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Nov. 4, 2013 - New Audio Samples Added


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Oh God, is the new Royal Hunt as cheesy and unbearable as the rest of their back catalogue?

Actually, now that I've listened through the album a few times, it's EXACTLY the same as every single other DC Cooper-era Royal Hunt album that's ever been done. Absolutely nothing different or innovative about it whatsoever. In fact, the songs are just not memorable in the least. Typical epic prog masturbation. *


In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's worse than most other RH efforts, simply because DC's voice is not aging well when it comes to his high register. When he stays in his comfortable range, it's all good, but when he tries to wail now, it frequently sounds like someone's torturing and strangling a bleating sheep.


And that's sad to say as someone who LOVED Moving Target and Paradox. They are still two of my alltime favorite CDs. But Royal Hunt has become completely predictable. Announcements of impending releases from them once got me excited, but now I just shrug.




* Based on the history of the group, I'm willing to bet the tired sameness of the material is due primarily to Andre Andersen more than other members of the band. His ego in the past has been shown to be ginormous, resulting in utter inflexibility to acknowledge anyone's creative ideas but his own.

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