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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Excellent work. What avenues are the band taking in trying to get the album reissued?
  2. I, for one, am very happy to hear this. However, JLP or someone... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE convince Sam he has to use silver-back CD's. I simply cannot put a green or blue-backed CD in my collection. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've tried MANY times. I will say that they're not as 'bad' as you may expect. Ask Michael Butt....or Whiplash or someone who has purchased them. The disc label itself is heatsealed. It's not a sticker. Or.....just buy one and see for yourself. Or hell....ask Sam to send you one. He may just do that with the chance that you may want to buy his catalogue. I would go that route because I'm not sure if he'll go the actual silver-pressed route. The XYZ issue is silver pressed, I believe...but that's not released specifically by Retrospect.
  3. KISS came back pretty strong in 1996 after a 15 year (original member) layoff. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course, being the HUGE KISS fan that I am, I'd have to agree with ya there!!
  4. Not sure if it would be considered a 'comeback'....but for AC/DC to lay "Back in Black" on us after losing Bon, I would have to say them......... As for bands that actually DID disappear for a while...only to return, I'm guessing that maybe INXS on the back of their TV show may just do that.......
  5. As soon as you find something out on it, let me know! You have my email address...right??
  6. If he can get a hold of the band.....yeah, you just might. Mark my words..... And I'm the one he beat out on it.......
  7. It varies from release to release.....but all in all it's been quite good. Retrospect's website now has samples up for every release. As well as, if you see Vegascds auctions there are links from all of them to some song samples....
  8. Garbage ~ "Run Baby Run" <--- what a great song from a great album!!
  9. Awww...now yer jus' showin' off!!! And not even ONE mention of Kerygma Child!!
  10. Just a suggestion.... Why don't you post it here, since everyone is curious now...? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't have a pic host with which to do that. I've emailed lil' doggy the pics. If she can, she can post them with my permission!!
  11. See....now you're gonna make me check when I get home from the office!! But...from what I'm gathering, the EP was put out first, ESPECIALLY if it says 1985 *which would coincide with the particular reunion they're having*.....then "Hot Looking at You" was released some time later, I'm presuming. Maybe after most of those guys left the band and the one guy continued on with the band members I've listed...... I have a pic of the band that released "Hot Lookin' At You"...I'll scan it and email it to ya lil doggy. Send me an email at jimp66@prodigy.net so I can reply with the scan later!!
  12. I mentioned who the band members where on the album you have.
  13. Holy shit...you must have been reading my mind!! I just sent you a PM asking if you've received them or not!!! Glad you're diggin' em!!! Now Playing: Scratch ~ "s/t"
  14. Regime ~ "Straight Thru Your Heart" <---- now this is one kickass cd!! A bit of old Stryper...a bit of old Guardian.....damn excellent stuff!!!!
  15. Jaded Heart ~ "Helluva Time" <-------- damn does this thing kick some serious ass!!!!!!!! The singer reminds me of Jeff Scott Soto at times. He's a damn good singer!!
  16. I am so glad you liked them Wot!!!!!!!!! How about that ballad on Rename called "Heaven Forever"??!! THAT is one of my faves!!!
  17. That's funny........Hollywood Rocks ~ Disc 1 here. Bitch ~ "Be My Slave" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, just because he's listening to the same CD as you does not make him your bitch. I got your back JLP. On topic......still Bombay Black~Mercy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG...thanks Jay!!!! I think MJ needs her ASS beat for that little innuendo!!!!!!!
  18. But....you have time to post his emails in public forums. Now why is that, Koogs?? I know Sam's reputation....and I know how 'truthful'..or 'untruthful' he can be. I've known him for close to 10 years now. I'm not defending his character and I know he is no 'angel'..... My point of my post....and it still stands, is that you continually posting negative things about Retrospect affects, not only Sam....but the bands themselves. And I thought that you were against that? If you cared about the bands, then you would leave your 'personal' battles with Sam......as personal. That makes a bit of sense....now doesn't it??? Posting emails, etc. in a public forum where the individual in question cannot even respond to those postings is where on your list of things to do in your busy schedule??? What prompts you to do that??? What agenda...or reason would you have for doing so in a public forum??
  19. Hollywood Rocks ~ Disc 3 <----- If you can find it, I'd definitely pick this Boxed Set up!!
  20. Lindsay...I dunno...I DO think their are people who are against these things being reissued. I've heard everything from "My collection will devalue"....to people worrying that their eBay sales will take a hit....so, I do believe that there are some who are opposed to the reissues. I do agree with you, that it would definitely be more economical for Retrospect to sell their items differently. But..then again, it depends on the type of contract they have with their respective bands. Just from a cashflow standpoint alone it would benefit Retrospect....but this is his baby and he'll handle it how he wants. Remember...ultimately, the success of his sales will determine whether or not he even stays in business. And as any owner of a company will attest...the idea is to make money...but you have to stay in business to do so!!! LOL Time will tell...... Maybe you can ask BrianJ of this message board. He has recently signed with Retrospect to have his material reissued. Maybe he can shed some light onto why..or how bands are 'ok' with how Retrospect is handling sales.
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