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Bite The Bullet - Looking For Paradise

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty good,not as good as previous though...hoping for better on disc ,have it on preorder :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, but typically uninteresting current release overall, sadly. 

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    • This is good news, even better if digital album copies totally go away or streaming stops you doing this by having to own the album at least in some physical way. A return to good things of the past us always welcome
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    • I think he needs to stop talking about Priest altogether really. I do like some of what he's doing here though
    • You beat me to it.. was going to say it's a shame he didn't take her place lol.. Sorry but 88/89 they were an exciting band after which they sold out to bland albums and bland top 40 singles
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