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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. You beat me to it. The Rertospective Records website itself says the following; "..........no more trying to outbid someone else on EBAY for the rare and collectable hard rock titles you want in your collection." $50 for the Friction release is way too pricey. Sure, it used to go for over $500 on Ebay. However, to give it a 'legitimate' release and slug the very listeners it's supposed to cater to $50 a pop smacks of mere profiteering. How can this price be justified, given that the cost to produce this disc would be the same as any other release in their catalog? Get it out there at a decent price, and you'll get a lot more people buying it (and get yourself some good PR in the process). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with you. I don't like the way he does this either. But, because he does do it this way certainly does NOT mean that it is not legitimate. And that's been my point to those who keep saying they're bootlegs.
  2. Like I've said before, I don't agree with everything Sam is doing with Retrospect, but there is no denying that he has many legitimate bands on his roster and with all of the negativeness that comes form someone like Koogles, T-Bone, yourself and a few others it affects the bands just as much as it affects Sam. About the bands on Retrospect's roster and their legitmacy: Heartless is easily contacted. So if this reissue was not legit, we'd probably hear from them. In fact, I'm sure that many of you already know how to get ahold of them. Alyze has been contacted by people from this board and they've confirmed their reissue and release of their EP is legit. The Bad Angels disc has 2 bonus tracks added to this release. If someone were just booting it...why would they go through the trouble of adding those two songs?? Red China Blue has a website and can be contacted easily. Ask them if their release is legit. I've already check it out....and it is..... And the list goes on. These people are not so difficult to find. And a majority of them are psyched to have their material put out there....again. Is Retrospect going to be required to provide proof of EVERY release it puts out before people will bellieve it?? Did people get this bent about Metal Mayhem...or Perris whent they did this??? Did they have to provide proof to anyone??? Seems Retrospect is being held to a higher standard..... Maybe Sam will have to have some of these people provide personal posts...and/or emails to this website...or some public forum to verify what's going on at Retrospect. Maybe phone calls.....something.....because it is so rediculous to see the constant allegations without any proof whatsoever.... The bottom line is...that You all are allowed have your own opinions on these releases. But I personally think you are depriving yourself of some kickass music. But that's your decisions to make............... Keep Rockin'
  3. The sad part about the rantings of those that are so vehemently opposed to Retrospect is that actual bands could be..and probably are...affected by all of the negative press. And that is something that I thought you guys were so against. Like I've said before, I don't agree with everything Sam is doing with Retrospect, but there is no denying that he has many legitimate bands on his roster and with all of the negativeness that comes form someone like Koogles, etc. it affects the bands just as much as it affects Sam. The thing that most don't know is that Koogles apparently fires off random emails to Sam antagonizing him....totally unprovoked...probably in hopes of getting Sam to 'go off' so that he can post it in a public forum somewhere to help Koogles cause...or to embarrass Sam further because he knows how Sam will respond. People don't see the whole picture sometimes..... About the bands on Retrospect's roster and their legitmacy: Heartless is easily contacted. So if this reissue was not legit, we'd probably hear from them. Alyze has been contacted by people and they've confirmed their reissue and release of their EP is legit. The Bad Angels disc has 2 bonus tracks added to this release. If someone were just booting it...why would they go through the trouble of adding those two songs?? Red China Blue has a website and can be contacted easily. Ask them if their release is legit. I've already check it out....and it is..... And the list goes on. These people are not so difficult to find. And a majority of them are psyched to have their material put out there....again. Is Retrospect going to be required to provide proof of EVERY release it puts out before people will bellieve it?? Did people get this bent about Metal Mayhem...or Perris whent they did this??? Did they have to provide proof to anyone??? Seems Retrospect is being held to a higher standard..... Maybe Sam will have to have some of these people provide personal posts...and/or emails to this website...or some public forum to verify what's going on at Retrospect. Maybe phone calls.....something.....because it is so rediculous to see the constant allegations without any proof whatsoever.... The bottom line is...that You all are allowed have your own opinions on these releases. But I personally think you are depriving yourself of some kickass music. But that's your decisions to make............... Keep Rockin'
  4. You can't print the band members names right now???? Is this supposed to be some sort of 'super' secret??? hahaha Uhhh..ok...then I will...... Billy Ian Bryan Allen Gary Smith Jim Michaels Jeff Field How about this....their management company was Rockworks...and the phone number was 413.525.7351. Ask for Holly Thrasher Of course the names and numbers have changed to protect the innocent.... Or maybe contact their legal representation: Allen H. Arrow Esq @ Arrow Edelstein & Laird Like there's some big fuckin' reason to keep that secret??? Puhleeeze......
