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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. On 10/14/2021 at 11:37 PM, Geoff said:

    lol. That's wretched. Very offensive too, as I identify as gender neutral. 

    I actually think it's a cool song, I dont know if you know what it is, but the song is about the Jerry Springer show, are Aussies familiar with that wretched hour of filth and debauchery that caters to the lowest common denominator of American society, primarily in certain homes that are mobile and generally found in parks.

  2. On 11/4/2021 at 12:21 AM, Darkstone said:

    Cody has turned to the Darkside and become a Synthwave fan?

    "Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so," (historic Baseball reference).

    Do you know what the hardest thing about being a Synthwave fan is?


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    Telling your family you're gay.  :bananamac:


    Oh so you told me that because I sucked cock and took the old in and out up the fudge tunnel that made me gay, and I already told my family, proudly, so your telling me I wasnt actually gay then? but now I like synthwave im officially gay???

  3. dont know if this is genre specific, but I'd never go see ACDC or Aerosmith, id never go any nu metal bands, none of them, id certainly never go see the worst artist and person on the planet Cardi (literally no talent outside of im sure sucking cock) B, Id never see the Chicksie Dix, I made a mistake one time that put's LA Guns right up top on my list, you couldnt pay me to see Nickleback, and Id never go see Metallica ever again, primarily just cause I think they fucking suck, i'd rather go see One Direction, and Danzig also is a never see again,

  4. Utah doesnt have many known hair or pop metal bands, they did have a couple really killer bands though, starting with my buddy Brook's band who put out an album in 93,

    Slut's Crazy



    Royal Bliss

    Hard Knox (Psychos R Us)

    Tommy Had a Vision



    Loud Silence



    Rocket From The Crypt

    The Used


    Danger Alley



    i also met a kid(a man now) many years ago named Jake Rogers who was playing a one man show at the age of 15, pretty good he went onto form and sing for a killer band called Visigoth, I lost touch with him after this album but heard that Metal Blade had signed them.


    So theres some, I'm sure ive left out a few, but I think by in large I got the best ones in there, none outrageously well known, and these arent just Salt Lake this is the whole state, if I think of anymore i'll let you know.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Is anybody else confused by this list? H.E.A.T? Marcello Vestry? The Darkness?  so is this a glam list or hair metal? because I dont draw really any kinds of connections between the sounds of Crashdiet or Bad City and shit like Marcello Vestry, maybe im just to picky idk, the fact they did this list blows my mind but at least be accurate about it ya know, it's like putting fucking Korn on a Pantera list, only someone who really wasnt a listener to them would pile them on a list together

  6. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Yeah I wasn't comparing their music, just sayin that I considered them both to be old and overrated.....and those 2 posted songs do nothing for me....

    Well with compositions like Frank did, and the amount of talent recruited for those compositions, one would have to think Zappa was actually extremely underrated, but like I stated earlier, you either get it and love it, or you absolutely hate it, cant recall ever meeting anyone who kind of liked Zappa, and to compare him to those no talent ass clown hippies is a disservice to all the top tier actual musicians who went through the Zappa camp. You could absolutely make a claim for the Dead being overrated, cause they were actually rated, people fucking quit their jobs, get all loaded up and follow them around on tour, i think grateful dead and frank Zappa represent 2 completely polar opposite ends of the music spectrum, imo

  7. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    Imagine living in a mental country where your government is trying to pass a reparations bill over SLAVERY from over a hundred years ago. It's not like a war was fought to overturn slavery or anything. Nope. So who has to pay it? The only people who are descended from the landowners who actually owned slaves are likely sitting Democrats and Republican senators. But I bet it is the taxpayer, likely descended from people who immigrated long after the Civil War was done and dusted who have to pay people whose ancestors may or may not have been a slave 6 generations ago. Ridiculous. I don't understand why any American votes for either of the two main douche parties.

