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Everything posted by Leykis101

  1. Fuck no i never even heard of it, what channel did it show on? that sounds like a bad motherfucker, did it release on DVD?
  2. My best friend who was a medic for a scout\sniper team in mousal iraq, was just found with a bullet in his head, sitting in his car, on the army base in texas, the bullets came from outside the car, he got out of the army in 2 1\2 weeks, wtf? he had endured horrors in iraq you couldnt even begin to imagine, so horrific he spent the last 4 months in intensive therapy, he survived iraq long enough to get home and get murdered? sorry guys, I just dont comprehend, maybe you can for me?
  3. Sarcasm fail. What you seem to fail to grasp is that it's not so much what you are saying that repeatedly gets you in trouble, but rather HOW you choose to express yourself. And lest you think that I have a beef with you, it's only when I've gotten multiple complaints from other members and/or moderators that action has been taken. Obligatory on-topic content: This weekend will be a tougher test, as I think that NY has a better defense than Washington does. One game doth not a career make, no matter how exciting that one game was to watch. Vick needs to perform consistently for the remainder of the season before conclusions can be drawn. Some of the media claims for Vick as MVP and that the Eagles are now going to the Super Bowl are WAY over the top. Let's see what happens... this might have been a single game fluke. -Dan Dan, that was not a shot at you, I don't take shot's at anybody on HH! and if you scan my posts you'll see the most Ive ever got into it with anyone it was with Jacob, and that was a long time ago, I was merely telling Clutch to search through my Vick posts, and he will find my hatred of Vick stems so deep that I shot my mouth off so willingly and honestly, that I was warned, then even after being warned, couldn't help myself taking it to the point, that I was almost banned, I hate him, have criticized, him and gone on to explain he's your stereotypical example of you can take the n*$%!r out of the geto, but you cant take the geto out of the ni#&er! so Dan, I don't believe for a second you have a beef with me at all, you've actually been very patient and lenient with me, when I feel adamant and passionately about shit, I sometimes let my ass overload my mouth, and say some things that might not be to everyone else's liking, you've totally misunderstood my post, and I apologize if it seemed I was taking a shot at you!
  5. Thats fucking terrible, and a pesky illness, best wishes Jim, give me a call when you get out, It's been over a fucking year since we talked, and thats to long!
  6. Agreed, but he's become a dangerous QB, search prior Vick posts and you'll see I almost got banned for expressing my feelings about this waste of skin!!
  7. Ive always critizized dog killer, because I figured why play a rb at qb, but it seems Vick has been touched by some kind of IQ bug, he has figured out the Steve Young philosiphy, that if he works on his accuracy, timing, form, learns how to make reads on the Defense, check off coverage problems, spot blitzes, etc. and develops himself as an all around QB, and not just a freak show that takes off running all the time, he can be far more effective, and I have to humbaly say, opposing teams are in alot of trouble, because what he's done is become the most dangerous player in the nfl,
  8. That Man Bites Dog was a great film! That list was/is completely irrelevent. Granted the originally I Spit On Your Grave was quite good and consider when it came out too. Hostel was just weak, weak, weak. I am surprised that in any "violent" movie list that A Bronx Tale or American History X doesn't make it. A Bronx Tale has one of the longest and most brutal gang/bat beating I've seen and that scene in American History X were Norton smashes that kids face on the curb...Granted these films aren't nonestop violence and gore throughout, but? There was a couple of negative budget movies made back in the 90's called Video Violence that were pretty brutal with lots of shlock too. Man Bites Dog is a classic, and any of you that havent seen it, are really depriving yourselfs, it's really a comedy, it's about some college video students that follow around a serial killer on his daily rounds, like a reality show, by the end of the movie your so immune to violence your rooting for this killer, he's even got the camera crew helping him dispose of body's, it's fucking original, and very well made, it's also in french I believe!
  9. You guys, High Tension is almost an EXACT!!! rip off of a made for cable movie called Intensity, starring one of my favorite actors John McGuinlly(doctor from Scrubs) seriously, check it out, Cannibal Holocaust is a very brutal movie, all the animal killing in it is genuine! even the ripping apart of the sea turtle, im telling you guys, if you want killer violence, I wouldn't lead you astray, check out the movies Ive listed, here are some more, Visitor Q(horrible Japanese movie about a dysfunctional family who treat each other as nothing more then sex and killing toys) Philosophy of a Knife - Perhaps the most horrendous movie ever made, as it is 100% true, covering the torture carried out by the Japanese Unit 731. BE FUCKING WARE IF YOU ATTEMPT WATCHING THIS!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! August Underground's Mordum- If you make it through these, 300, Passion of The Christ, and Robocop will be like comedy's to you! this is the real deal, have fun, don't say I didn't warn you!!!