  5. *taps microphone*..."Is this thing on??".... That album was never released on cd.............
  6. Before this album,one cd refused to leave my player ::: JLP,Elegant Machinery :: Yesterday Man is one of the best cds I've heard in years.Blinding !!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is Wot!!! Love that album!!! I am so glad you're enjoying those discs!!!
  7. Almost bought that one at the FYE I was in yesterday. But the $18 price tag told me to get it somewhere else!! LOL Instead, I picked up the Hollywood Rocks Boxed Set....now THAT is a kickass Boxed Set!!!!!!! To stay on topic: On the way into the office today...had: Jimmy Eat World ~ "s/t" <----- damn good modern rock
  8. Never released on cd.....but......I do have an Unsigned Band CD sampler with Vice on it...along with about 6 or 7 other kickass unsigned bands!! The sampler is cool because it has a huge photo of the band Vice all glammed up in their pick with their logo at the top of the pic.....and a small ad for their single that was on the Comp.
  9. Diorama ~ "amaroid"<-----another good synthy-goth tinged disc! Those Germans are excellent synth tunemasters!!
  10. Girls Under Glass ~ "Zyklus" <-----excellent Goth-tinged tuneage
  11. Glad you're diggin' that stuff, Wot!!! Oh..to stay on topic, I listened to the new reissue of Vyper "Prepared to Strike" on the way into the office today.
  12. Shotgun Wedding ~ "If You Only Knew" ..from the guy who brought you Pretty Vacant and the Fashion Police, Dave Belanger. This is his last studio effort until he went the 80's tribute band route!! Not a bad slice o' sleazy hard rock from my Ohio compadre!
  13. Silver Tears ~ "Dirty Dogs"........this is one of those indies that very few people know about...and it's not too bad either. It has a kinda sleazy vibe to it.
  14. Misery ~ "Out of My Hands".....one of the greatest Indie bands I have ever heard. And that is NO bullshit.....
  15. Do you really think those people bidding $200 don't think it is an original? Do you truly think they are willing to pay that much money for a cdr? You may be aligned with Sam, but if you can honestly say that the bidders believe they are paying for a "reissue", then you are as screwed up as the bidders are. The language used in his description is meant to deceive. Mission accomplished! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you read the board you would know that Michael Butt....aka MButt HAS talked with Luck313 and he DOES, in fact....without a doubt, know that that was a reissue...... Please....get your facts straight before trying to get into it with me.....I'd appreciate it.... As for the Italian bidder....I have no idea what he knows...or doesn't know.... Yes....when one puts 1990/2005 it's deceiving...... Yeah...ok.....*shakes head*....I guess my nephew is a genius then.....
  16. My God....you guys will come up with any excuse......??!! My 6th grade nephew can read that description for that auction and see that it is a reissue from 2005......... Move on............
  17. OH MAN!!!!!!!!!! I second that emotion!!!!!!!!! ADD and Sloth are two of the BEST things you've turned me on to Jim!!! As for The Killers.....I've caught their video for "Mr. Brightside" many times on VIBE (is that what it's called? Hmmmm.....now I dunno...) and thought they were pretty damn cool!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So....you're saying I turned you on.................. And, yes.......Sloth Radio is for the New Wave person in ya....go here... Sloth Radio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haha......every day!!! Well.......almost. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll have to work on that to make it an every day occurrence!!!
  18. OH MAN!!!!!!!!!! I second that emotion!!!!!!!!! ADD and Sloth are two of the BEST things you've turned me on to Jim!!! As for The Killers.....I've caught their video for "Mr. Brightside" many times on VIBE (is that what it's called? Hmmmm.....now I dunno...) and thought they were pretty damn cool!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So....you're saying I turned you on.................. And, yes.......Sloth Radio is for the New Wave person in ya....go here... Sloth Radio
  19. Listening to Sloth Radio..... Now Playing: ReName ~ "Me Versus You'
  20. OR....if you REALLY want to get into any New Wave stuff...go to this website and behold the massivity of what's out there in the genre... A Different Drum
  21. 'Stang...if you dig them check out a band called The Bravery.......or Billy Corgan's new one...and believe it or not....*gulp*....Kelly Osbourne's new one. All of the aforementioned bands are purely in the 80's New Wave style.....
  22. I'll make you a cdr for $100....!!!
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