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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Has anyone heard these guys? Ive known the name for years, and know Kip Wingers brother was involved, and they were huge on the Strip, but for being on Century media, and supposedly being so prolific, there is NO! audio of them anywhere on the internet, the CD isn't completely obscure but I don't want to buy it unless I hear it or one of you has heard it that I can be cool with buying it, it says they have other albums, but I'm speaking of Cancel The Future Live.

  2. Why the fuck do they play Lee Greenwood and Ted Nugents gay ass USA anthems at events? when Triangle arguably wrote the best one out there! if we gotta play patriotic music, why not something good with balls?


  3. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Looks like I might be wrong about '32 Pennies.' I can't find it as a single on either Wikipedia or a video on Youtube, so must be dud info. Weird, because I remember hearing it was a single a long time ago, but also very recently in an interview with, I think it was Beau Hill. Either he, or one of the actual members of Warrant. Either way, someone directly involved with the album was saying how it was the first single from the album and it tanked completely, explaining how the album was slow to take off. Seems odd it could have tanked so much there's not even a record of it ever being released, so must be dud info. 

    No it was never a single, their were 4 singles released off DRSFR, Down Boys, Heaven, Big Talk, Sometimes She Cries, respectively, 32 Pennies was never released as a single, that doesn't mean it didn't get played on the radio, just depends what station it was, but no there was never a video for it, and in 1989 not every single got a video, sometimes when you'd start getting up into a 4th or above single, the video money ran out,

  4. 37 minutes ago, Doug said:

    I thought it looked like SLC. Yeah, pretty cool views here in Colorado. :) But I do miss the beach from time to time. 

    I think SLC and Denver may have the greatest backdrop to put a skyline too anywhere, it's one of the reasons I cant leave, the beach is awesome, and im a warm weather person, but the scenery of the beach just doesnt do it for me, I'll live in the cold to be able to see this everyday, lol

  5. I think Down Boys being so played out and normal to everyone, people fail to remember what an incredibly geniunly good song it is, like the first time I heard that, I remember where I was at, I was on the school bus headed to school, and it came on the radio, I always had my Walkman on, and I just couldn't believe how cool this new song was, and how different it sounded compared to all the other stuff they were playing, it was almost as mind blowing as when In the same exact scenario, Blue Tears Crush came on, with that my jaw hit the ground, but I think Jani was different because where he would write sex lyrics, he did it in an interesting way, for the most part, it had some clever and witty quality to it that I cant think of another band who replicated it. I also like In The Sticks, and as you all know, my fav Warrant song is Ode To Tipper Gore, thats just shear brilliance.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Man I miss Type O...they were unique and that is rare in music....

    I saw them open for Pantera in 95, I can honestly say the second they opened with the song Christian Woman, they had huge fans going on the side of the stage that blew all their hair to the side, and a huge optical cross appeared then a bigger picture appeared making the cross look small, and by the end of the song it was a completely naked chick and she appeared to be using the cross to rub one out, I still don't know how they did that optical illusion, but Ive never seen anything like it since, and they were so fucking good, and tight, and harmonized so well together, dude it really pissed me off, I had never heard them b4 that day, and I immediately went out and bought all their discography, which I think was like 2 cds but It was a waste of fucking money, they were so good live, their discs sounded like fucking trash, I couldn't even believe it was the same band, I saw them 4 more times, the only thing that prevented them from completely ruling that show was the fact that Pantera was so every bit as awesome in concert as they were on their albums, and even as good as Pantera was, I walked away from that show thinking I had hit the concert jackpot, because Im never blown away by both bands at any concert, and I cant say I remember another that was that good, I was a senior in high school and it set the standard that no other concert lived up to since.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Darkstone said:


    I know this track very well as it was flogged to death on radio when it was released. 

    I can't stand it.

    On a side note, the "Go Betweens" drummer "Lindy Morrison" has been appearing recently on a series of TV ads down here for, APIA (Australian Pensioners Insurance Association). It's very depressing. 



    Isn't it weird how you fucking hate that song, I assume for the same reason I hate Stairway To Heaven, Back In Black, and anything by Metallica post 1988? because it's been beat to death by the radio? but think about this, you hate that song for it being flooded on the radio, and I never heard it in my 43 years on earth until 2 days ago, I like this kind of sound, the production is stellar, the chorus and hook are dreamy, and over produced, and there's female BGV's, which I have an odd fixation on, I would love more of this format in music, there just isn't, maybe it's cause feminists have put their tiny stiletto healed foots down that they will not sing back up to any man, they can sing back up to themselves.

