in the ass and give him reacharounds"  I mean you show me how Donald Trump was a weak leader and If there's any factual information or truth to any of your list, I will gladly concede, but the spoutin off shit is really kind of retarded, you think in 2016 I'd ever fucking believe by the end of Trumps presidency I'd be a supporter? or that I'd be on any internet sight openly admitting it, FUCK YOU! the fact I'm on here telling people what a great leader he is, is a tribute to his great leadership, cause I thought we were fucked when he got elected, what the fuck did he know how to do? now here we are watching China and Russia get the K-Y and Ball Gag out while our government goes full traitor on us, sending the FBI after parents, firing people for not getting their phony ass vaxine for their bullshit virus they helped China create, while they let over a million dirty ass illegals from anywhere and not even test them for covid,, b4 they put them on jets and buses headed to your city, this is a traitor in office, and I want to see them all charged with capitol offenses, punishable by death if the US citizens don't take care of it first, the lids about to blow off, it's not funny anymore,

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