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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. 22 hours ago, TermitesCAardwolf said:

    I think I found what you're looking for:


    Sadly, no sound files are on the website. Just an image and track listing. 

    I called my friend in Colorado, he's going to call me back, he has to go look for that CD, he's got so many cd's, he said he thinks it's in a box of cd's that werent worth going in his main collection, he didnt give me a time frame, but he's pretty on top of shit, when he says he'll do something hes good on his word, so soon as know whats going on i'll post it on here, so you probably will want to jump on and check every once in awhile, and if you end up finding it somewhere else, i'd appreciate you telling me, so I'm not putting a bunch of effort into something I dont need to, thank you

  2. Vancouver's not hot weather! it does have gorgeous breath taking scenery, as does every part of Canada Ive seen, which ultimately is Vancouver and Medicine Hat, but still they were both mind blowing, but Vancouver is not what he's talking about, he's talking about Miami, or Coco Beach, or Manhattan Beach, Shit like that, not any beaches along the 40th Parallel 

  3. Just now, Leykis101 said:
    On 12/24/2021 at 4:43 AM, Geoff said:

    Nah, not familiar with The Flys or Jetliner. Is Mozart the hard rock band people on this site would be familiar with? 

    The reason I thought of TBV is because you can fuck around with 1000 okay modern rock bands who are okay-ish, or you can just listen to something like TBV which do what all these other chumps do, 100% better. 

    When you say you are familiar with them, how is this so? Just through stuff on this forum, or do you have personal knowledge or connections with them? 

    Just heard of them, that's all, The Fly's are Mozart, singer and drummers dad was a famous surfer, they own Black Fly sunglasses, they were Mozart back in the 90's, the same Mozart that was signed by SBK, then on the night of the signing they had a signing party, pulled a tag team on the owners wife, did $100,000 worth of damage to the condo the party was in, one of them overdosed on coke, and a bunch of shit got stolen, they were dropped from the label the next day and the album was shelved, problem was they were so insanely popular on the strip, and the single for Japan Is Calling had already gone out to over 300 radio stations, and was becoming insanely requested, when the album finally came out a year later, Japan Was Calling was left off, except of course it was the bonus track on the Japanese import, and one of the other killer songs was completely left off, Money Drugs Sex Power, or MDSP, it was a fucking killer song, they were Queen inspired, but they had songs on the 1st album that rocked, it's hard to even tell it's Adam singing for the Fly's, The Fly's were huge for that gay song Got You Where I Want You,

  4. On 12/24/2021 at 4:43 AM, Geoff said:

    Nah, not familiar with The Flys or Jetliner. Is Mozart the hard rock band people on this site would be familiar with? 

    The reason I thought of TBV is because you can fuck around with 1000 okay modern rock bands who are okay-ish, or you can just listen to something like TBV which do what all these other chumps do, 100% better. 

    When you say you are familiar with them, how is this so? Just through stuff on this forum, or do you have personal knowledge or connections with them? 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Emerson Drive - not a fan of the twang, but otherwise sounds like that decent kind of early 2000s rock, when bands like July For Kings and stuff like that were the thing. It's okay. Not something I'd openly pursue as I'd bet my balls that's about as good as the album gets and the rest is plodding pop rock not really worth the effort? 

    The Flys - yeah, it's kinda okay... sort of. Not something I'd spin again. It's a pass for me. 

    Have you checked out The Broken View thread and album?

    You know who the flys are right? Mozart and Jetliner? and I havent checked out TBV thread yet, I'm familiar with them, tomorrow when my GF goes back to Manny I will be all by myself, and that will be the perfect time to go through and check some shit out

  6. There was a band from Colorado who went by Glory, it WAS FUCKING RUMOR FODDER! I mean the tape was so impossible to find that If my friend hadn't actually had a copy off of an LP, I'd have never even known about it, apparently some boot label in Colorado pressed like 5 Cd's, in the early 2000's, not literally but one of those things when you finally find out about it, whatever copy's that were pressed are long gone, but my friends friend who lives in Rifle had one of these copy's, and they said it sounded like somebody had recorded a tape off a record, then burned it to CD, and tried getting away with that, completely fucking horrible sound,, they had a song called Love Comes Back Around, I don't know what year the original recording was from but I know it was probably around 87, I have no way to prove this, or even test this, as I guarantee you'll never find it in any format anywhere, that's really all I can think of, because this def aint the Swedish band Glory, like I said, its the only thing I can think of, as it is another band named Glory, but it's one of those things that frustrates me, cause I have zero way to put my hands on that or even play a clip, nobody outside of Colorado knows of them, and I got NO band info, that's the best I can do,

