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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. ive watched this evolve, I even posted about it here in this forum before, it was originally supposed to be a one show deal, and it took him forever to be able to do it, up to that 1 show I watched it, I have NO idea what he's doing now, doing these shows all the time, and he's been absent off Instagram since he started doing these shows, it really kind of blows my fucking mind to be honest.

  2. IDK if anyone knows this or not but Madison Lane and Taylar Lane love talking about him on FB, IDK if this is something i'd ask them about, but they have some great tales of him that I find interesting, just fyi, and as for this, lets just hope the band was Vixen thats all I can say.

  3. 15 hours ago, martinsane said:

    Funny and he all candid camera's it at the end nice.

    We did similar shit like this when I was in HS, only we didnt have laptops, so i'd take my discman and an external speaker or i'd pass the headphones around, I liked to use 2 Live Crew which is still 99% more offensive then any of these half wits rapping today, though I cant touch the fag rap, thats the most hilarious shit ive ever seen. probably not as funny to these college kids, who deem it normal, so that kind of takes away that part of it being hilarious

  4. 1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

    YEah the 'phat ass' 

    Apparently highly desirable these days, thanks to Kardashians etc

    I'm not a fan. A nice tight ass for me.

    Me too, just like G-Off's! perfect

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, nyoilers said:


    Could you please crop pics like these? Im not black im Irish Japanese, her ass is bigger then her tits, deflating my erection, you did not warn me now im triggered, lol nice titties though

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. OK G-Off you need to go on FB, and start hammering the Issues page, they have been asking fans for almost a year, who should sing on their next CD, they are frustrated to the point that they are just thinking of having various singers, do you know why? who do you think the fans are flooding the page with??? So he had sex with a girl he groomed, that absolutely effects me in no way, and he's way to good of a singer to replace, give me TC or just put issues to bed

    • Like 1
  7. she's russian, and is obviously trying to network out in the US, but she keeps threatening to stop sending them to me and I told her fine, fuck do what you gotta do, then she will send a bunch more, it's like fuck I made it clear I dont pay to watch chicks on only fans, if im gonna pay for it it aint gonna be on the internet, lol

    • Like 4
  8. This girl keeps sending me shit on Snapchat trying to join her onlyfans, I told her I'm not interested but I'd show her pics around to see if anyone is, so if anyone is.




    • Like 2
  9. On 11/29/2021 at 5:14 AM, metalmaniac777 said:

    For the record, I would totally check out a "Do you want to Bang your Librarian?" thread.

    Also, when I first glanced at this post, I thought it read, "Do you want to Bang your Libertarian?" and I immediately thought, "No way in hell does anybody here want to bang Leykis." :P

    it seems my GF is in that club, thank god

  10. 2 minutes ago, auslander said:

    And there you go again. "I am right and you are wrong" and "I don't have a belief cause I believe in nothing" and "insert_insult about your belief" and "why do you get insulted when I insult you". It's tiresome. 

    This thread is just like atheism: It is just words about nothing shouted into an empty room that no-one hears.

    Thats not even close to what I said.

  11. 2 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Can I convince a turtle that how they see the world is not right, and could you convince a lion that their worldview is incorrect? No. So why make this about the differences and rather we should focus on ROCK N ROLL!

    I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you made statements concerning Atheism, that were incorrect, I figure if your going to talk about something you might as well be accurate in what your talking about, so thats all im trying to convince you of, never did I once talk down to you, or tell you that what you thought was stupid, I simply told you what Atheism is really, I gave MY opinion on it, then I basically said believe whatever you want, I wasnt being a dick, nor am I upset or anything, being an Atheist im pretty use to it, that's all, theres no reason to get huffy about it either, nobody can prove anything, it's all personal taste, nothing more.

  12. Most of the world believe in a higher power, not the same one, and as time goes on that number is becoming far smaller, look how offended you get, why is that? This absurd notion that Atheists are trying to convert people is also asinine, atheism is not a religion or a following, there are no centralized meeting places, they don't all get together to worship nothing, it's very simple, I've already said it, we just don't believe, spaghetti monsters are just as believable to us, as is the prove it argument, atheists don't have to prove a negative cause they aren't making any claims, we simply reject the god nonsense that's it, there's no more to it then that.

  13. 16 minutes ago, auslander said:

    No, but I spee plenty of atheists setting up death camps, genocides, gulags and re-education centres. If you want to have a "who killed the most people recently for their beliefs" competition, atheists win hands down.

    Also, I notice how atheists always attack Christianity and really give other religions a pass. It's what you guys do. I suspect you aren't real atheists but are people who are angry with God, or a church, or your daddy or something. That's cool, but get over it mate. Why do you spend so much time trying to convert people to your hopelessness (belief in nothing)?

    You say "life doesn't really matter" etc. (earlier post) but if that was true, why do you spend so much time worrying about politics and what people believe, etc? Why do you care who people vote for or who people pray to? It makes no sense at all.


    Now now, don't spout off lies, you ever heard of the crusades? Where are these death camps located, do not say Hitler, his was not atheistic in meaning,  there's a world of difference in an atheist killing somebody as opposed to an atheist killing in the name of atheism, your claim is false and no matter how hard you try, you'll never convince anyone otherwise cause it's simply not true, plus I'm not poking at you for being a believer I'm simply correcting what you stated that most atheists claim life is an accident, which is also not true, I think I can speak to this being an Atheist myself, I don't expect u to believe what I believe, I'm not going to attempt to proslatize or try to convert you, I was just clarifying that minor mistake you made, that's all

  14. 24 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

    This , like most posts, took a turn for the weird.:)

    I enjoy this time between Thanksgiving and New Years Day -the holiday season for me whether it's Christmas,Hanukkah,Kwanzaa,etc...Christmas gets slammed so that's why I singled it out.(probably because it's commercialized).

    I don't care what your beliefs or disbeliefs are-just enjoy this time of year !

    what if you believe in autofellatio?

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