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Japanese Editions


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Why does Japan get 'editions' with extra songs?
What makes Japan so special?
Just realised that I've never thought to find out why.

I think I remember there being a specific reason a long time ago, but I bet that's redundant now.

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I believe it is all about the price for consumers in Japan.  Since the versions made in Japan cost the consumer more than an import copy from the U.S. or Europe would, record companies issue special editions w/ bonus content as incentive to purchase those

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Valid point, things are different nowadays, but I think the cost factor of the physical releases still holds true today and the digital versions, in most cases, you will find the same track lists as those physical versions just converted to a different format

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It was always that they had to pay more for CD's than anywhere else in the world, so they got extra tracks. I was also lead to believe that the CDs themselves are actually better quality than their US/Euro counterparts.

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