    I bet some fuckwit in Australia will start a movement to reparation pay Aboriginals for the "stolen generation" now. We always copy America now in activism. It's what we do. We have to kneel and disrespect our country or we are racist, we have to acknowledge the "first nations" before any event, etc. etc. It's very frustrating seeing American politics as it is like watching my countries future unfold. And it ain't pretty at all.

    but wait, were not paying reparations to black,s no no, Biden is going to start paying it to family's of illegals who were split up while illegally sneaking into this country, and we are not just talking about $100 and a wal mart card, no, were talking about as much as I make in 2yrs, for scumbag cocksuckers who aren't even citizens of this country, are being handed my money for breaking our laws, everyone of these scumbag piece of shit load that should've been swallowed human filth democrats need to be skinned and dunked in acid, and you wonder how a pretty neutral Libertarian can be driven to the side of a pompous orange haired narcissist, well there you have a resounding scene of exactly why that is, and anyone who still supports this administration should go to the acid tank with them.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    No one should be surprised this is happening....Americans are tired of all the infighting in the Democratic party, they are in a position to get some stuff done and are doing nothing so those who vote for them are either voting Rep or staying home...this is normal politics in the US....and the Dems will either pull their heads out of their asses and start acting like they deserve to be in power or they will lose both houses in 2022 and Biden will be a lame duck president for 2 years....it doesn't help that Biden has looked weak and incompetent for most of his term so far.....

    Well it doesnt help us, theres a list of people it is helping, but we dont need to get into that, LOL

  9. Ya know sometimes something happens that makes you literally scratch your head in complete and total confusion, like why Winger released songs like Seventeen, as singles, and the greatest song they ever did was never released as a single at all, I fucking love it though, what do you think about this smooth and completely amazing song???



    • Like 2
  10. We talk about overall shitty bands who for whatever reason put out a decent song, well heres one, I made the mistake of buying the rest of the songs, known as the entire CD, this was a song that came completely out of nowhere as it's nothing like anything on the disc, I kind of dig it, wish the rest of the disc wasn't fucking garbage.



  11. 6 hours ago, Glen said:

    LMAO. no mate you said there would be a civil war 😉 

    I said no , they'd just vote them out which is what is happening.

    Subtle difference. 

    Anyway by 2024 I will have drawn down my pension and the whole world will have signed up to climate change deals that even he can't back out of so tbh I couldn't give 2 shits what goes on in the US.

    So crack on. 


    No sir, I said as far as BLM and Antifa went, if they kept destroying shit and accosting innocent people the militias and patriots would handle business, as far as Biden went and his destruction of the country, the American people would wake up and the silent majority would get fed up and snap, they would take republicans, the racist shit and the left wing extremists would cease, because it's the left that has been emboldening them, I know damn well what I said, and with whom I said it about, because I know the average American just sits by doing nothing but getting fucking irate, and when shit started hitting the fan, eventually they would have had it, which is what is beginning to occur, it's only starting, and Glen for as much as you profess you don't give a fuck about the US, you seem to be slightly more then well steeped in current US affairs, and are primarily the one who is always arguing with me, so are you gonna come clean? or is it that you just kind of enjoy arguing, cause when it comes down to it, I give a fuck what happens to my country of course, as long as Antifa stay in their moms basement, I'm not to worried and it just boils down to I enjoy fighting and arguing.

    • Haha 1
  12. Ha I hit this chick up on Facebook and Twitter, she just responded in like 10 minutes dude, she says it always inspires her when she finds out her music uplifts people, I guess she's been doing music for some TV show or something? I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about, but that sucks, she's not doing a new album anytime soon, probably couldn't be as good as this one anyway, best just leave a masterpiece a masterpiece, she instantly won my loyalty, anyone who interacts with fans keeps fans, period.

