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Cover albums - Fave

Nick C

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Cover albums, tributes whatever you want to call them (9 times out of 10 I call them shite), you know - your fave band can't be arsed doing a new album of original material so go for the crummy " let's record songs by our fave atists " option ....they use it as a cry from the heart so their regular listener "get" where they're coming from, like anyone cares what their influences are ...self obsessed twats, you have Arsebook, Twatter, Mysparsepeoplewhobotherwithusanaymore e.t.c. and all that to tell us that shite, so you really really don't need to release an album of covers which just bore the socks off fans and completely fuck up the oiginal feel. Play us your own stuff you numnuts!

But tonight I played a couple of tribute albums...which I hold my hands up on are darn good. They at least have a spark of inspiration - you know the band really has a feel and a love for the music that influenced them enough to do it justice and put some emotion into it's execution as opposed to some 55 year old twat in spandex saying "It's hip to do this" and release some half arsed collection of what has influenced them ever since they decided to put the idea in motion because


a ) Christmas is Comig

b ) We're out of ideas!


Anyway 2 albums that may not improve on the originals (or may) but the bands have a passion about the covers


Tesla - Real to Reel

Cannata - My Back Pages.


So wha're your faves?

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There are many I like with the Tesla Real to Real being something special but my fav of all time is Malmsteen's "Inspiration". So many great tunes on that one and many that I had never before when it came out back in '96 and love how he used many of his previous vocalists. "Sails of Charon", "Mistreated" and "Child in Time" are god like.

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