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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. I posted this song on one of my new discovery threads, but this is the SOLID METAL VERSION!! It is exactly the same as the normal version with 2 small exceptions, this version has Ralf Sheepers of Primal Fear and Tobias Sammet of one of the greatest bands ever Edguy singing with her on it, and I have to say I fucking love this version, 2 Legendary Power Metal Vocalists on 1 song with a bad ass bitch who can sing and hang with them doing it, I hope she puts out more shit like this, cause this is fucking sweet.



  2. On 12/9/2021 at 1:03 AM, Darkstone said:


    Her credentials are well established indeed...



    ...but you DO NOT have a contract with her!


    I'll look forward to the "Wham" video. Make sure you post it. 

    Dusty, your fucking awesome, for being awesome, i'll spare your life and mostly your soul, i'll talk to a couple of the guys and see if you are worthy and evil enough to spend all eternity in pain and agony hanging out with us down in hell.

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 of my fav albums that get frequent listens and single songs off all 3 that get many listens, such as Girls In Love, Money To Burn and Cameo cover Word Up, I could honestly say if Rankin sings on something, and it's in classic Gun style I'll probably like it, the sad and disgusting shit, if I may call it that, they have frequently released after Swagger has been something I hope the entire band not only regret but disowned, I'm sorry but Dante should have sucked Rankin off to get him to come back cause he can't even hold Rankins used rubber, he's a child in an adult game, and I have to wonder if Rankin was the song writer cause they didn't write a song since he left that's even listenable, Dante's best song is so much worse then Rankins worst song. They should've changed the name, and I thought those first 3 albums were disgustingly underrated for how awesome they were.

    • Like 1
  4. Hey everyone, Johnny Leigh has made it into the final stretch in the new steel panther bassist search, we need everyone to go to this link and vote for him, this is fucking HUGE!  this was the bassist for Young & Fabulous, I just met him but he's one of the coolest guys ive met, and he's a fucking bad ass bass player.



  5. 3 hours ago, martinsane said:

    Washington State has a boatload of glam bands for glamier than the likes of Heart, no disputing MLB, cuz Landrew the love god is well god.

    Teachers Pett


    Gibby Lixx

    Show N Tell


    War Babies


    Bang Gang

    Talks Cheap

    Tramp Alley

    Alice N Chains (pre Facelift)

    Diamond Lie



    Bathtub Gin

    Whiskey Fixx


    Heck even the new (er) Prophets of Addiction

    ...to name a few, plenty more.


    dont forget Mistrust

  6. 3 hours ago, martinsane said:

    What pray tell is "critical race theory"?

    CRT is what they are trying to force into our elementary schools, it teaches kids that they have privilege if they are white, if they are black they are oppressed, and no matter what they do in life all the rules and laws in this country are racist and rigged so if your a minority its all working against you, it's garbage, and it's further proof that these fucking cockroaches really are not interested in trying to improve race relations in the US, they are only into playing identity politics and making sure racism not only survives but thrives, if racism goes away then so does their meal ticket.

    • Thanks 1
  7. bro 2 of my friends are retards when they play that, a funny story, it's 2 brothas, and the cops followed them around cause they were playing one night, looking suspicious lol, finally the cops just couldnt take it anymore, nothing they could figure out explained my friends behavior, when they finally pulled up and talk to them the 2 cops were so embarrassed they offered to buy them slurpees cause thats where they decided to confront them, lol, I guess a slurpee eliminates a lawsuit

    • Haha 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Geoff said:

    That's actually pretty cool. Why have I not heard of them, I ask myself? I'll check them out and this Upper Crust thing you ball annihilaters are talking about. 

    Oh yeah bro, their not similar musically, Upper Crust do an ACDC type style, but are equally as witty and clever, and just all around kind of smart ass's 

    • Like 1
  9. So what does everybody (who cares) think about the new info and court subpoena filed in the biggest most horrific show of death and carnage and white supremacy in world history? the Sept 6th holocaust, putting Sept 11 to shame, do you Aussies know any of the recent workings that have begun in reference to the single greatest massacre and act of homicide since the dawn of man? I was just curious if anyone else believes it will be the straw that smashes the camels spine and that kicks off domestic fighting and possibly a civil war? I hope it doesn't but if they somehow are able to get a hold of that footage, I personally think I'll be mad enough to do some stupid shit, I mean they are out now, they are fucked, it's just a matter of time, and if they were smart, that fucking entire cycle of footage would mysteriously disappear off every and any place it existed, because the way I see it, now, there's really nothing they can say or do to explain it away, they got the whistle blown on them.I

    It all makes sense, and it would be not only the most corrupt scandal our Government has ever been caught in, it would send more then half of this country into a psychotic rage, it will send everything into complete chaos and warfare, nothing even in the same ballpark as what occurred on the darkest day in our history, it really is kind of scary, that will be like dropping the flag, or switching on the green light, the part of me that wants it to happen is because I along with most US citizens, have grown disgusted with watching these cocksuckers piss on us and say its raining, day after day that red headed melted troll looking cunt gets up and lies to all of us, and doesn't even care to make it believable, this would put a lot of people in prison for a very long time, FUCKING GOOD!

  10. 9 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    Unless your beathing and lungs are so fucked up you have to be put on a ventilator. 

    So sorry I inconvenienced hospital staff. 

    Your gonna make me do this aren't you? OK fine, well should've been vaxed, guess it serves ya right, you right wing Nazi piece of shit, why don't you go back to Hitler and check in, I knew your were fac, and your cis, all you fascists think your better then the law, it has to do with your cis gender, you cant help it, born in the coat of missing pigment your white supremacist privilege just eeks out,

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    You've got a lot of catching up to do.  ;)

    Actually I dont, Ive been conversing with Jinx Dawson!!!!!!! if anyone can touch that, I'll dress in drag and sing Wake Me Up B4 You GO Go! backwards!! if there was such thing, she would be goddamn key master, lol

  12. The morons who go to the hospital are just as ridiculous as the people who rail on them for not being vaxed, maybe it's Darwin's theory and who are we to interfere? I begrudgingly went to the hospital, they told me I had Covid, to come to the hospital, I went in they checked my kidney function, gave me some strips to pee on every 7 days, if the strip turned red then to come straight in, then I went home, I think that's pretty common sense, when you make the decision to not get vaxed, don't you kind of assume the risk if it's real? they cant do anything for you, so whats the point in going there? everything they can do you can do at your house, I am firmly in favor of a waiver you need to sign if your not getting vaxed that waives the hospital of any of their duties to treat you, I always spout self accountability rhetoric, that's my olive branch to a vax that's about as trustworthy as the communists pushing it, in my opinion.

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