  10. Well here I go........ (and these are not secret, nor have I been in an agonizing silence over them) AC\DC, AEROSMITH AND METALLICA!! I wont even waste my finger muscle energy on the disgusting talentless top 40 sellout bitches, who's only contribution to music would be an actual live video where someone would kidnap them and "KILL THEM ALL"! but Aerosmith and AC\DC, Joe perry is about the most mediocre guitarist Ive ever heard be hailed as a "god" Ive never heard one riff that he's played that's made me even think "oh now that's fucking average at best" and I don't hate their music, they are just average and Ive never understood the "legends" moniker? I mean even CC Deville at least comes up with a catchy riff once in awhile, and AC\DC have some alright songs here and their, but in general they play the same few songs a hundred times through dozens of albums, and merely change the lyrics for the songs, or that's what my ears hear! go ahead boys, slam away!! im waiting.
  11. Thats a gay list, Battle Royal is an exellent movie, all the japanese movies are great, you want some violent ones, Man Bites Dog Irreversable Audition Itchie The Killer try those out
  12. My vote went to Part 6! this is bad, but me and my best friend Travis, saw Part 6 in the 3rd grade,I wasn't aloud to watch an of them, so I had to sneak to watch them, but we used to role play the movie on his trampoline, in his back yard, taking turns laying down(in the grave) then lightning resurrecting us, climbing out of the grave, sticking our hand through the others stomach(to rip out our guts) and from there it was a true reenactment of each scene of murder to the end of the movie, Part 6 just had that something, that set it apart from the by the book formula FT13th had followed in nauseating fashion! it's to this day my fave, and I voted for worst was the remake, I wont even wast my time or money watching it, I just know Hollywood couldn't remake a 4 minute short subject, they should be bound and shot for what they do to movies they remake, so my blind vote for worst is the remake Ive never seen to hate!
  13. Awsome group, the debut totally sucked cock the first time I heard it, now it's among my favorite prog discs EVER!! they just dont jump out at you on first listen, but when you really peel back the skin of them, they are as talented as just about anyone recording today.
  14. Its in my direct knowledge(some of you know how I have this knowledge, others dont!) that music tracks being added to a motion picture, after copyrights and royaltys are arbitrated, must be completed, mastered, and arrive sealed and unopened in their master form, to the audio\sound department of the licensed production company, in their entirety, where they are most often, remixed, cut up, and\or striped of a vocal track, to give an all instrumental mix in which if it's a song that plays a big part in a movie(Ala Blazing Saddles)can be used as background, opening credits, and\or closing credits music, I would have to say if the Galactic Cowboys set up, rehearsed, then tracked a song from middle chorus, into middle of verse 2, then mixed it and were done, I would take my fist, spit on it twice, then stick it up my ass, a whole song was almost 99.9% surely done for the part, it was just remixed into a small segment out of the complete track! I just made all that up, sounds pretty authentic, doesnt it?
  15. Why cant you watch it? it's on nationally, and probably internationally, did anyone catch a couple weeks ago when Sammy Hagar was on? ive noticed hes becoming a regular, he is pretty funny, and when Michael Anthony was on there with him, I almost wondered if outside of completely bombed drunk, they might have been a little blazed??
  16. Well this must be some anti Cody conspiracy and there must be an investigation into this nonsense. I'm not sure who monitors these types of things but they will not get a raise next time there's a performance review. LOL. Finally my fans have spoken! this travesty must not go unpunished, I will see to it the originators of this conspiracy are brought to HH Central and they will meet their doom!
  17. LOL, theres no way in hell id throw a bash and not invite you guys all first, actually, id post here before i posted on FB, I was being a smart ass cause my birthday never got the recognition, it deserved!! LOL, just me being a fucking dumb ass, you guys know that, Im just an asshole by nature, c\ya!
  18. How can we organize a campaign to break the total online record of 187 set way back in 04? can we do this? can we get 188, cause we all know what da fuk 187 be bringing and shit! i aint down wit da 187
  19. He kind of outdid himself with Twist Of Cain, song fucking rocked! outside of that take it or leave it!
  20. Id like to thank everyone of you guys that came out to my birthday bash, it was killer meeting many of you that I've spoken and debated with for many years on HH, finally putting a face to the screen name, it was a great time, and it was fun, so thanks again! I know many of you came in from different cuntrys and it was my pleasure having you over, lets do it again next year, see ya!
  21. Oh Yes here is the linkage!! CMT Swift & Leppard
  22. Jesus! they better start doing a senior citizen report on the Vikings local radio and tv show, man maybe they can call Steve Deberg and see if he's interested in a back up QB job??
  23. If you originally got them from me, (seeing I had to go through the entire concert and stream record each song) then you can just go to the direct load site(or whatever it's called) that I uploaded the album to, if you originally got it from somewhere else, then you can download them from the site I uploaded them to, now DOES ANYONE HAVE THE LINK HANDY? ISN'T IT IN THIS THREAD SOMEWHERE? IF NOT THEN I'LL FIND IT AND POST IT TOMORROW, GOTTA GO RIGHT NOW!
  24. I'm incredibly sorry to all of you that received penis enlargement spam from me the past couple of days, I was straight hacked, and I know who did it, and they are unaware that they are about to receive the largest most unapologetic WORM!! their computer has ever received! followed by 2 Trojan Horses that will not even be detected until it's 2 late, so my apologies to you all, especially you Widda, seeing you received 2 emails!
  25. They should have Gary Busey play the cleaner guy, lol
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