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My Avatar on bottom of page


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Does anyone know why the avatar that goes at the bottom of my posts, (the one that blinked Leykis 101) would just vanish? a member of this board made it for me a long time ago, and I looked and he is not even a member anymore, he deleted his account long ago, so I have no way to get it back, and it was the most fucking awesome avatar ive ever had, anyone know why it would just go away, or how to make a new one? do any of you even know what the fuck im talking about? if you do im gonna need you to just go ahead and let me know how to make one, mmmkay, great thanks

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  • My Little Pony

Shit, I have no idea what you're talking about. I turned off all signatures and avatars years ago, 'cause it slowed down my old computer, and I never bothered turning them back on. So, I'm pretty sure I've never even seen it. That sucks, though.

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