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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Yeah Mr. AOR has some fucking genetic telekinesis, or some fucked up supernatural AOR power, the times he's dipped in and just blurted out the name of a song we all spent a week torturing ourselves trying to figure out, he infuriates me, like how the fuck can you be that good? that's like superhero level shit,


    I can promise you one thing though, that you can guarantee im right on, that's NOT!!!  The fucking Alarm,


    There song structure on this instantly made me feel like it was a Hooters song, but hey bro, where did you get this song?? everyone who gets on here to ask about a song never answers this question, and this question has led me to find many many wonderful bands, many many wonderful times, so if you could give as much background info as you could it would be cool, another reason I ask is because I saw a band once open for The Tubes and I cannot fucking think what they were called, but they sounded a lot like this band, it was one of those Alarm names, like The System, but I know this isn't the system, I will eventually remember.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Doggy said:

    Virginia Hey ( ex girlfriend of John Swan of Swanee ), Syd Heylen ( Cookie of Country Practise ) these first movie

    The third movie ( Fury Road ) that didn't have Gibson had

    Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron , Zoe Kravitz ( Lenny's daughter ).

    Yeah I know those, that's why I was specifically asking about those first 2 movies, which were exclusively Australian, b4 Hollywood dug their grubby mits into it, see any movie I dont know the cast of, is awesome, because it opens up an entire new block of people I can hunt down and watch movies on, it's like finding a band ive never heard of before, and I get excited to when I discover them, it's like fucking sweet new music, well im also like fucking sweet new movies.

  3. I dont know if any of you are into pictures and shit, or if your just a pictures just a picture type person, but check out how cool this picture looks, it is fucking sweet, I think, of course as usual im probably way off, or retarded, but I really think it's a bad ass picture.




  4. To my Brothas down under, those who are in the know, were any of the other actors who were in Mad Max or the Road Warrior famous or well known down under? Always curious about that, as of course the only one I know is racist ass Melly Gibson, this of course doesn't count Thunderdome, just the 2 good movies from Australia 

  5. Nope, I dont pay for anything like that, I dont even like it when ANYONE farts, ive always just found it classless, and never really saw the humor in it, outside of the dudes on youtube who use one of those hand things then go in elevators and shit, that's funny, but this chick is hardly hot enough to even consider this, now maybe Roseann Barr or Joy Behart,

  6. 13 hours ago, Ponen said:

    Even though the song Cherry Pie has always divided opinions amongst the Warrant fans, it's a fact that that song not only is one of their biggest hits but also helped propel the album to becoming their highest selling album to date. So i guess most rock fans did love and enjoy the track. 

    'Mr. Rainmaker' is also one of my fave Warrant songs, it's A killer tune but i personally don't think this song or Blind Faith could have done better than the title track or 'I Saw Red'. As good as these songs were, they didn't exactly have 'single' potential in my opinion. 

    Really bro, I dont think it wouldve been possible for anyone to write a bigger song then Cherry Pie

  7. 16 hours ago, Glen said:

    Cherry Pie is probably the worst song on that album.

    It's almost embarrassing that the average non rock follower only knows this band for that one song. 

    I know Jani Lane agreed with you, Ive been watching reaction videos on youtube of cherry pie, so I decided to see if any other videos had been reacted to, there was one Down Boys reaction, even he said he'd never heard another song by Warrant and hoped it would be as good as Cherry Pie, it's used in tittie clubs, that's where a lot of them younger ones know it from, lol

  8. 3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    One thing we can all agree on is that this album is one of the greats.

    Oh I can def agree with that, I will go as far as to say DRFSR can very well go in that conversation, hey Dusty, wanna hear a funny story that just happened? my little nephew gets on my laptop and puts music on his phone, he's 9, tonight when his dad showed up to get him he had his headphones in, and he was singing, pretty loud cause his music was up loud, guess what this little fucker had put on his phone? he was singing Stranger Then Paradise, I lost my shit, he doesnt usually put stuff from my collection on his phone, not rock anyways, I said dude, what the fuck, he said he liked the name of the album, LOL, screwed blued and tattooed, I had to tell someone who understood how funny this was, thats gotta be people who know what the fuck im talking about.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Good stuff...I have their self-titled release but it did not make an impression on me.....I do like those 2 songs though....