  7. 10 hours ago, TermitesCAardwolf said:

    Here's the apparent actual source of the song:


    The guy who recorded it think it's a song called "Love" by Glory. Whenever I search that in YouTube, I get countless Peter Cetera results. The only Glory I'm familiar with is "Danger In This Game" Glory which I seriously doubt is the same artist. A band member lineup would really help out.

    As for Lostwave, Lostwave music isn't exactly always New Wave. Lostwave is just a term used to describe an obscure song one hears on the radio and can't Google the lyrics or use an app to identify it. Lostwave could be literally any musical genre so long as it takes digging to find out the identity of the song. 

    No I'm saying have you not noticed going through unknown songs on YT that the bulk of them are Modern or New Wave? seriously go check it out, for whatever reason, that is like 90 percent of all those songs nobody can figure who sings, I haven't even came up with a semi cogent theory as to why that is, didn't know there was an abundance of unknown new wave artists, lol

  8. My new GF was nice enough to contribute a shot of titties, so everybody thank her, she's smokin isnt she? I dont want nobody goin behind my back and tryin to DM her on social, or I'll get really ticked off


  9. 12 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    Did you just type out all the things Geoff does to you?

    You'll just have to buy the new video, don't watch it though if your squeamish,


    speaking of which, did anybody see Billy Eilish came out giving up and speaking against porn?? LOL, she was addicted to porn since she was 12, and I'm not just talking about good old mainstream porn, she was watching the Max Hardcore Seymore Butts type shit, the BDSM and humiliation porn, she said she would get so turned on by the men beating the women that when she finally lost her virginity it was a complete let down, because the guy wouldn't rough her up, and she thought that's the way sex was supposed to me, anybody care go search it and read the whole article, frankly I don't care enough to find it and post it, but it's out there, and it just came out last week, I was rolling reading her go into detail about it, shes like 12 years old, watching Japanese puke and pain porno's getting all hot, wonder how it went down when she lost her virginity, do you think she scared that dude off when she told him to pull her jaw down and spit in her mouth, or when she walked out of the bathroom with safety pins through her nipples and the request for him to choke her and fuck her while he held her face in the toilet?? I bet she went through a few b4 she found anyone willing to play rough like that, hilarious.

    • Haha 1
  10. 12 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    It must have sucked. LOL

    You think everything sucks, that use to be how I'd know if I wanted to see a movie or not, if all the critics hated it and gave it 1 star, I knew that's the movie I had to see, these guys were HUGE!! on the strip, like im talking one of the biggest bands to ever be in that scene, that's how I know about them, not only were they running with motley and ratt, they also were highly regarded by the goth and punk bands, that's quit a crossover, and Nate Winger was in them, they were so good live that's what this album is, a live album, I read something happened after it came out, like one of them overdosed, one of them went to prison, the others couldn't get along, I think it's odd Ive read so many stories about them since I was a little kid reading Hit Parader, but have never seen this CD anywhere in my life outside of in magazines, I might have to order it, the shipping's more then the disc.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Doggy said:

    Muthas Day Out came from Arkansas 

    LOL, It was a misnomer, to see who picked up on it, if you hadn't noticed I do that frequently, just cause it amuses me, kind of doesn't have the same effect as doing it in person, but Australia, Arkansas, honestly I never thought anyone would even know who they are to care, but you have shocked me doggy, and FYI im aware they are from Batesville, I suddenly remembered Weapon Head and added it in, maybe I should have posted it by itself, but honestly nobody I know even knows who MDO is, sometimes I'll run into people who know them as that band playing in the club on the Mortal Kombat movie, but if you've ever seen them you'd know they were from somewhere in the middle to south of the US, straight up hillbilly's, lol, nice catch though Doggy, you were probably trying to find out who this band was from Australia you'd never heard of right? LOL,

  12. 12 hours ago, auslander said:

    Love Wa Wa Nee and Kids in the Kitchen. We had some quality pop bands in the mid 80s.



