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Posts posted by Leykis101

  1. Just cause it's so damn entertaining, Mr. Roxas finished his 6 months in Facebook jail and was reinstated the day before xmas, he's now suspended for 7 days again, I tried to post the screenshot but all my space is used up so I cant post anymore pics, but if you want to see just go to FB and look, the hilarious thing about it is he cant post, but he can still text, so he is posting shit by way of text, this dudes a fucking riot.

  2. 7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    1.Dog Eat Dog

    2.Cherry Pie


    Everything else they did was very forgettable .....

    Yeah Im gonna have to agree with this, although I think Cherry Pie over all has better songs, but DED was much heavier, and I think that made me enjoy it more,

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

    In the sticks was almost as weak as 32 pennies. Don't mind either of them but they were fairly weak songs compared to their best. Ridin high and Cold sweat aren't that amazing either. All the other songs though I loved.


    You just eliminated half the album as "weak", that's like 1 complete side, I just finished listening to it from start to finish, I didnt care for the title track, or the ballads, ridin high was filler, now that I think about it, maybe it wasnt a mind blowing debut, maybe the fact it had Down Boys on it sugar coated my feelings for it, Cherry Pie is a far superior album, I'm not afraid to update my feelings on it, Down Boys is still the best song they ever did, IMO, of course only exceeded by the legendary Ode To Tipper Gore

  4. 2 hours ago, Jacob M. said:

    We need more Hispanic girls in this thread.

    I dont care what they are if they got nice titties im game, what does dude say in Steel Panthers song? The Darkness singer, I dont care if she's a trailor hoe but she's got me freakin out

  5. 2 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    I'm guessing they'd cost a fortune.

    Nanotechnology isn't cheap.

    No it's actually expensive, and incredibly vital they are made well, Irish/Japanese is a line most makers wont even acknowledge, thank god for them Japs, they understand how it is to be so small the girl begs for your fingers back

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    ... in a dry county.


    Not as on point as yours from the same album, but I'll stand by it.

    it has to be from the same album, cause the whole instigating line was the 7800 Fahrenheit response, the rule book states that if thats the instigating remark all following remarks have to encompass the working titles from that album, until at which time the album titles are exhausted, then it is open to only titles from that artist, you need to go check your rule book Dusty, you seem to not be studying, like you use to know the rules backwards and forwards, whats going on? did you make that leap to the left? now rules dont effect you, im going to call a special investigation into this, the rules are way to vital to pay loosely with

  7. 7 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    I stand with #2!! Tracking down that album now. 

    Fishbone is defintely not my thing. And I ain't down with downset.

    So what's it going to take to get those Soul tunes? Cry Of Love was one of my favorite bands and they sound similar. I'll let you fuck G-Off.

    IDK russ, you like RATM over Downset, for no apparent reason, dude Downset or mexicans, from East LA and South Central, dont you hear what he says about your boy on that verse??


    Im comin straight from that LA concrete, true blue motherfucker about 4 generations deep

    but who's the real motherfucker though, and what does that fake know about motherfuckin South Central

    fool what you know about a set or a sign, fake motherfucker never even seen a nine

    when I catch you slippen punk im gonna fade ya cause I aint down wit no getto perpetrators


    he said that to your boy Russ, and Zack was so scared he never even made a response song, which made him look like the biggest and most fake queer in the history of queers pretending to be shit their not, even Bondz from Stuck Mojo started talking shit to Zack for not at least sticking up for himself after that, because Zack knew he was busted be the poser that he is, and there was nothing he could say back, plus Downset are way heavier, they are more hardcore then rap metal.


    I dont care bro, you dont have to do anything to get the Soul tracks, I just dont know how to send them to you, any ideas? if I gotta put them all on Youtube it's gonna take a second but I will unless you have somewhere to send them, maybe i'll just post it as one file.

  8. 6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Get the large size so that it fits down to your shoulders....

    Obviously your not on G-Offs Patreon and VIP fan list, or you'd know I have to order my rubbers special out of Japan, they are a special order

  9. Fuck, now it's been confirmed, I have the first case of genital corona simplex 1, the chinese noodle plugger, it aint no fun, remember wear a rubber at all times!! anytime you leave your house, get that rubber on.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

    #1 - Horrible

    #2 - Pretty cool 

    #3 - RATM copycats

    No actually Downset are the real deal, in that song they are talking to Zach DeLarocha, that's who the whole 2nd verse is about, listen again, they are from south central los angeles and they hate RATM, they are really what RATM pretend to be.

  11. On 12/26/2021 at 10:52 AM, AlphaMale said:

    Trying to get a copy. Sent a message to Kevin Roentgen. 

    Thats what I did too, nobodys ever responded, I ended up just having my step dad burn me a copy, dude ive never even seen that full length anywhere on the internet, and Ive looked high and low, none of the songs or anything are anywhere, only those songs that are from the EP, and that EP is the only  thing I can find any info about, it's got a song the full length doesnt have on it called Bad News, I was tricked out by my step dad, cause I saw 2 Soul discs sitting next to each other, same covers, same side card with the same writing, I seriously just thought he had 2 of the same disc, it wasnt until I went back over slick talking him into selling me one of them that he brought to my attention their not the same disc, ones a 5 song EP, the other is a full length disc, 4 of the songs on the EP are on the full length, but the fact they are the exact same in appearance is kind of odd, and the fact theres no record of the full length anywhere on the internet is odd as well, only the songs on my YT channel are the only songs anywhere, if HH posts my submission on the full length, it will be the official first and only thing I can find anywhere about it, that includes asking Kevin and Tristan Greth, neither responded to me, so fuck it, i'll just be cool with my CDR, since I dont think theres a chance in fuck i'll ever get the full length, and probably just as close i'll get the EP

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