    Yeah I just barely heard them, my friend handed these 2 discs to me and guaranteed I'd like them, which is a stiff thing to guarantee, as I really don't like a whole lot, but he knows me so I trusted him, and what do you know, Impact started and I had to crank that shit up, I haven't made it through the entire Even Angels Fail disc, I will today, but every song on Impact truly made an impact.

  10. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Excellent release...one of those bands that you wish had a long career....

    Whenever I think about that, some albums you just know they are so good that really there's no way they could've out done it, Blue Tears I consider that way, as is Zero,

  11. 5 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    100% agree about "Bed of Roses" and "Mr. Rainmaker". I absolutely love those tracks.

    100% disagree about the ballads. 

    "and I didn't need to see his face... I saw yours" is one of the best lines ever written.

    Well I think it's a little to good, it's not really a situation I like to draw memories of, funny fact when I saw Warrant in 2000, b4 they played that song Jani says, "I wrote this one heartbroken and highly intoxicated and to this day I still hate that fucking cunt" LOL, I saw them with LA Guns and Ratt, LA Guns made a joke of themselves, Phil was so fucking drunk he fell off the stage, had to start EZ Come Sleazy Go over 3 times cause he kept forgetting the words, Tracii was physically angry, he even spit at Phil, and Warrant blew both bands out of the park, Jani was probably the 2nd greatest showman I ever saw live in my life, 2nd only to Edguys Tobias Sammet, I never did see DLR live sadly.

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  12. 1 hour ago, The Rocker said:

    Mr Rainmaker is my favorite Warrant song. If(and it should have been)it was released as a single it could/should have done well.

    Well that's what I thought but apparently it's only a mediocre or average song, I always dug it, thought it was a different dynamic for the album, it's more of a serious feel, with an outstanding chorus, I think ode to tipper gore was the pinnacle of Warrants song writing ability's, should've been the 1st single

  13. 2 hours ago, Doggy said:

    You right the band and guitarist slipped under. Especially we're listening to Europe,  Bon Jovi alike

    The guitarist played in Paganini before joining Zero , he done some solo albums.

    Are you speaking of the violinist or the band that did Weapon Of Love? cause that's the only thing Ive ever heard from that band, and it doesn't sound like his style of guitar, and well the violinist is dead.

  14. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Sweet christ, mate. To each their own so I won't dwell on it, but I assume you connect with it on a lyrical level and were/are going through something relative to the song so it holds a special meaning for that reason, and in that case that's totally cool and your point is well regarded by me. 

    But I have to say, cob, as a song, it's fucking terrible, lol. No wonder I couldn't remember it, even though I must have played 'Strength' a million times. 

    Hey G-Off, can I ax you a quesion? you often use the term "cob" and I'm extremely interested to know if there's an insulting word im not familiar with, as this would really bring my spirits into good form, finding out a new insulting word.

  15. 5 hours ago, CureTheSane said:







    100% passionately disagree with everything you said

    Bed of Roses and Mr Rainmaker are average songs and would have done nothing if released as singles first.

    I Saw Red and Blind Faith are killer songs and did exactly what they should have done.

    WHAT??? you disagree? that must really sting, and look you endeared Nolan, I think you guys are ganging up on me, you guys must be white supremacists, im going to call for the cancel of Cherry Pie, white supremacists listen to Warrant, unbelievable. Xenophobia is a serious issue, and I bet Warrant agrees.

    • Haha 1
  16. I don't like bluesy rock, every once in awhile I will find a band who gets it right, and does it with just the right amount of blues, but mostly there's to much blues, not enough rock, Ive been listening to this for awhile now, and I fucking like these guys, this disc is unique, it's got like a dark feeling to it, like a weird tone, I don't remember who on here said it, but they do kind of remind me of Cry Of Love, in some places anyways, I notice theres really nothing about it anywhere on the internet, including any of the songs off the full release, just 4 songs off the EP, so I uploaded a few songs, maybe one of you may like it?





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