  13. 1 hour ago, Mr.AOR said:


    Dude that's fucking incredible, I got a new favorite music to listen to when i get Barbecued, this shit's phenomenal, I'd be lying if I said it was better then Running In The Night, but it does stand out, and that's what I'm looking for, thanks bro, appreciate that shit, my problem with synthwave is this, listening to it brings up the feeling I get when listening, or attempting to listen to Prog, I gotta have fucking vocals man, I mean I get the cool synths and the extraordinary melody's, but sometimes it gets a little elevatory for me, like I get dentist chair flashbacks, but when they choose to include vocals, it usually seems together really well, and sounds killer, I liked that Ace Buchanon cause he incorporated the Sax into it which I thought was sweet.

  14. OK question, probably Mr. aor or g-off, out of all the synthwave shit out there, I consider one song far and above anything else Ive ever heard, maybe I'm a dickhead, but FM-84 Running In The Night is far and away the best synth song Ive ever heard, so now knowing the type of synthwave I consider the best, is there a song I maybe haven't heard, a song that you could say is better then that song, anyone, there's something that stands out about that song, so don't just throw me a bunch of good songs, I want something that stands out from everything else, I'll talk g-off into casting whoever hooks me up with the best song, in his new movie called, The 5 Tossers(A Tale Of Salad)

  15. 3 minutes ago, Mr.AOR said:

    Hahaha sorry dude, i thought most people on here would have heard of her she has been well discussed. Even some of the synthwave haters like her. Have you noticed how her song Deepest Blue sounds like Don Henley - Boys Of Summer.

    No I have literally had Radio on repeat for the last 2 hours, I cant stop listening to it bro, then it goes straight into Wild Heart, dude am I just really stoned, or is this chick really this cool? it's gonna suck if I wake up sober and listen and think fuck I mustve been super stoned,

  16. 4 minutes ago, Mr.AOR said:

    Yep, fantastic album released back in 2015, but she has also done alot of collaborations with other synthwave artists.

    yeah but my stepdad was listening to this, I said what the fuck is this, this is the coolest fucking shit ive heard, my ears had an orgasm, an eargasm, it got fucking messy, bro, WTF? I thought you and me were homies, and you been holding out on this album? man I dont know if I can forgive you for this, Mr. AOR


  17. I hate to do this, but i also love to, as everyone rolls their eyes at me, and chuckles when I say it, that's right, Glen, Mr. Planet, Mr.Oilers, Petra Girl(wink wink petra guy) but I said on multiple occasions, the American will not tolerate the shit going on, the silent majority will get pushed until they fucking ignite, and then it's over, well folks tonight the switch got flipped, 2 of the most far left liberal states in the 50 states, Virginia and New Jersey, elected their new Governors, well as of this post only Virginia has, New Jersey is like basically a tie, with Ciattarelli up by 1 point, over that scumbag Murphy, that alone is fucking mind blowing, New Jersey is majority black, democrat, BLM lovers, and the fact a Republican Governor is up by a point at all is evidence the fucking Americans have had it, Virginia voted in a Republican Governor, also a liberal democrat blue state, for many years, I said this isn't how the basic everyday American roles, white, black, Mexican, Wop, jew, gook, none of them, consider this the starting gun, and b4 you guys all start saying, "who cares" or Mr, Oilers saying "who gives a fuck" you guys all did, that's why I told you, I think Mr. Oilers new damn well, actually I know he did, Petra Guy probably did too, soon as he's done following Petra around like Phish or the Grateful Dead.

    This is catastrophic for Biden and his worthless government, and even worse, these guys are all to arrogant have their heads so far in the clouds, or up their ass's they don't even realize they are practically giving the Presidency back to Dildo Swaggans in 2024, on a gold platter, once again mark my words.

  18. I dont give a fuck what nobody says, how they didn't get signed just on We Never Run alone is mind boggling, that song alone is better then 90% of the redundant shit that was being spewed out by the major labels, that song has balls, its not a standard rocker, it actually really fucking rocks, I think it's a testament that bands like.. . well I'm not gonna start pissing everyone off, but alot of bands put out a lot of generic shit, all of these songs kick ass.

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