  8. Dusty, Juno Roxus actually turned me on to Mondo Rock, believe it or not, he has some fetish with them, I mean I thought they sounded really cool, but I don't get his fascination with them at all, and Dreams Of Ordinary Men was a CD my step dad had going about 10 years ago, and I lost my shit, it was perfect, it was exactly the sound I live for, sadly as good as those good songs are on that CD, become how bad the bad ones are, but still those good songs on there are legendary, I didn't care for the album b4 it, the one everybody kept telling me was better then DOOM, Body and The Beat, but he did play an old one I think had to have been like early 70's called Universal Radio or something like that, It was OK, nothing like DOOM, and I listened to the albums that came after DOOM and nothing was even close to that one, maybe it had something to do with Rundgren? IDK, but I do like Icehouse, Split Enz, Noizeworks, I'll check out Cold Chisel and the other ones you mentioned.  Go ahead and recommend I check out Mental as Anything, just so I can hear them for the first time again, Ive become fascinated with them, honestly.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    That Heist release is a good one and you can't go wrong with American Dog.....I also used to listen to Nashville Pussy a lot although they are a bit heavier than AD.....


    I saw these guys literally the week after they released Let Them Eat Pussy, that guitarist was fucking WOW! I don't even remember hearing any of the songs they played, I was just staring at her, and they had another chick playing bass who wasn't the girl in this picture, also boner causing, double loads for each of them, they are a pretty rowdy band, that's the best way I could explain it, there Albums don't do them any justice compared to their live show, they are def one of those bands I could completely never listen to, but I would go see them live in a heartbeat, as a matter of fact I was thinking about it the other day, when I was thinking about bands I don't listen to but have seen live and would see again, also Type O Negative, and Kelly Clarkson, I guess Type O is out of the question now.

    • Like 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, martinsane said:

    Poor water headed Cody... lol

    Yes I have heard the Go Betweens, not really my bag, nice enough and all but and as for American Dog, yea. Frank is a cool guy. I prefer the 1st Salty Dog record over any of the AD stuff, but I did get a nice care package from Frank when I sent him an old demo tape of some early SD.

    Well of course, Salty Dog is the shit, but you really cant compare Salty Dog to anyone, well maybe Dogs D'Amour, that's even a stretch, I just like Sometimes You Eat The Pussy, cause of how true it is, it's a lesson within a song, that's a band who cares about it's fans.

  11. 6 hours ago, Doggy said:

    Don't know much their material, they an Australian band. Form in  1977 and disband in 2006.

    Figures, It seems like it's starting to be a thing, first it was Mental As Anything, then it was You Am I, right into Sunnyboys, and now the Go Betweens, maybe there's something to it, and Ive been on a Mad Max kick for some reason, instead of turning Japanese im turning Aussie I really think so

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  12. 13 hours ago, TermitesCAardwolf said:

    I wasn't the one who posted it on Youtube but I stumbled across it while browsing unknown songs. I have an interest in lostwave/mysterious songs and I thought "somebody on HeavyHarmonies might know this one" so I took a shot in the dark and posted it here. 

    Yeah I have one of those songs on my channel, it's not wave, but Ive found those songs on YT that nobody can figure out, theres generally a reason for that, and that puts it into a completely different category, IDK man, probably not going to be something many people have heard, but I really cant even tell what he's saying in the chorus which just ads another element of frustration

  13. My step dad had music on yesterday when he came by, I just talked to him through the window, he never got out of his car, but a song was playing that as usual, made me stick my head in and listen, I had never heard of the band, and he looked at me like I was a fucking retard, he didn't believe me, thought I was fucking with him, but I really never have, but now my life will be better now that I have this song in it, so if all of you have heard of this band, I guess I'm just a fucking idiot, I don't even know if this song was popular, i know Ive never heard it until yesterday, if you got some brilliant or hilarious shit to say about me not knowing these guys I'll tell you as I told him, go fuck yourselves



  14. Nope, mine doesn't, doesn't hardly have anything, just a standard front back single folded insert, the front cover, the back part is a pic of the band, and inside are just credits, kind of surprised it wasn't slapped with a PA tag, that would've required them to allow the album to be unaltered, and my feelings are knowing what I know, they didn't put a whole lot of money or effort into promoting them, probably spend a portion of it hiring Night Ranger members to produce, sing and play on it, I mean does it in any way strike you as an album that would have any ties to NR??? come on Loose Lips! Sink In Pink! Tighter! Stretch my tight hole open with your fat crank! I think that was left off the album, but the songs Ive always thought were good, the album was consistent, I mean there's really not a bad song, or even a filler, there's just no absolutely mind blowing good songs either, so it's always been one I throw on pretty regularly, and a lot of the songs I have on playlists.

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  15. The station I came to work at is where I first heard these guys, they played at a club and I got in, then got caught and kicked out, seeing I was 13, lol, but before they released this disc, the label IRS made them bury the lyrics of the chorus or they wouldn't release it as a single, that's why the line Murder Me, is all fucked up and reverbed, and echoed, but the coolest thing was I think it sounds fucking sweet with the effects, way more sinister, and it's not like you cant tell what he's singing, fucking people.



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