    I'd have to hear something else from them, this song is kind of just a song, it doesn't tell me if they are more pop or hi-tch? I mean they sound like there's potential that's the only reason I ask, I like the vocalist, i like his voice alot

  13. 11 hours ago, zacharyamelie said:

    Cherry Pie and DED are easily the best albums, the order depends on the day and my mood. I’d even rate Ultraphobic ahead of DRFSR…other than the two big ballads it was a pretty pedestrian release for the time. 

    WHAT??? You rate the ballads over Down Boys or In The Sticks? the only reason I even heard the ballads was cause they pounded them into our brain on the radio, i hate ballads, unless theres something truly different to it, as in Hardline I can find my way or blue tears halfway to heaven, or Wham! Careless Whisper

  14. 4 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

    I used to feel the same about Dave. My feelings since have changed for the negative.

    The way he treats women is downright criminal. Literally.

    I won't elaborate.

    Is it worse then me? according to my ex's, nobody treats women worse then me, does he do shit like write his phone number down on the back of phony atm receipts? does he always plan dates late at night so the expensive places are closed? does he make her pay half for dinner? does he tell her he will call her then put her on ice? after he bangs her does he avoid further contact with her? does he put her into an iron maiden, with battery clamps on her nipples, a ball gag in her mouth, then dump hot candle wax down her pubic region? or does he bound her by all 4's in a large rack with a blindfold on then tie her labia up with snatch ties then whip her until she gives the safe word? or does he just say mean stuff to her and demean her? but only using the insults she's provided to him?

    • Haha 2
  15. 12 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    Ive only met Sam, and the 2 brothers that use to be on here then went and started the record label, I cant remember what it's called, but they use to own businesses in SLC, cool guys, I'm so tired I cant think of their names, but I will in the morning, Ive talked with a lot of people outside of HH, Terry, and Jacob I talk to frequently, I use to talk to Staryder, also Widda, and there are a couple others that I cant think of right this second, but only Terry, Jacob and Lindsey have my number, I talk to a shit load on Messenger, I had to stop talking to people because I had them msg me, and I wouldn't know it was someone from here, cause it would be their name, so I'd either ignore them, or be stand off to them, eventually I'd put the HH name to it and feel like a douche bag,

    And of course Ive met G-Off many times, 29 to be exact, always ending up gay but sex, or strange BDSM situations, you could say I haven't just met G-Off physically, Ive been G-Off physically!!!!

    Josh, Metallic Blue

  16. Ive only met Sam, and the 2 brothers that use to be on here then went and started the record label, I cant remember what it's called, but they use to own businesses in SLC, cool guys, I'm so tired I cant think of their names, but I will in the morning, Ive talked with a lot of people outside of HH, Terry, and Jacob I talk to frequently, I use to talk to Staryder, also Widda, and there are a couple others that I cant think of right this second, but only Terry, Jacob and Lindsey have my number, I talk to a shit load on Messenger, I had to stop talking to people because I had them msg me, and I wouldn't know it was someone from here, cause it would be their name, so I'd either ignore them, or be stand off to them, eventually I'd put the HH name to it and feel like a douche bag,

    And of course Ive met G-Off many times, 29 to be exact, always ending up gay but sex, or strange BDSM situations, you could say I haven't just met G-Off physically, Ive been G-Off physically!!!!

  17. 4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    I also love "Rockaholic" 

    I've always been a huge Robert Mason fan and he can do no wrong in my book.

    I particularly love track number 4.   ;) 

    Why dont you marry him?? seriously though, you should go chat him up on FB, he's one of the most social dudes on there, he chats with everyone all the time, seems pretty cool,

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, Leykis101 said:

    Bruh! that's more then pop, that's riding into Hi-Tech territory, that's fucking awesome shit, what the fuck? why wasn't I informed of these guys earlier? WOW, I got a boner right now, fuck all you guys, I think you were hiding these guys from me on purpose, cause you knew I'd sport wood when I heard them, shame on you all, what great shit.

    You know what they remind me of? a more rock version of the band C'Vello

  19. Bruh! that's more then pop, that's riding into Hi-Tech territory, that's fucking awesome shit, what the fuck? why wasn't I informed of these guys earlier? WOW, I got a boner right now, fuck all you guys, I think you were hiding these guys from me on purpose, cause you knew I'd sport wood when I heard them, shame on you all, what great shit.

    • Haha 1
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